Wilmington News-Journal from Wilmington, Ohio (2024)

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EIGHT PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS NINETY OURTH YEAR NO 193 Scientists Zoom Into Skies in Sealed Aluminum Ball ALL APPEALS TO SUPREME COURT aces Impeachment Explains Dismissal 3 1 I acts or anners! Cloudy warmer to the wL to JL Wical Sara Giffen towards though to Grat Zep then was I 1 MONTGOMERY UNOPPOSED OR CHURCH MODERATOR Piccard hopes to explore the stratosphere from 40000 to 60000 feet above the earth and with his instruments to obtain new data on the origin of cos mic rays He plans to demon strate as well that human be ings can travel and live in such a rarefied atmosphere SIXTH POISON DEATH TRACED TO WOMAN LEBOURGET rance May 27 (A) Captain rank Hawks landed here at 6:10 win ning a bet that he could have breakfast in London luncheon in Berlin and dinner in Paris in the same day There was a big crowd on the field to greet him They called him meteor his con 1100000 Doheny SENATE TO MAP COURSE ON TAX WASHES ASHORE OTHERS SOUGHT ASKS REVERSAL CONVICTION OHIO COORT GRANTS THAYER NEW TRIAL OHIO NORTHERN DROPS 14 ACULTY MEMBERS DRIVERS DUiUY OR MO CLASSIC WITNESSES ABE CALLED BY JURY Coast Guardsmen Search Long Island Sound or Bodies Of Victims Safety Director At Akron Seeks Dismissal TROOPS PATROL SPANISH CITY MAYOR IS ASKED TO DOST POLICE CHIE PROMINENT EDUCATORS shot upward to an altitude of a thousand feet and' drifted swiftly toward the northwest KIRKLANDWINS IGHT AGAINST DEATH PENALTY VICTORY OR DEENSE MINEOLA I May The jury to try rancis Crowley for the murder of Policeman red erick Hirsch was completed short ly before noon today A short recess was taken after which the actual trial of the 100 pound "two gun" youth who was captured less than a fortnight ago when several hundred policemen besieged him in an upper Manhat tan apartment building was start TWO SLASHED IN ROW AT AKRON ACTORY ffis" speech a year ago in India to Mahatma Gandhi is given by Prof Herbert A Miller noted sociologist top as the reason why his contract at Ohio State univer sity Columbus was not renewed Dr recent words against compulsory military training for Ohio State students were used as a pretext for his dismissal he maintains President George Rightmire below has declined to comment regarding the univer action ONE KILLED LIQUOR SEIZED BY GUARDS Medical Scientists Aboard Sea ox On Pleasure Cruise Saturday YOUNGSTOWN May Dr Knox Montgomery Presi dent of Muskingum College at New Concord Ohio was without oppo sition for election as moderator of the United Presbyterian Church as delegates gathered here today'for the denomination's 73rd annual as sembly The moderator is tobe elected at thtf opening session to night 5 riendship to political benefactors is the basis of charges against Governor Henry Horton of Ten nessee above who faces impeach ment proceedings GOVERNOR GRANTS' IVE COMMUTATIONS NEW LONDON Conn May 27 (A3) One man wan 'shot two others were arrested and 300 cases of liuqor seized by a Coast Guard pa trol boat early today atfer a long chase In Long Island Sound Coast Guard headuarters reported that the seized speedboat was the Java listed as a rum runner on the Coast Guard records The wounded man said he was Harry Barber of Oradell He was suffering from scalp and head wounds The names of the other two men were not given INDIANAPOLIS May Today offered the last chance for drivers to qualify their cars for the annual 500 mile automobile race at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and a dozen or so pilots were ready to try the 10 mlIe speed test After accident in Which Joe Caccia 32 driver and Clarence Grover 23 mechanic both of Montgomery County Penn sylvania were killed when their car crashed through a retaining wall nine drivers qualified their mounts to start This brought the list of eligible to 33 Tho starting field is limited to 40 PARIS May Captain rank Hawks American speed AKRON May Charles Brown 27 was held here today as an outgrowth of a cutting affray In the offices of the Commercial Print ing and Lithographing Company here yesterday Police said he became angered when Edward Wer ner 50 general superintendent' of the company refused to permit him to visit tho company plant Werner and his son Al 29 were taken to a hospital suffering from knife wounds AKRON May Mayor Lloyd Well Indicated he would act today on safety director Charles Isbell's request that ha remove rank Boss as chief of police Isbell demanded dismissal for alleged Insubordination in their dispute concerning the re moval of Lieut Tom Lynett as head of the vice squad Chief Boss declined to comment BULLETIN VALPARAISO Ind May 27 Virgil Kirkland Gary youth convicted yesterday of assault and battery with intent to rape was sentenced today to serve one to 10 years In the In diana Reformatory at Pendle ton for the death of Arlone Braves Sheriff Burney Maxwell of Porter County arranged to take Kirklano to Pendleton at onco Judge Crumpacker told Kirk land he had been emely fortunate In many sicist and bls assistant Charles KIpfer soared away In a giant balloon today on a scientific mission into the stratosphere that eerie fringe of the earth's atmosphere never seen by man In contrast to their first at tempt last September when un favorable winds held them to the ground they made a per fect take off early this morn ing Piccard yearing a stock ing cap and a gray suit and KIpfer climbed through the porthole of their cage and at tendants screwed on an air tight cover The great bag flier hopped off today at 8:20 A (2:20 A Eastern Standard Time) from Le Bourget Airdrome on a circuit flight to London Ber lin and Paris Hawks arrived in London at 9:37 A (3:37 Eastern Standard time) for breakfast He intends to lunch in Berlin Hawks started for the German Capital at 10:15 Three hours and 15 minutes after leaving London Hawks landed in Berlin He prepared to take oft for Paris after lunch was sup in his mor made PHILADELPHIA May 27 ive Philadelphia men are dead to day and three others in hospitals as the result of an automobile crash on the Delaware River bridge The accident occurred shortly be fore midnight on the Philadelphia side when a small roadster carry ing six persons including three of the dead swerved out of its lane into the path of the second car 1 The dead are: rank Silber 34 James Willis 37 rank Latshaw 24 John ylnn 25 and Joseph MacEntee32 our or five other automobiles were directly in the rear of the two cars and their driver? were unable to stop They piled into the wreck age but not with sufficient force to cause any damage or injury CLUB PADLOCKED TOLEDO May Padlock proceedings were institute! In ed eral Court here yesterday against Sjhe Paramount Club raided by pro hibition agents Sunday night The club is in downtown Toledo supply of artifical without which a into such altitude JURY IS COMPLETED IN CROWLEY TRIAL the start several observers had said they saw the ground line foul the propeller on the outside of the gondola If so it would mean that the occu pants would be unable to regu late the heat by revolving the metal cage which might mean considerable discomfort The ball had been painted half back and half white and the propeller driven by a small electric motor was designed to enable Dr Piccard to turn either side towards the sun according to whether he wanted to absorb heat or reflect it HOLIDAY PAPER The News Journal will bapub Jlshed early Saturday morning to permit employee to enjoy 'the Memorial Day holiday Adver 'tlsera art Urged to govern thsm selves accordingly and to submit all copy for ads to bo published 'In Saturday's paper 'not later than 5 riday JACKSON May (A3) David Pickrel 82 father of Lieutenant Governor William Pickrel died at his home here early this morning following a paralytic stroke uneral services will bo held riday afternoon Increase Of License ees On Automobiles Studied BABY BEE SELLS WASHINGTON May A baby beef weighing 520 pounds brought here from Cincin nati by was sold at auc tion for 31 a pound to Bert Brown Cincinnati at the opening of the new Union Stockyards hero today CHICAGO May A sixth death in the household of Mrs Mar garet Summers accused by a Cor jury of poisoning four was brought to the attention of invest! gators today as the State prepared to ask the Indictment of the widow on four murder charges It was learned today that John A Meyers a brother of the woman died last August Jury Convicts Gary Youth Of Assault And Battery In Death Of Girl Architect Accused Of Seeking Building irm Bribe CAPTAIN HAWKS ACCLAIMED METEOR so slightly filled at the start that it looked like an elongated teardrop An hour later it was only a bright pinprick in the sky leisurely vanishing riedrichshafen as pay a visit to the pelin Its altitude estimated at 35000 feet Dr Piccard planned to drop lead ballast at this height in order to attain his goal How the men within the sealed ball were taring could only be speculated on for they had no means of signalling to earth As they shot upward at San Sebastian Under Martial Law After Killings Indianapolis Starting ield Is Limited To 40 lier Breakfasts In London Lunches In Berlin And Dines In Paris To Win Bet ADA May ourteen members of the faculty of Ohio Northern University here will be dropped after the present school year as a financial retrenchment measure It was officially announced today Speedboat With 300 Cases Of Rum Captured Investigators Seek Indictment On Murder Charges to Seven witnesses were called at the special session of the grand jury held Wednesday morning at the Court house The grand jury met for further deliberations Wed nesday afternoon The seven witnesses were Harry Snyder Johnston Harry Bat son Irvin Martha Sheriff Gus Miller and Bower lor Miss Emily County Recorder It is understood eight transcript cases were considered at the morn ing session of the grand jury What disposition was made of the cases was not revealed Seven Quizzed At Special Session Wednesday The alumnlum "basket is seven feet in diameter and car ries a oxygen journey would mean certain death The balloon the largest ever built in Germany has a diameter of 100 feet and holds 500000 cubic feet of hydrogen She contain ed only 95000 feet at the start but this was expected to ex pand to full capacity at a height of about 40000 feet WILMINGTON OHIO WEDNESDAY MAY 27 1931 COLUMBUS May The Senate was expected to map out its course today on the problems of taxing intangible wealth and in creasing license fees on autos and trucks The Tax Committee of the Upper House has reported favorably on the recommended bill for low rates on Investments deposits capital and other forms of intangibles and the first vote on the measure prob ably will come tomorrow Meanwhile the Senate Tax Com mittee studied the question of mo tor vehicle licenses to determine whether a rate schedule of 36 to 320 on passenger cars shall be rec ommended in preference to the scale of 37 to 325 as proposed by the joint legislative tax body Tho committee of the Upper House made no changes in the rates in the intangible bill wheih are two mills on bank deposits and capital five mills on other forms of capital and 5 per cent in the Income yield of investments There is some probability how ever that the House may boost the rates or even discard the intangi bles bill entirely in favor of a gen eral Income tax COLUMBUS May Ohio Penitentiary convicts were eligible for parole today by virtue of commutations granted by Govern nor Georgs White They are Ar thur and Albert Sisco airfield County John Goodin PerrvCoun ty Joo Carblcello Columbiana County and Louie Waugh Scioto County WASHINGTON May Albert all today asked the Su preme Court to reverse the Dis trict of Columbia Appeals Court decision which affirmed viction of accepting bribe from Edward wealthy oil man The former Interior Secretary in the Harding Cabinet made his plea for a review in a 10000 word pe tition He maintained the ques tions involved merited determina tion by the highest court Upon his conviction in October 1929 in the District of Columbia Supreme 'Court ofc accepting a bribe In 5 the leasing of Naval Pe troleum reserves to the Pan Amer ican Petroleum Company repre sented by Doheny all was sent enced to a imprisonment and to pay a 3100000 fine The Appeals Court affirmed the con viction last April 6 all said then from his home at Three Rivers New Mexico that because of age illness and lack of funds he would accept sentence His family and friends including Doheny: implored him to carry the case to the Supreme Court After reconsidering all instructed his attorney rank Hogan of Washington to proceed While the case is before the high court the former secretary will retain his freedom The petition attacked the valid ity of the indictment under which all was convicted on the ground that unauthorized persons were in the grand jury room when it was drafted It assailed the activities of government counsel admissibil ity of certain evidence la connec tion with all's negotiations with Harry Sinclair oil man and the trial judge's discussion of clem ency in his charge The fantastic craft rose quickly as soon as released and had reached an estimated altitude of 25000 feet in 30 minutes by Which time it could be seen that the hydro gen already was beginning to expand and round out the bag SAN SEBASTIAN Spain May 27 UP) Martial law was declared today after two persons had teen killed and seven gravely wounded in a battle between soldiers and striking fishermen Twelve persons including several women received minor wounds dur Ing the gunfire Authorities said the fishermen were reinforced by Communist agitators The encounter took place on the outskirts of San Sebastian Most of ths strikers were from the near by fishing vflage of Pasajet The situation appeared to be threatening and ths streets wars ijllwLwtjfc'sirdeJ'zparading in a campaign for a general strike Some men who had armed them selves forced their way into sev era! fac lories' and drove a fewvork men out DEATH CLAIMS ATHER LIEUT GOVERNOR 10000 Word Petition iled Asking or Review HARRIDGE NAMED CLEVELAND May 27 (A3) WIL 11am Harridge of Chicago Secre tary of the American League today yas elected Its President to suc ceed ths late Ernest Barnard who died shortly before the start the present baseball season 'RECOVER BODY SAULT STE MARIE Mich The body of James Bugg 43 of Cleveland missing tiro months was taken today from above the Weitzel lock pt St all Bugg disappeared while visiting here and posed to have had 3120 pocket at ths time A post teia examination was to be 4 1 VALPARAISO Ind May 27 Kirkland's long tight to es cape the electric chair or a life sen tence on a charge of responsibility for the death of Arlene Draves end ed successfully tor him The jury in Judge Grant Crumpacker's Court last night found him guilty not of murder but of assault and battery in an attempt to attack the girl The verdict carrying a sentence of one to 10 years imprisonment and considered by Kirkland his at torneys and his friends aa a victory for the defense will result ln a dis missal of the charges against fouf other youths Indicted with him Prosecutor Robert Estill said They are Henry Shirk Leon Stanford David Thompson and Panl Barton Kirkland Cursed By Crowd what happened to Kirk land we ought to pin a medal on the others and send them oft with a hurrah" the Prosecutor declared The 20 year old Gary Ind steel mill worker and former High School football player was elated with the outcome said the youth whose first trial last March result ed In a recommendation for life im prisonment There were some in the Court room however who curs ed him as he was led to await the formal passing of sentence by Judge Grant Crumpacker today Pandemonium marked the finish of the four weeks' trial Charles Draves father of the dead Arlene and bls four sons left the room with hardly a word but Guy Weaver fa ther of Mrs Bernice Elser a witness for the State had other ideas He sprang at Attorney Oscar Thiel chief of defense counsel with acry "You can't say things about my and struck him three times about the face Weaver then left the Court room while Thiel ob tained a warrant for bls arreet on a charge of assault and battery Jury Cut Three Hours Mrs Elser a young married wom an who attended the fatal liquor party testified that she saw her husband and Henry Shirk near a car in which Arlene lay in an un conscious condition but that she did not tell her husband or offer the girl help Thiel referred to her in cloelng arguments as "either shameless and inhuman at that fene or lying now" The jurors nearly all elderly farmers required three hours to reach their verdict guilty of as sault and battery with Intent to rape They passed over the charge of murder in commission of a rape Involving the death penalty and the charge of rape alone calling for a sentence of five to 21 years KILLED BY TRAIN OSTORIA May Luther Beatty 19 of Helen was killed last night by a Baltimore ana umo train that demolished his truck! 'm' PHONES Business Edlttrlal Office 2575 Department 2576 COACH QUITS BUCYRUS May Winters head coach at Bucyrus High School for the last four years tendered resignation Board of Education today Markets At a Glance Steady Steady to weak Weak to lower LAM Lower Higher irm 1 Steady S''5' BUTTER Steady EGGS Steady to higher BULLETIN PARTENKIRCHEN Ger many May 27 A little after 5 Professor Pic balloon emerged from the clouds shone for a moment In the sun and then was hidden from view ag iln It was es timated the craft was about 13000 feet up and drifting to ward Wettersteln on the Ba varian Tyrolese frontier By EO WERNER AUGSBURG Germany May 27 (A3) Hermetically sealed within an aluminum ball Prof August Piccard Brussels phy IVE KILLED IN UlffJAgM Three Injured In Collision Of River Bridge 0 TRUSTEES REAIRM STAND 'W 1 Decision To Drop Sociology Professor Is Unchanped 'V COLUMBUS May Ohio State University officials stood their ground today against a flurry of opposition to the dismissal of Professor Herbert A Miller from the university faculty for utteranc es before an Indian clrll disobedi ence meeting at Bombay last year In a statement last night Presi dent Rightmire and the Board of Trustees declared it saw no reason to change its decision The Board criticized Prof his Indian speech and said there had been complaints on his racial teachings The head of the sociology department Immediately replied'that his speech had nothing to do with his value as a profes sor of he said "I am a student of national life and na tions are my laboratory" Charges Personal Animosity The joint statement followed one by Dr Miller yesterday inject ing alleged personal animosities in to the case and charging in expert Board of with at tempting to the educa tional policy and thought of a great "It Isn't because of anything I have Dr Miller declared "but because the chairman of the Board of Trustees Julius Stone wanted me out regardless of my ability and wishes of the Meanwhile a proposed appeal to the American Association of Uni versity Professors is pending COLUMBUS May The Ohio Supreme Court today affirmed the Appeala Court of Stark County in ordering a new trial for Albert Thayer Pennsylvania architect on a charge of soliciting a bribe in connection with the erection of the Molly Stark Hospital Thayer was charged with solicit ing a bribe of 37500 from a build ing supply firm and was convicted in the Common Pleas CourL 'A A 7 4 Wilmington News Journal Warner Bhovren Thun Lt ASS O'CTAT PRESS A TV I 8 ER I NEW YORK May (A Eight Coast Guard cutters searched Long Island Sound today for bodies of the victims of the Sea ox pleasure sloop which apparently foundered Saturday night or Sun day morning with the loss of four men and three women The body of Mrs Marcia Sued den 25 a psychiatrist washed ashore at Darien Conn last night She was the wife of Donald Sned don New York University instruc tor and owner of the Sea ox who is one of the missing Members of the Snedden family chartered airplane at Bridgeport Conn tq assist in the search One of those believed to have been aboard the 36 foot cabin when the party set out from City Island New York Saturday was Robert Johnston 30 night club en tertainer whose wife Muriel hid former singing partner has sued Miss Adele Ryan for 3500000 fof alienation of affections Party Prominent Miss Ryan granddaughter of thd late Thomas ortune Ryan was at first reported aboard Her brother John Barry Ryan said there wad no truth to the report He said she la la Europe So far as ascertained other mem bers of the party were: Donald Snedden 28 husband ofi Mrs Snedden an Instructor at New York University former Stanford University athlete 'and Pacific Coast diving champion former In structor at Harvard the son Prof David' Snedden of Colum bla University who was formerly Commissioner of Education itfr Massachusetts Mark Coyne 28 of New York ad instructor at Riverdale country school Mrs lorence Mendenhall 28 far Robert Mendenhall 29 her hus band a statistician at Columbia! University brother of Mrs Sned den Miss Doris Dewey 31 a psycholo gist at Bellevue Hospital The Sea ox was owned by Sned den Mrs body In yachting attire and a life belt waa found floating In the Sound one mile oft Point Darien by Wil liam Allen a Stamford fisher man Mrs Davis Snedden Iden tiffed the body of her daughter in law The life preserver raised serious doubts that there had been any sur vivors Nothing found on Mrs body gave a clue as to what befell the yacht New York police airplanes searched the Sound as far as Block Island and New London Conn Coast Guard headquarters at New London dispatched boats irst news that the sloop was missing came from anxious friends who notified the New York Department Missing ream They said the tor was not working well when cruise started and a 46 mlle was blowing Whether a squ capsized the boat or whether th was an explosion in the anxlllr engine was a matter of conjectu Throws Courtroom In Uproar Youth Cursed Attorney Struck' By Irate Man OUR MEN 3 WOMEN PERISH AS SLOOP SINKS lArJBCT jHMwh Irr: HR Ute Hr 1 i 1 Hr Hl.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.