The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

vi T.yiSM 9 5 Emm pjjfiiii pa BUSINKSS CARDS. SIWKU t. th ion, importer or Wine and Liquors, waaaU sftd Retail, Ho. It and 16 Royal a treat, Kn torn. oil ly BEARD MAT, iKtiomci, A pp rawer, No I Baete'e Area a a.

He OrW. pl HBALIJ, (anrmarly M. OtMmrf Commw Merchant, No. SS luk Place, rtw OtImu. el ly AI ife 8KlflWOOU Comiaiaia forward it rdmtt, OS eravier at 3 ly fiJIS ADOLrO A reeu of th LouiaianaSteaia I RtafT, Wo Carond etraet, O.

gal St 5 fOURSINC, Co end Mareaaadi Broker, T3 Mac F1S ly ft' IfiKH. BRUNKT, emral tf04acm WML Mreha4lM liwtr, wo. wwwr www. ly mat lima trat, tmm Caaai sad Ciiiwi Bew mvlw a nui.wn ui 1 1 A niDum air, 11 1 Forwarding Mrxi ri.gT Grariar ttnM. Hew Or bat.

La dl ly jl Bred are, HaataviUe, A a. IT. A. iukn, tiw Ortmn. nUDUI SAJtDXRS, Canmaioa, Kacarrmr aita For rait llTihaato.

TaCa, H.O. 3 ly TYiL14 UWUN, Sraviar Him. CommiaaioB Harckaata. aaa Imu far tha aaja or Tiniaia halt Toaaooo, hara aow oa aaaa tka lartaat aaa Boat aa ZJtlm. aw kalbra ofaraa trada.

otT tf A. Hum. W. C. Lacy.

aJllLU uiiii Loamm arcBanta, ml roy aaatwl, Ww Orlaaoa. all ly XWII JOHNSTON. IriekabarK, MiaanaippL ftf lltliV (mil myl mdl m. SEAT (. a.

KaadaiL a. PIHH sww. r.A.BIB Wm. Too. P.

X. Maataraoo. 1 uii 1 1 TrEKSAIX, TOE CO WbolaasJo Grocara, coraar af eittianTcaoapwoaiaaaMaaia, fi. imaana. ly JilU GRAHAM, Notary Public, haTiag oaaa axpaUaa Ina km btaaCca, tba aaatractira tra of Toaaday moraine, aiaa Aroaaa, baara aatahliahaa hiainlfat Ho.

69 enmar aMM.ayataira. mas eao. W. Cknaty, AUoraay at Law. Oflca ITo.

10 Bankt't Arcada. at ctnusTT, Sanaal Samoar ganaral 19 ly ITaJls COahla Chaadlaaaaaa in. naw unaua. TT0LT8BKRXT FOWLIR, Boilar Makara, li Tcnonp aoataitraCir alia, ar aow praparad to minorac ajafTSAli BOILIRS of rrary daacri tiua, chaa a lby can aaiiraraa bar Iraa any part of tba country. Alao, Olaai.

Chrwara. Jaica Boiaa. aaa all kind a of ahaat woa ait B. PaTticalaf attantioa paid to ratai a. am JaMXS CiHROLL, Aaetioa aad Cwaaon archaat, Haiaatatraat, eaaoaOatba Poat 0ca, Moatcomary, Ala.

W. (. Oavaa A Ca A. P. Pirtar, Rbtaaoa ft Wriest, Joal BjMoatcoiaaryi Bradlay, Wilaoa ftCoLowa ft Pat tiaaaflinaih H.

Moara, Haw Orlaaaa aplO 9m apio 9m U. COFFU. (fbrmarly aaa ma Cochraa.) Madwifa. aaa arradaaaartaa madiral rantlamaa of DnbTin and nn fM Madral Board of taw city, and eaa aa racoawaadod by tba tii; imlili bidiaaand (aotlamaa ofthia city. 8ha aaa uii troal Caaia atraat to Crato atraat.

batwaaa Prynwaa ad Iwdaaatraua, ia tba raax ot tba Faaaala Orpbaa Amy mm. ap lyftlai EDWABJ) ADLD Coauaiaaioa and Forwardmjr Raftaraocaa Mjtlbiai, Baa Mat ami laanranca Cat Thorn aa A Aaaaa, Kaa. Craataat Mataal Inaaraaca Co; Maaara Brma A Ofdaa, 6 aoara) Mataal laaaraarCo; A ttrotber, 1 Baa, Laaa Paipataal lnarancaOot Bfaaara Wbit wy ft Co, Maakar ft Co, Mr Oaorf Hynaoa, Caw apis im flaarara) W. Haaitb. DaatlaL.

'ATIBa rataraad frea tba Korth. will auaad to tba prac aoa af lua arofawiiaa aa aaaal Odloa aad rwjiaaaea cor; D. 6R1KFF ft WaoWaaia Groom aad Coaunia aaa Blarthaata, Daalari in eoabaa aad Waatara Battar Aawa, aad Aasta tor Taylor Albany Ala, Porter and art Ciaar, Hoa. 38, 9 and 4S Old Laraa, and Ho. 10 Front aa.

Raw Orlaana. PS 1 Aawriaa. B. ft. Kiaraland.

W. M. Oraaowood. WIett 4c Wmmtrmy, Manlnnn, 13B Paarl atraat, Haaorar taara, Raw fan. Waa.

a. Waawa Can. 1 BTaawa. Warmnra ft ftCo. tHowlaad ft Aapiawalli Moaaa hiar, Kaa.) IX ft A.

Kraealaad ft Ca. W. W. DaPorraat ft CaiBWrarm. Daaial P.arkar, Eaa.ieardaar Corky, Bm warn, Uward Carrmctoa, Kaa.

1 rmridaoca. Wm. R. Lajaai Mil HI) Wax.W&eaftBoaafBaJtMaara. iMwwdaaTlaa arik Ca.

1 Haw OHaaaa. anal dWt' kflia, I B. A. Smith. I 8.

H. Lafiia, T. I Tnrk r. I faktflina Ma. Idiliai db Hmitfc, Manafacrarera of Gunpowder.

Wmt T. PATCH 4 CO Bala Araata for tba Sootb. THB aadaraiKaad bara accaptad tba Ataacy of tba aboro ajlakratad brand of GUNPOWDER, and iabrm tba trad al way ara praparod to CU ocdara br any quantity at tba Ta raaatatioa of (hw Powdar at tba Horth and Want baa waawuaatabbabad for many yaara. Wa ara aatbomad to it aaoal to aar niada la tba Onitad Stataa. and to ra wd laa nnat aad pay tbaaiaian oa any which may not proro bara aa band awl abnJt coratantry bo anppDad with aO taaaaiitiaa in ordinary aaa, ia pack ara ol ary ana.

a) a) tm WBL T. PATCH ft Tcboapitoalaa at. BlftrvhT NftTlwa AmetlaBaara, Bo. Matmaiaa a opnoaita Bank' Arcada A TTErTDto Bala by A action, or Prrrata Salaa of Baal Eatata Caaar id rort waraaaa'aaMa. ran J.

B. Uarrerma AwcrJaai Htare. Mo. 44 Coati atraat. ALL kaWa of aiarchadiM racarrad at hia atora aitkar for aaetioa or prirata aala.

Particawr atraatiaa will pud a 0v Door Bala of Camoaa, Bon ahold Farattara, wT IJbaral advaaeaa aaad oa arroicaaof (ooda wbaa dpoa rfa am Shlrta iftlrta Oaad Hkirt. WHOI.HXJ Nil BJ TAU. AT C. LIIGHTOifS Pint Pramiaai Shirt and Gantkaiaa'a Paraiabiar Btora, Boa. and Royal atraat.

Haw Orlaaaa wd 10 Park Plata. Raw York. all ly Hyde fe Uaadrich i BrTOTJrTCB to tbair rnaad abont to traral that tbatr omca wruw tranaartion of bainaa in HEW TORJC, win bara abwkaatHa. IB MAIDEN LAHE. Bx.

BTDE will raaida in Raw Turk frora 15th May to lBta Bmaiaii arary yaar, and win pay particular attention to or a ier Watcbaa, Jawab Bihrar War, (of wbirh ha can fur wft tba aaa at and awat daairmbla pattarna.) Ahnanyotbar Mtaia aar Iran, for which ba ba aary facility, from hia ax waawa acaaaintaaca with Blaaufactarara and hia loar aipari eaiatbabaaiaan, ariy am AdUV rMANCUICO, faw Tork aaarafrknaw ft Moora. aa Oriaana. Warnakaa ft Kirch bo S. laA. Fradanck Both ft Co.

Pra Laroy, da Chbrol ft Co. Bwaiai H. fLMwrftCo. Mrm TJoLarocba, Aratd. Pilanart ft Co.

aiaau Hath, ft Cat "3 Oar odtoa a in a brick proof Bqiidrpc ana am ROTAU PDBUC AHD COMMISSION IB Of DXIDS, For arary Btata in tba Uaioa, Na. Camp atraat, NawOrlaana. EPOfmorlB takaa. acanata prabatad. daada aad mort taraa am, aad all dacamaata of writing a'aparad and ti lt 1 I aaa and raeaad ia aar aart of tba U.

Stataa. and atbar Protaata aarocaJarry attaodad to; and af gaaarai aaaraga or partial bma, carractiy atatad aayv ly attvw a. rr BllUavrd Tablft iHaMBlaetarcrs, Ikartraa atraat, batwaaa ToaJoaaa and Be Loaa atr TITBOLESALX GROCER. WINE? ART) LIQUOR MIR I CHANT, No. Front Laraa, batwaaa CaatombraM and awiaaatiaau, baa conataatry oa hand Grocaria of ah kmda, faakn aad domaaoe Fraaa, Baift.

Broom, Bnckata, bjfwiarwaha avpply af choica Wiaaa, Brandiaa, CoMiaJa, aad Moaotahai Whiak.y, Cbampacnaa, ba patroaacaof factora, coautry marchanta, plantar, aad btripwrcr5aiaeatOfo BVAII rood waxraatad to ba cb aa rapraantad. a ly MVBBAT ft JEHNlnOB, No. IT Canal atraat Row, Im param of Winaa aad Liaaormy la atora Old Londoa wkiP. H. Dnpay ft Pioat Caatilloa BRANDIES 1 Howard March ft Co.

P. Harmony 'a, Wbara', Boath Bida Madaira and Bbarry WINES 1 Haidaiek, ZV'" otbar chaxa braad of CHAMPAGNE Winaa and Cktrati Umm, Scotch, Moaoarahata and Obi Boar WHUUT 1 UMdja Portar. Saotcb Ala, Fraita, Cordial, racacrinf eoaataatlj by lataat bnportaUona, aad for a.Wjj.aaiaTad ratail da ly Bltawea WlftTea HlatTaa. 0T1CETO MERCHANTS, PLANTERS AND OTHER. Waaad tba Star Dapot, No.

ISA Grariar atraat, I amhad af brforaaiaa my tnandaand tba pabhc ganar Tf I aa pianaiad to raoarra aairua aa eommaann for aadaavfa improraanaot to tba prtnia, I am accemmodat a birr aambar. Paraoxaharinr ilaTa fviltnd rttotbiradTntaxtopraBaaoan. Ibaraoa "raraabia lot af importad aad aechmataa naarom for rata, aM band, boaaa aarraata, ft. Paraon wwhiag Parcbaaa win 1 a adw C.F. HATCHER "I aanrrrt and aoM aa Ta BMft ar laa tar a.

awa coat aaa aiaanaa. mat aoaatry or city auaadad ta wrm prompt KEEP ahraya at tbair atora, a larga anpply or Wabnt aad Maboamny iJKard Tablaa, of Brat and aacoad haad, which bay (ail at vary low prieaa. Tbay aaa attand to arrancuic blbud baada of aB krada, aad ta rapairms aad raraiahnK arary kaf eoanactad with tbw hrranta tarn. Ia tbair atora will ba bant Bala, Caaa, ftlaa, PockaU, and arary tbia in than hia. apis am rlnwtra I ir; a ary awa eoat aaa ainanaa, tuaau m.m "tat ban of ny BAOASSC DRYING BLACHINES aay iltr aark that baa katUa chimnay af rary powarfol CVwl a wtaatad aa tba Mimiaaippi ttrar, balow Batna Zt" Raw Orwaaa ia praforrad,) tba pbmtar at tba bm mraahin witb all aaeaaaary krich work and ZTZL tba maehma work aatabvetordy.

tba plantar a mix. anul eaat (I will charga him aotbnc for Xbt af mmm) SaoaM it not work aatiafactarily tba plantar yaa aotbiac. Plaa addraaa ana at tba aaw Caatoaa H. PARIS). ir'aawl Uaajlaa Bjrmm, af Coppar, Sbaat Iraa and Tm War, Grata Stem.

a No. 4 Teheap. Raw Oriaaaa, baa aoaataatly aa aaad a ooaa aaattaMataf Tia aad Coppar War, Btaaaa aad Btora 151 tuaakiiii "rr Work aaa iHarkcts tmb iltarinc. OFFICE OF THE PICATUNX. I Taetday.

Jnna IT, 1 P.M. COTTON Tia damand ia L'mitad aad that far bara not baud of a rala of nomant. TO aCCO 30 had, fro tad and danMgad wara at 396. FLOUR 907 bb. Iowa.

damgd, war sold at auction at tt 90 and 00 Soar at S3 869 S3. CORN Sal 900 aack damazd at S8c and TOO mixed at 48. WHISKEY 100 bbw. Raw oM at Sic BAGGING AND ROPE BOO piaca and BOO coib war oM at 1 aad 100 eoOa at Sfec. RICE 60 tiarca aoM at 394c COFFEESAO bar prima old at Sc FREIGHTS NothnsBw.

EXCHANGES Damand Umitad. riCATVMB Office, Jane 17, 1851. AK1IVED. STEAMBOATS. Raw La ton, TJra, fin Bayoa San.

Brilliant, Hart, fm Bayoa Sara. Zcbo, Witbaobnry. fm Smithbrad, Ttxaa. Aaaa, Johaatoa, fra Opatnwaaa. I tb or raoDDoa.

BATOU 8 ARA Staavar Maw Latooa 87 baba cotton ftco SB hhda nrr A Darahw IS do 8 Elder ftco AS da, hr bbu molam Rally ft Coayiurham SB bbl do A Lanrar ftco do Roman ft Karaioa 30 do A ft LT 0 4 do ucar Hall lb ordnuc (tores Brand ft Adam 13 kbl pork Wm Crcery 30 paa Lararich 1 bl wcol Bonnar ft Smith nundriaa, ordar. BAYOU SARA Stunt Brilliant SO balaa cntloa to HiTI. McLaaa ftco SI do ft Tirdoa 11 doOky ft Hawk ina hhda lint Gordon Jr 93 bbu do Balcbr ftco 60 bbl momanr A For tall do Ftatiaa andrte. ordar Tota 6 balaa cotton. SMITH LAND 8tamar Echo IS balat cotton Naltoa Stco 19 bid Starnon.

DMrratt ftco anadria. ordar. OPELOUSS Staamar.Anna 4 bl cotton Gonrda'a ft Rair 8 do rooaa A Bull aljo do wolL I hhd hair, t9 rol aathar, bx mdx. IB bidt Btaacbiar 63 do A Daamar ft Son 11 do Balloon nndria. ordar.

Nciu Cmbvtxii0tmtnts. kf rurlli'nti I i boat ST. CHARLES Marea tba Naw Canal aa atnal at 9 o'clock, and tha Pnatchartraia Railroad oa arrival at tba Lai of th 10 o'clock car on WEDNESDAY MORNING, tba 18th tant. J1T EM Pempaaa. PINE lot of POMPANu To Day aad To Moi row, at DAN HICEOK'S JalT PampaMo Ptmpsss.

a ra nan lot racTt at tba Laka and of tb Poutcbartiain Railroad, by J1T If LOUIS BODDRO. FOR ST. LOUIS TbaSnahrbt dranrhtami (aat ninaing paaaanfar tmar PAWNEE. mar tar i now ia nort and will iui uui, ai imm wirinaaiaia lanaiDjra on VI DAY, tba 90th inst at 6 o'clock P. For fraicbt or paaga, haring anparior jceommodatona, appry oa board or to KENNETT, D1X ft Tehoapitoala J1T WHITE ft BUCHANAN, 16 Poydraa at.

Notice Cat tan Faetara. TBE anbacribrr kp conatantly on hand a larga (apply of thobaatEASr INDIA BAGGING, waighing i pound to tb yard, and 46 iacbaa wida JalT It P. POURSIMg.Brokar.Tl Maraaina at. Ta Heat. A LOT OF GROUND aaitabl for a coal yard and to kaap a dxpotof Mod, brick Ac.

Tb lot i itatd in tb Third Municipality batwaaa Loaiaa and Clonal trta and maaanraa TO feat front on Lara atraat, by a depth of 328 I eat, and 70 feat front oa Moraaa atrt i alao, tb right of irging aad on tlia battar, wham baa aboat tCO faat front to tba rirer. For aala oa th aaid lot, 300 or 400 cart load of rirr aaud Apply JalT SI S6 ta L. ft A. LEBEAU, 63 Exchang Allay. Keward.

ATX STRAYED ma tba Slablae of tba nbacribara on Jta alatba eranmjc of tba Bib iaeUnt, oa roan Horae, about ia hand high, king Bun and tail, whit for feat, and a whif atar oa tba fonband. Alao one bay Mala, about 13 hand high, lone mane and tail, and black for fee. Aay aoa returning the abor at tba a tor oi anbaciibtr, or it rug anch informntion a may kad to tbair diacorary, aba'l re aire tba abor reward. FERGUSON ft O'DOWD, JelT St at Tcboapitoula at. Two Talaable SarTaata Far Hale.

ATERT perior Cook, Vahr, Ironer and Child Nan aad Hence Sarraat. Alao a Nagrare, about 16 yaara of age, a tolerable Saaawtr, ia aecoatomed to work ia tb hou and tb care of child ran. Th owner of the abor aetranta i going to tha North and ha no further aa far them. Inquire at tha offic. Jel7 It Saw Bathing; Cape May, N.

J. CONGRESS HALL now opn for tha raceptioa a Tie to ra. Tb proprartor, thank ful for tb liberal natoa bar to lore racarrad. would reapeetfuUr o'icit tboa intnding riait tha pepnlar bathing place the preaant a on, to mak bia hou a tbair horn. Hi arrangamant and ac comKodation trasta, will mora satiafactory to cuatomar than aay wkicb bar heretofore beea provided upon th lahtod.

Th nnrribr has takan pain to (rocure good and attentive colored Mrvanta, under tb conviction tbnttLy ar beet euitd to tb cuatoine and wanta of a majority of tha enjomr at tbia pbrc. fJlT B. Ml LI. EH. Ltedi' KsaaSry, New Orloana.

THX andaraigned ar prepared to fnratah vertical and aori aontal Steam Engine, Sugar Miile, Vacuum Pan, Sugar Kxttl, ClariSar, Piker, taam aad bona power Draininr Macbinaa, Saw Mil la. Gin Gearing, Iron Comma and Front for Baling, Furnace Mouth, Grata Bara, ate, and all Ma cbiaary rvauarad in th South. Tbay respectfully call tba par ticubv attention of the plantar of Lottieian acd the adiomin tatae to their style of STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR MILLS VACUUM PANS and DRAINING WHEELS, which, to. trangtb, doiability and coavaaianca, nave not bn xclld. Fl tm LEEDS ft CO.

BellenaTd'a Uatel, Bay 8t. L.obIb. fmh Mr. Widow JEAM BELLOUARD baa tbahoaor to I I iaform her fnenda and th public generally that having JmrnJmmadm ktrga improvement and addition to tbt hotat, ah eaa aecomniodata a larger number af boarder tbia year. She hapee.

by bar ceo teat exertioa to satisfy her customer, to maialain the patronage which ha been beatoned oa bar es Ubli.bment JS Far Hale. A TZRT DESIRABLE SUMMER RESIDENCE, at Quax villa. Bay St Louis, ia a pleasant Icoetion. Tb house i hrge, aaa ha all the eonvaaienca for a ktrga family, with all tb aaeaaaary aut buMinge, anch as carriage boo, stable, cbickaa hou and summer bau alao a fine wharf and bath hou. Tb boo i furniehnd througboat.

Tb wbole will low. For fartber pertKmlere apply to E. W. ROW), or mlS tf JOHN HALL, 1 Front Lev, aa tir. Prsgs.

Medlclaea. FerfMsnary. tVe Iba ancribr aaa juat received, from te bast mar 4'kt. Irgant aawortment of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, I PERFUMERY, which, with every article ia bla I line of huainaas, ha oBera to plan tare, nhyatciaas and aaa lamjlin at tow pricee. guaranteeing all freah and goa ina.

THOS. RAfiKIN, Drut and poticary, my7 fim corner of Camp and roydre at. Bar" Physician prr ription crfnlly compound l. The Lrftat thaaea. TENRXK ft MILLAR, the celebrated American Penman, I would moat respectfully announce to tha inhabitant of Naw Orlaaaa that tbay wtu receive papua uun toia wa ouiy.

Pereona who wish to leara to write a beautiful, rapid aad bui i.i. 1 .1 1 In tn Ui. iMtkaiik. flui i mn. tied.

Rernember, if you do not improv you can racaira yoar money back. SeTT Room ia Armor Hall. BaT Trm for th puree Tea Dollar. J8 tf INDIGO 10 caraoaa Caracas STARCH BOO box, asaortad brands ACKEKEL Sot! pacaages, varum uumaer aoa ana TEAS "0 pkg. aortd.

Imperial, Ganpowder, rou cnongnnd loangnyeoat MAILS JO0 keg, asaortad eiaea, from 4d to BTd CANDLES 4BO box Sperm, Star and Mould COFFEE 1800 sacka Ra aad arena And a general assortment of Grocaria, for eat by jrg im DTAS ft CO 43 sad 43 Nw Lev. East PaacaceMla Batel afavh Tha adenignad have takan, oa a Was for three Unl.l Tut Haa. Bei 1 ap iODV owned and kept by Mr. J. McRa.

It wUI ba opened for th raceptioa of company oa tba )0th June. The place wfamee a one oi tn. awe ugauw the Gulf. It opea ta a braese ba tha anaat bathing, i i .11 nul. nf i i inn dairahl in a am mar raeort.

Tba Hotel ia undergoing thorough main, aad wi II fiaibd ia complet sty I. Tb xtniv garden ia admirable order. Tb fare will be the best that caa be obtained at aay of th market, and th undersigned flttr thamlv that their experience ia the bast bote's ia Naw Orleana, tb St. Char lee and tb St. Loaie, ar aa amnranc that aotbinf will ba wanted lor th.

aomfort of I u. BOYD ft SIMPSON. RaJ. n.tlam. Lately occupied by Mr.

BhaU) Caal atraat, N. O. JUh Tam. V. E.

BROWnT baring thoroughly reooratad I 3 above boos, inlorma her frianda and tba public that AaaaVahe hi now prapared to fumiah any accommodatioa that in a atvla aurnaaaad br Bona. Mr. lanaa can procure, an in a tyia lattara hereof that th locality, aaaquajlad by "yotbat cdy.andtb room, which ar easy of vntllatio and af abundant bght, wiO conetitut a motive for towing oa B. Battara brlf teat tn tocanty, anaqui aaniiiaii, it ar a uirel ebara of Ponaa. I daawa.

Sgllaawl. j. mm i. mm. Mtveet wis ba anaaed lor a the rcptio of boardare oa th S6ta of May.

Dahoc the iprmfmaay addrtkm. ttJLmmmil mad, to aur a irraataT derraa af comfort aad coaveajaeca baU hoa 7r board will be a follow Par moatb BSOl Far week, ST I Par day, Bl BB. coATBfl. Promator. mylri Im l.las af Wlaaa gsrajtaica, wu.

QEWELLT.ATLOR, Importer, 16 Wrwat, has ia PS Ttj tb. followiBg braaanH, win, fte. i BDAanv Bradv. vintac 1T9B and 1808 1 old foddart BrMaty Piaat. Caeulboa ft Co.

Brandy I Malory do. otara, trapay Co. Brandy, and variou othr brand. yi a Cram Bonay, NipoUon, Crown B7i Hmdaick, Natcbaa, vmit ivw ana aiany ia Sparkling Hock, Stfff Hock tparklmg MoaaTIa, and extra Non parliUHock. Old PORT, direct importauoa; aaao, nan ana uamenr oaaaa mi w.t mx aMai.

aLa arajjr Baa CMrar. Via raw a mm 1 i wv case and naif asd quarter casks) Dug Gordo aad Har moay Sherry Pale nd Browa Bbarry baw priced Sherry, a auartar and nan caeae. i v. Ara, uai ALE, BOXER'S arm BERLIN BITTERS, LOR. DUBLIN PORTER, pinta aad awarta i old Paaeh Brnndv.

axa avary articl at uay af Wiaaiaa owe vsa DON and 1 .1 a.Mh. Liaaora. waolseansn retau. i am ughiiO lai tar JalT 3t CWORD ft 0. nava ari)c Anting j)tmBune NEW ORLEANS: TTrB EVENING.

JOB IT, 1831. The mail cams thrnnnh thia mnrnln lste BB due. brlSfiinaT US date from nharlpatn nf the 13th. Washinston and Baltimore tha lflih nnri Philadelphia, New York and Boston tha 9th Inst. E3 Wa' learn by telea raDh from Mnhlln that the Eastern mail has failed beyond Charleston.

Thanks to the officers of the steamer Orat. gon for Mobile papers. The Varieties. M'lla Dnret nnri Mr rii.rin. will appear this evening in The Brrled Rake" and The Young Widow." The favorite ballet, uiaoie a yuatre," wui also be performed.

Gbxat Salb of Nxgboxb. On Thursday the large sale of plantation negroes and stock will come off, at the plantation of Col. R. C. Nicholas, in 8t James parish.

Particulars are stated in the advertisem*nt. We are desired to say that persons wishing to attend the sale can take the Wednesday evening packet and arrive at the plantation on Thursday morning. Escape of a Pbisoneb. We learn from the Atlanta (Ga Intelligencer of the 12th inst that W. Demby, who was arrested In this city a few weeks ago as a fugitive from justice, has succeeded in making hia escape.

Demby had committed a robbery in Atlanta, was arrested and admitted to bail, lie cleared out, and hla sureties employed a man to pursue him to this city, where they learned he was. The thief and hia pursuer both joined the Fllibutters, neither knowing that the other was a brother adventurer until accident brought Demby into the presence of his pursuer, when he was arrested and taken to Georgia. The manner of escape from his lodgment In jail was unique. The jailor, his son, and another gentleman, were In the room for some purpose on Tuesday evening, the 10th inst, when Demby, being a little nearer the entrance than either of tha others, and thinking that he might aa well be looking oat for better quarters elsewhere, stepped beyond the door, closed it, very deliberately locked it, and decamped, leaving the astonished trio to find their way out as beat they could through bolts and bars." Demby was not seen or heard of afterwards. Danitl Webiter nd th Prtiidencf.

An address, recommending Daniel Webster for the Presidency, has been s'goed by many of the most influential men of Boston. 17 Gen. John Robert Wallace, late marshal ot the District of Columbia, died at Alexandria, on the 6th inst. AfeUneJUly Shipwreck. The ship Jemima, Cspt.

J. F. Moore, Balled from Liverpool for Old Calabar on the 6th of October last, and fears have ever since been entertained for her safety, her chronometer and long boat having been east ashore on the Welsh coast on the following Saturday. Bv the receipt of advices from Africa her loss has become a matter of painful certainty, and thus from thirty to forty souls have been hurried Into a watery tomb. The Jemima is the fourth vessel in that unfortunate traffic that has been totally lost within the last few months, and in three of the instances every life has been, unhappily, lost with the ship.

Eccletiutticml Title Atnmption. The Liver pool Times says that thia bill, as amended by committee, baa been printed. It consists of a preamble and three brief sections. The preamble refers to the act of 10 Geo. e.

7, s. 24, and the penalty of 100, aa forfeited by any person who assumed tbe title of any existing ecclesiastical office a by law appointed. The first clause of the present bill declares the Pope's authority void. The second clause declares a penalty of 100 upon any person who shall assume the name, style or title of any existing see, or who shall, under any designation, whether of city or town, take the titles of archbishop, bishop or dean, unless appointed by law. The third clause restricts the act as not to extend to bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Scotland, so far as the law now permits spiritual jurisdiction there.

From Canada. A Toronto despatch of the 7th inst. gives tbe following particulars of the late move in the Provincial Parliament In the Legislative Assembly last rjleht Mr. Marritt moved an address to the Queen, praying for the imposition on American products im ported Into England, of the same rales of duty that other nations than tbe United Stales pay. This is especially aimed at the levy on the products of British Colonies.

Tbe Finance Minister said We muat depend on ourselves and If we be driven to retaliate, tbe beat plan would be to close onr canals, conditionally, against American vessels." lie proposed to compensate for the loss of the canal lolls, by taking measures in increase immensely the trade of the St. Lawrence. He believes that, by this means, ha could entirely de stroy tbe American traae. Every member who spoke, daring a debate of several hours, were in favor of some form of retaliation some proposing deferential duties in favor of the St. Lawrence others the abolition of customs, The debate was postponed for a fortnight, to await the result of the negotiations with the American Go vernment.

T.a.t nls ht Mr. Morrison introduced into the Legis lative Assembly a bill to render tbe creation of any more rectories illegal, and to take from tbe Government tha power of presenting; locombenU to the rec tories and raoraonagea aire any in existence. Tha Uorernmenl oDDoeed tha motion to brine tn bill for fixing the tuna and place for the meeting of Parliament The Speaker ruled the motion out of order, and the House sustained ms decision. Not Permitted to Speak. George Thompson, the British libeller of American institutions, waa not allowed to speak in Philadelphia on the eta inst.

Fears were entertained of a disturbance, and consequently the lessee of the hall would not suffer the doors to be opened. Aeierfelf i Enarlaaul Lord Cam obeli, the Chancellor of England, has just decided that a foreign author Is entiuea to tne copyngni oi ma works in cngiana. RtmtU in a Prison Foiled. A revolt in the Sing Sing en. x.i Dtlson was iouea on we urn inst.

oj Andrew, a kamitr. who seized a convict. namarl Aiwtmura. Inat aa ha was in the act of aim ing a deadly sub with a pen knUe at isaae van War ma tha kmners. Eight other convicts who participated In the plan were arrested and punished witb the shower cam.

flaeea aw Aa Aumtriam. At win. The Austrian Government haa ordered seven regiments of light cavalry to oe turnea into lmnoera, to conaequBuca bavine ftmnrl dririne the lata insurrection in Hungary, that tha lancers had a decided superiority over every outer aescnpium tu ugut hhu; aw T.mna McNallT. who murdered Charles 8 Smith, in Boston, three weeks ago, ia now on bis way to Europe, is tnongnr. Compliment to Mr.

Cioy. A medal for Henry Clay ia in course of preparatlsn In tba city of new York, to ba presented as a testimonial ot his eminent public services, and particularly as tba originator of the recent compromise. It is to be of gold, bearing on one side the bust of Mr. Clay, and oa the other a design appropriate to it oojcci. t3S" Mr.

C. Fox, the builder of the Crystal Palaceyand Mr. Paxton, th designer, ara to be en tertained at a publio dinner at uerny. a jwa rfwo men have been killed, and, several others seriously lnjurea, oj a iou oi sum railway at Gal way. im iaLawatarav The father of tha ho noBopathlc system of medicine ta to have a mon ument erected to Wa memory at Lelpaie, August n.k rrva Ararl hnVft bean lalsed DT SUbSCTip I enetataLd In' tha whole of Germany.

It con, I aiato of a statoe MfM.r I i If Grand Banquet at Southampton, England. The Hampshire (Eng Independent of May 24th contains a long account of the grand banquet given by the city of Southampton to the officers of the American frigate St. Lawrence, and to those of the Turkish frigate, also in port. Tbe banquet took place at tbe Guildhall, which had been tastefully fitted up for the 'occasion with banners and flags of different nations, flowers, evergreens, Sec. The elevated seats on the northern side of the hall were occupied by ladle At half past 6 o'clock tbe Mayor entered the hall, and took tbe presidential chair, aupportud on tbe right by Capt.

Sands, Lieut. Avery, Pairott, (of the St Lawrence frigate.) J. K. Croskey, U. S.

Consul at South ampton, B. Olivers, Esq and on hla left by hla Excellency Constantino Mussuius, the Turkish Ambassador, Count Thoraar, (ex Prime Minister of Portugal.) M. Zohrab, One Turkish Consul General,) Lieut. Gen. Djemaleddln Pasha, Admiral Moustat Pasha, Capts.

Sbemah Bey and Mehemet Bey, (of the Turkish frigates lying at Woolwich and Portsmouth,) Sec. The Mayor, in a short speech, made use of the following remark) He bad to propose the health of one of nature's noblemen, who bad risen from the ranks of the people 10 nu tne prouu position oi rreaiaent oi tne united States. I Loud cheers. I He was, no doubt, a most talented and Intelligent man. well qualified to fill the exalted situation to which bis countrymen bad appointed him.

He tbe Mavor) (eit that thev owed a deep debt of gratitude to tne President and the Con tree of America, lor taelr generosity and kindness in relghttocr one of their noble frlunies with tha pro ducts of their native industry snd skill, for the World's Great Exhibition. The selection of such a captain. officers, and crew, as they found in tbe Su Lawrence, did honor alike to the President, the Senate, and the people of America. Hear, bear. Their conduct on tale occasion abowea that Americana, like Jnelian tnen, were anxious to learn war no more, but rather that they should act towards each other in the true and natural spirit of father and son, and foster and promote leeilugs ol inendanip, love, and truth.

He called for a bumper for the President of the United States a call which was heartilv and warmly responded to. In reply to a toast to the Army and Navy, Capt Caldwell returned thanks on beball of tbe Ameri can army, and said he hoped the flags of England, America and Turkey would ever wave in unison together, and only to encourage the arts of peace The Mayor, in a few complimentary remarks, expressive of the pleasure he felt in having that opportunity of offering a cordial welcome to the representatives of the Turkish nation, and the hope that the day was not far distant when they would be engaged in still closer commercisl rela tions with that country, proposed the healths ot His Excellency the Turkish Ambassador, his Ex cellency Djemaleddln Pasha and Admiral Wous tafa Pasha." Thia toast having been warmly received, the Turkish Ambassador returned thanks in French, and said how highly he felt honored by the com pliment paid to himself and his friends, and how deeply be regretted that he could not express in English the pleasure he fait in being present on so auspicious an occasion, to declare how highly he felt the honor of meeting the Mayor of South ampton, the American officers, and tha Count Thomar, to show to the great English nation how deeply he appreciated the occasion that called them together. The motive that had brought them here, the great Exhibition of Industry, was worthy of the Queen of a great people, and of her illus trious consort Prince Albert; and a better port than that of Southampton there was not in the world for the entrance of ships of all kinds. Cheers 1 He thanked the company, also, lor having ao kindly given the health of the father of his people, the Sultan of Turkey and in return he begged to thank, on behalf ot himself and his friends, the Mayor and Aldermen of the ancient town of Southampton for the high honor they had paid them. I Loud cheers.

The Mayor next proposed the healths of Capt. and and the officers of the SL Lawrence," which also met with a very enthusiastic reception. Capt Sands responded to the toast in the follow ing terms Mr. Matter and Gentlemen of the Corporation The dlstinguuned honor conveyed in the handsome toast wnicn you nave own pieasou to nuruK, iu wmim ennt to tba commander and oflicere of tbe SL Law rtsnea. calls forth our beat and warmest feelings and happy am as her commander, to speak for my self, ana no aouDt un uuicor ui iui uiguij itwiw shin will be eouallv Lbddv to resound lor inemseives.

Hear. When, air, we consider the circ*mstances connected wlln our present meeting ax una pienuiu banquet, the world wide interest of the object that has brought representatives from the fartheet land, from tha Kl Dorado of the Par Weil from the Hellespont, and tne Father of Waters, all paying their tribute to tha traam. ara miv eonaratulata ourselves on living tn this age, and contributing to a speclable such as toe worm never oeioro wiiuosrou wmi 111 mighty maelstrom, absorbs all minor wings, an petty lnb.rata. iaalouaiea and factions which has brought nation together, and linked them in a common bro tnerhood ana inenaanip, wnica i. am euro wo an am aiw hnne mav rjrove laiiinr and unbroken.

(Cheers.j Sir, It has neen my happiness, and that of me olhcers or tbe BL Lawrence, oesiaee eeciug uwei Iha intnnaelinir ohitcl in the VlcintCV of VOUr old and noble borough, and having largely partaken of the hospitality ot tne generous peopm ouuuiauur in in ham viaitaul tba metronoh of your wide spread empire, ana looaea upon iia muuumcma Daat and resent greatness, viewea iu manuoiu uo Tavta nf Interest, it evidences its unmlstskeable evi dences oi weailQ, proajn riiy am chine like smootnness oi lis orgaauauuu. uoai, lifter 1 kni thruiirh all thia was nleaains. it was far more pleasing to witness the marked affection of the people for their sovereign, their respect for, and adherence to, their Institution and laws, plainly marked tn their general contentment, and ao atnkingly evinced at the opening of the Great Kxhibition by her Majesty in person, leading her infant children. wiin no outer aaieauora ituudu uei uiaui uw wjanj of her people, needing no other a gla than their devo tion. llUUU CIWCIB.

jauu. BU, a wauiw jw, carry back wlln me tne ainaeat reeling anu wannoai recollections, bout social and omciai, oi tne ininroei ing visit we have mode to your bore and I find it Impossible, Mr. Mayor and gentlemen, on this renew, ed occasion of your generous hospitality and kindness, to express in words the deep sense I feel of tba courtesy and amenity we have bad the honor to receive from the palace to tbe genuine John Bull hospi tality that now Burrounas us. apptauso.j Tke Bloomer" among ts Indian. The short dresses hsve appeared in Green Bay, worn by squaws of the Menomonle tribe and the editor ot the Advocate thinks that in their anxiety to reach the top of the mode, they carried matters a little too far the dress not coming below the knees at alL" Konth and Turkey.

Kossuth, the Hungarian hero, it haa already been announced, tbe Cabinet of Vienna had agreed to deliver up, on condition of hia leavlnE Europe forever. He addressed to the Sublime Porte a most touching and manly pro test against bis detention in Turkey, on the anni versary of his arrival at Kutabja which Kossuth savs la the tomb where tha Sublime Porte has burled him alive whilst speaking to Mm of hospi tality. Tbe sentiments it utters, and the spirit that It breathes, show that he still keeps his honor un stained and his determination unmoved. rriia for Tsoaeco. Letters from Rome, of the 16th state that the Papal Government haa published a decree announcing that a summary punishment shall be inflicted on any person endeavoring to prevent another from smoking or using tobacco.

Chomp Excursions. Tha New Tork and Erie Rallmed Comnanv are now issuing excursion tickets at for which the holders can pass over tha road from New York to Dunkirk, and return within ten days from their dste. Ervlotion tn Spat, The steam engine which the Duke of Montpensir bad placed to irrigate his eravden near Seville, burst its boiler wnen tney eama to try it, on the 10th of April i tha building was demolished, sixty persons were buried in the ruins eight, corpses were taken out, and mora re The legislature of Maine have appropri ated 4aor00q lof. ann nzwxih, HtA i 1 CORRESPONDENCE. MBDITEBBAICBAIf SEA, OPP 8 ICILY, February 17, 1851.

5 Eds. Pic. In my last, I stopped rather abruptly, Boon after mentioning our arrival in Marseilles. By your leave, I will now notice the harbor a little more particularly, and then we will enter, the city itself. When the period of our stay at the quarantine station was up, a steam towboat, such a one as would not be tolerated on the Mississippi, went out for us and assisted our vessel to get into the harbor.

For this office of kindness, the consideration of twenty five dollars only waa charged our captain. There are perhaps, a dozen of these job boats, some of them very respectable looking boats, in the port. Ail vessels, however, are not compelled to have a steam tow tbe smaller ones, and Indeed some of the larger, If the wind be favorable, take only the aid of a couple of boats, manned by six or eight oarsmen, to pilot them in or out of the porL Tbe steamer conducted our vessel into the centre of the port, and there cast It off. A complete forest of mssts was extended almost all around ns. On each side of the harbor, north and south, tbe vessels lay aide by side, the stern towards the quay, two or three tiers deep.

A vacant apace, of about a fourth the width of the harbor, was thus left in the middle, througboat its length. Tbe space before us, at the eastern end, was occupied by a mul titude of rowboats, ready to take passengers from tbe quay to any part of the porL But before we could land it waa necessary to retrace a portion of our way. Getting into a boat, we were rowed back to tha Con signe, a low building, at the foot of Fort St. Jean, on the north side of tbe harbor, used as a health office, wbere the captain received a health card. Thence we proceeded to tbe pratique office, another small building on the quay, whence the captain delivered up bia cord, and made sundry statements concerning his vessel, and through which building we made our enuee into the city.

A word concerning sea going steamers There were generally about a dozen in port at a time during my atay in Marseilles. These are of from 300 to 350 horse power, and belong to several different companies. Half a dozen or mora arrive and depart each week. They ply between Marseilles and tha different Italian pons, Malta, Alexandria, Smyrna and Constanti nople. Tbe part of the city where we landed tha north side is the moat ancient, the most densely peopled, and lira moat irregular to its construction.

This is the cite of tbe ancient city, founded by the Pbocean about COO years before ChrisL However, none of the buildings now standing lay claim to ao great an tiquity. Tbe streets extending from tbe quay are mere narrow alleys, and lead up the steep hill side. They are all paved with round stone, with narrow banquettes two or three feet wide. Tbe quay is quite broad, about the width of Canal street, in New Or leans, and is paved with square blocks of stone. Tbe portion of tbe city stretching out east and south of tbe harbor is of more recent date.

A very large part of it has been built up within the last thirty to fifty years. The process of building is going on at presenL In the new part of the city the streets are wide, straight, and well paved with square atone. Here are all the fancy stores, the fashionable promenades, the places of business and amusem*nt, and the residences of the most of tbe belter classes of citizens. The houses are almost universally built of stone, from three to five stories high, and in the new part of the city are pretty uniform in appearance. Some have their fronts of bewn stone; but the majority are stuccoed, and, though otherwise neat loosing, present rather a dull aapecL One coming from New Orleana to a French port will not be so much struck with tbe manners and ap pearance of the people be sees In the street as will an Individual from some other portion of the Union but even to me there was enough to be seen in Marseilles sufficiently new and striking.

In my walk along the quay from the landing place to the central and busi ness part of tbe city, I encountered a great variety of costume. I saw no Chinamen or Hottentots but Turks, Arabs and Algerines were met at every side These were only alike in their religion and their we musln't mention ems and evea herein they were not quite agreed. Tbe Algerines I saw were unturbaned and shoeless, and bad none of tbe graceful and ma jestic bearing of the Ottoman. I saw two veritable darkies not African, but American negroes wearing that saucy air which none can so well assume as a Southern negro on a holiday. What the Algerines lacked In the way of shoes was amply made up by the native French of the lower classes.

They cling to their sabots, or wooden clogs, as with a feeling of veneration for a relic of their ancestors. Every where, on the feet of men and women, boys and girls, they may be seen, and a'so heard, with their heavy clatter on tbe atone pavement and they seem, indeed, to an awer a good purpose in muddy weather. I old not visit the manufactory for this article of domestic economy but I have no doubt oi tne existence of one which does an extensive business, Judging from the numbers I saw exposed for sale in tbe stalls all along the quay. The monks acd priests, whom I saw in considerable numbers, looked very well in their peculiar dress their black bats, with low round crowns, and brims broad, curved and looped np on three sides, were very becoming. I cannot say so much for the exceedingly broad brimmed and flat hats worn by some market women from the country, whom I frequently saw driving their laded ponies.

Vfilh their short dresses, clumsy shoes, and the afore mentioned tiles, they looked the originals of pictures I used to gaze won derlngly on at borne in my boyish days. In some of our excursions through the city I noticed occasionally that myself and my friend, either one or both, were the object of considerable interest on tbe part of the unemployed. At first I was disposed to give a certain oil cloth cap which covered my cranium the credit for drawing attention towards us but ere long my vanity had to yield that honor to the claims of my mend's phiz, who wore alibis beard, and of ao flaming a hue aa is seldom seen in Marseilles. I must not neglect to pay attention to the military gentlemen, who are so necessary to a French city, and of whom I ssw so great numbers. I think I never was, while out of doors, out of sight of at least one.

or more likely a dozen or two. Officers of police and officers of the customs, all wore their uniform and bore their arms. Soldiers to all intents and purposes, they were stationed at intervals all along the three quays and throughout tbe different streets. Companies of new recruits were frequently seen marching through the streets or along the boulevards, and tn one of my promenades on the Cours de Bonaparte I met a battalion of them, who had been taking an airing. It seems indeed that nothing can be done here without tbe soldiery and, Republic though France be, in name, I have no doubt the presence, and mayhap at times the services, of tbe gens cTarmes are requisite 10 secure order.

But with all my respect for the profes sion, I could not so accustom myself to the sight of the soldiers standing or lounging about aa to use it at all. I waa surprised to find so few Americans and Ameri can vessels in Marseilles. lght or ten in port were all that bore the American flag. English vessels were more numerous. Their vessels can be manned and sailed at a cheaper rate than ours, and take freight lower.

I did not learn of any Americana doing busi ness in the city. Messrs. Ouinot it Lehmann, ahip brokers, very gentlemanly and accommodating men, aeem to have the business of most of the American ahtomasters. I found quite a number of Frenchmen who speak very good Engllsn, and wno are generally veiv attentive to Americana. Tbe American Consul la Marseilles ia air.

J. Aa. Hodge, brother of your friend, tba former editor of tbe Bulletin, now in Washington city. Me nas neen in Marseille about a year having bean appointed durina Gen. Taylor's Administration.

Ha is a gentle man, courteous and accommodating, and has the favor and good report of shipmasters ana travelers wao have urereonrse with htm In ms official capacity, eta kindly gave na whatever Information we asked of him; and at US omca ait nao aiwaya accews am latest papers from America quite a treat, yon may be sure, for us, who bad Been twa montna at sea. aar, Hodge has many and frequent calls from Airassbjan travelers. He told me that about Ittj passed through the city during the month of January, oa their way to Italy. He mentioned that he had the pleasure of see In wonr awarVsr. Mr.

BuTlltL not tana; slnea.i Maraatllla ahonnda tn ehnrehea. tiieman BOM Of thrnm noaoesa mneh claim to architectural aaanty' There are twenty Catholic Crrarcbea, one Protestant 11.1. m.l.uw 1 alee nf WarBaBi COUICBi aaa ciBKnae uinawrwf 1 irv. iviiif.1 laTSTaat Aarea, is tii amass, bavin, bae. built ta tne fcsBw nth Is fa oa aha sow af sea, and; It la aobl, oa tha spot waara a vgaoodJwa "Paa asai atr of auslBga hi eaja os atxaa uiraurw .7 atSVnt.

fH sf FOREIGN i considerable expense to the American traveler in France and Italy, and also to the business men here, who have much correspondence wlUt. the cities of the united states. In consequence of an international postal arrange ment between England and France, letters may be freely sent from one of these nations to another, the postage being paid at either end of the route. Letters for the United States may be sent through under this arrangement, provided always they be prepaid and the postage on letter from the United States always tans uue at tne puce or destination. Thus we, who are away from home, have to pay all tha expense of home correspondence, alike for letters written and received.

And this expense is not light, being pro portioned to the weight of the letters. A single letter of the allowed weight costs thirty sous, or a franc and a half, from France to New Tork a grain more, so as to turn the scale, and the charge will be double no nest paper for European correspondence ia thm French letter paper. A sheet of this in a thin envelope will go at the single rate, or three sheets in a single envelope will fall with la the proscribed double welgbL As we cannot alter the French regulations in fixing so low a standard of weight for letters, we can only accommodate ourselves to them by making a judicious selection of paper. And it would be quite a favor shown to travelers here, who receive many letters, for their friends at home to use thin letter paper, and made tbe most or it writing Oar Consul has frequently mentioned this matter in writing home, yet he continues to receive letters written on thick paper in heavy envelopes, tbe postage on which not unfrequently exceeds a dollar. Perhaps, however, it may be thought I am enlarging too much on a subject more interesting to tne writer than to the reader.

After bidding adieu to my companion who had crossed the Atlantic with me, seelDg him off on his return two days before, I left Marseilles on the 8 th inst. ior measina in Bicuy. ror two days we had a good run, making the southern and of the island of Sardinia in forty hoar. Since then we have hod vary little wind, and what there was baa been from the east, so that our bark has been creeping along, and we shall not enter the Strait of Messina till to morrow. We passed city of Trepan), at the western ex tremity of Sicily, on Friday, and Palermo on Satur day, but not near enough to get a good sight of either.

Yesterday we passed quite near Volcano, tbe most southern of the Lipari Islands. Smoke waa rising from Its crater oa the northern side. I was sufficiently near to distinguish tha fume with my olfactories and to see, through a spy glass, a dock of sheep or goats running and browsing along tbe sloping side of tbe Island. Stromboll, the most northern of this group of Islands, was also smoking at a distance but this, with him, is no unusual circ*mstance the er options there are at regular brief intervals, almost continuous. All the islands of this group, six large ones and a number of smaller ones, are evidently of volcanic origin! Except Lipari and Volcano, they all have a conical ahape these two are of more irregular outline.

They ara distant from five to ten miles apart and have a rather singular appearance, looking like a row of Immense potato hills rising from the water. This morning I could see, for a time while the clouds permitted, the snow capped head of JBtna, far in the distance, rising above the mountainous coast. The whole island of Sicily appears to be quite elevated above the sea, except tbe parts immediately on tbe eoasL Extensive tracts of snow, lathe interior where the land ia tbe highest, are now in sight, aad the same is the esse on the Calabrian coast of Italy. This, most probably, causes the coolness of tbe winds which blow from tbe land while there Is little wind, or from tbe west, the sun shines npon the deck with almost summer neat Pelican. Hon.

Dajciel Colbbtan. This gentleman haa been appointed by the Governor of Alabama to the Beat on tha Supreme Court bench of that State, made vacant by the resignation of Judge Parsons. Horrible JJair. Tha Ashevllle (N. C) News saya that on the 29th nit.

an old man, seventy two years old, John Plemmons, about six miles from that place, knocked his daughter in the head with a bludgeon, crushing her skull in several places, and then cut hia throat with a razor. Both were alive, but it was thought that neither would recover. This deed is supposed to hsve been committed under the effects of a partial insanity. Failures in Ifew Tork. Tha N.

Y. Evening Post of Saturday, the 7th Intt, says A failure has been announced on the stock exchange Mr. Benjamin Nathan, who was a speculator ia tbe Dauphin Coal Mining Company of Pennsylvania, the some company in which Mr. S. B.

Buggies wss largely concerned, atr. ntunc, ii win oe recoiiecieu, was one of tbe sufferers by the failure of Mr. Bay Tompkins. The failure of Francis Griffin, which created bo much of a sensation a day or two ago, ia aaid lo have been brought about by certain land speculations and endorsem*nts for Mr. 8.

B. Ruggles. His liabilities, as endorser, the. financial editor of the Post put down at $100,010. jgr woman named Chandler, laboring under the "spiritual rspping" delusion, committed sul clde at Concord, N.

H. E7" Deaths In Philadelphia week before last 145 by consumption 17, scarlet fever 17. xcctctum of a Stave The slave Damon, eon vlcted of the murder of Tilghman Hunt, hla master, was hung at Fsyettevllle, N. on the 6th inat. Before hia execution he was permitted to address the crowd, which be and called on all present to look on him aa an example.

He aaid he had committed murder and waa about to suffer jastly. His remarks were principally addressed to the colored persons present. 1 The young Whigs of Boston have tendered to Hon. R. C.

Wlnthrop a public dinner, which he declines. The shuttle mill at Wllkinsvtlle, was destroyed by fire on Wednesday night, the 4tb inst, together with its contents loss $15,000. EST Lord Harris, Governor of Trinidad, has been recalled, and hla wife, who has been a maniac since her confinement, will return with him to England. Close. Feting.

Hon. 1L B. Stanton Is elected to the New York Senate, after all, by five majority. In another district, where It was supposed Gilbert (Whig) was elected, there it a tie. Massacre ey an Insane Hon.

A Boston de spatch of the 8th Inst says i Last evening a dreadful tragedy oCTrrred in Box bury. A young man, a stranger from Maine, called on Dr. A. J. (Jumlngs, complaining oi leeuug udwbu.

The Doctor betas out. Mrs. Comings Invited tbe stranger into tbe parlor, who after seating himself complained or a severe pain in nis siae. momani afterwards Mrs. Cumlngs's little daughter came into the room, wbea tne stranger sprang up, ana in a moment's time seized the unfortunate Innocent, drew a retar from hia rjoekeL and cut her throat tram ear lo ear.

Mrs. C. in a frenzy rushed forward to save her child, when tne muraerer turnea npon net ana sever iv rut ner several niacesv aara. t. men nea ana found refuge in a neighbor's.

The assassin wound up the noma tragedy ny cutting ma own tnroat ana expired on tbe spot. Tbe unfortunate girl died immediately. The man is euppoeed to ba Epersim O. Dot gelt, an insane patient ixom iiope, ate. A Catamount The Laka PtaiMsaioa Ba publican tells tha following rather to story Quite thrilling incident occajTserm ZZJUTt ago, soma five Bellas above nara side of the river.

Two men, AlItLl eupted a cabin, to cloae proximh yto Mch wer. enraged re pat ring iavwa. ,25 hi di Jeered TveTj eatamount rJ1' rrreer of 3. It, immi uuui u. under the eoi ner i i biting Us leg and otaarwiaa sprang upon Big, ere be could re he beTdlWegad himself and ran Wrafntmal following him as faros tbe rt VT tim.

A. had tba gun prepared, and iV catamouat as be cauatrt his eye. Tha aaapped three times in eotuwqowoce of dsnipness. nieMUma, M. eetxed a spade to attack the ant m.l bat A.

caused him to desist aa be wUdwd to aSot him. Becoming satisfied of the Inutility of the k. tr.mmA lav It ob the bed. Tbe moment ha withdrew Ms gaze from the catamount, it leaped a distance of ten or twelve feet apon his left taoukler, mA hit and aoratched mm very eonaiderably. Per eaivtng tha danger of Ma friend, M.

woed to tba cnuamoant with his spade, but waa persuaded by A. to 011. a. I Lor a buvii euuggea. saccewvu in easping the animal's threat wiur Ms right naad, which canned lo relax its hold.

Ha than threw it upon tha bad and actaaily choked it to death. Wa aa aiad ta leara Jhat the woxrnda of tha tweindi yiauais angagrwi in win auatr aar oot prvvwtt yaS. j7 vd jul M1 iTJm Ol i JmilHH aU Vt. luC Oi isBS to A Touching Incident. Wa find, the foiiowin i.

SB veaewwakMB By an' ae SaBa faf aaaj VI our exchanges r. I went one night to sea a ThB chief aetof was a favorite one, and tl laatreVa. verwded. The curtain drew up, and. amid a burst of applause.

the hero of tbe piece mada hia ippeirtnr. Hmd hardly uttered twenty word wbaa It atrack aaa that something strange was the matter with him. Tbe? ptay was a ooisierons cornea or tne old school, and required considerable spirit and vivacity in the actors sustain it properly but la this man there waa none he walked and talked like a person la a dream hla' beat points he passed over without appearing to per ceive them and, altogether, be appeared quite unfitted for the part. His smile was ghastly, bis lough noitow ana unnatural and frequently he would stop suddenly in his speech, and let bia eye wander vacantly over the audience. Even when, in his character of a silly husband, ba bad to Buffer himself to be kicked about tbe stage by me young rase or tne comedy, aad afterwards to behold that careless individual making love to his wife and eating hia supper, while be waa abut Bp in closet from whence ha could not emerge, his contortions of ludicrous wrath, which bad never before! failed to call down plenty of applauae, were now suetf dismal attempts to portray tne.paasion, that hisses wore auaioio in various ports ot tne tneatre.

a na audience were fairly out of temper, and several lit. quisitive individuals were particular in their inquiries as to the extent of the potations he had indulged in mat evening, a. storm oi aiDuaaoe ana atmse now fell round the ears of the devoted actor; and, not eon tent with verbal insult, orange peel and apples flew upon the stage. He stopped, and turned to the shouting crowd. never saw such misery in human countenance.

Hie face waa wan and haggard, (and large tears rolled down over his painted cheeks. I saw his lips quiver. mg wiin in wara agony i saw nis bosom neave witn convulsions of suppressed emotion, and his wbole? me in Deloxened sucn deptn or angnlsn and dlatreaav that the most ruthless heart mast nave throbbed wiux pity. Tbe audience waa moved, and by degress thai clamor of invective subsided into a solemn silencer while be stood near tbe footlights, a picture of dejeee tion. When all waa calm be spoke, and hi a vole broken with tba sobe that saamed to rend hla boeota, proceeded to offer hia explanation Ladies and gentlemen," said he, though ia my acting to night I am conscious of meriting your displeasure, in one thing you do me wrong.

I am not intoxicated. Emotion alone, and that of the most painful kind, baa canted am to fulfill my allotted part ao badly my Vila died bat a few abort boura aco, nod I left her side to fulfill my unavoidable engagement here. If 1 have not pleased yon, taapiorn of yoa to forgive me. I loved ner, grieve tor her, and if misery and anguish can excuse a (salt, I bear my apology here!" He Disced hla hand anon hia heart and stcveed. and a burst of tears relieved his momentary paxoxyom of grief.

The audience waa thoroughly affeetedv and an hour est burat of sympathy made the walla tremble. men wept loudly and strong men silently and during the remainder of the evening his performance was scarcely audible through tha storm of applause by which the crowd Bought to soothe the poor fellow's wounded feelings. There wa something very melancholy in the thought of that wretched man's Coming from tbe bed of death to don gay attire, and utter studied witticisms for the amusem*nt of the crowd, not one of whom drummed the anguish that lay festering under the pointed cheek and the stage smile. And in the great theatre of life bow many are there around us, like that poor actor, smiling gaily at the multitude while at home lies sorrow, whose shadow ia ever present with them la busy places! Laws of North Carsfiaa. Gov.

Bald, of North Carolina, haa appointed R. M. Saunders, Asa B'ggS and B. F. Moore, Esqs Commissioners to rev loathe statutes of that Bute.

Mr. Moore haa resigned tbe office of Attorney General. Killed bp Lightning. Two men, named Abraham Chllda aad Moaea Wilson, were killed by lightning near Falrchance Iron Works, in Fayetta county, on the 28th ult. NuaL LieuL Richard L.

Page has been detached from tha Ordnance Department at the Nor folk yard, and ordered to take command of the TJ. S. atoreshlp Lexington, to take ia stares at New York for the Pacific Squadron. Great French Tunnel Thl great work, three miles In length, Is on the railroad between Marseilles and Avignon. Its height is thirty feet, and width twenty four feet, and Its depth below the surface of the ground six hundred feet.

The cost of tunneling was S2.040.000. Fatal Accident. We learn from the New York, papers that aa the steamship Pacific passed np tho river, on tba occasion of her last arrival, largo crowds of parsons gathered on tha pier heads and saluted her with cheers, the firing of cannon, and other demonstrations. Tha Baltic, which was Justs leaving, aa well aa the Pacific, was sainted by the steamers of the Canard line, at Jersey City, and as the two steamers passed they exchanged salute with each other. Opposite the Phosulx Iron Foun dry the American colors were hoisted by tba work men, and a cannon procured, witn wnicn tney nrea three rcmnaa.

On tbe lost dischArge, juat aa tha Pacific reached a point opposite the pier, tba gen exploded, and the tragments were hurled In every direction. A man named Peter Carneen, one ot the workmen in the above named eeUblixhmentv was struck in the breast with a piece of Iron, and. a ghastly wound inflicted. It was thought he Mold not possibly survive. 1 Collision on Lake Erie.

The steam propeller Princeton ran Into the schooner Mackinaw on Wednesday night, the 3d Inst, when ten miles off Cleveland, and sank In seven fatho ma water. Tha crew were all saved. She had a cargo of 10,000 bushels wheat. A Lady's Reason for Liking the (treat Exhibition. My dear, it is ao very agreeable.

Yon cannot tell how amusing It is It is much better far than going a shopping. The whole place ia full of some of tbe prettiest things in the world lsees, 1 rflks brocades, and such lovely jewels; and tha Beauty is, yoa may look at them aver so long without belief expected to buy a single thing 1" OITT I ML I a M. Disokdbbly. Thirty prisoners ware thia morning ranged along in Recorder Caldwell's oek. Drunken vagrancy, fighting, disturbanoa of tha peace and abasing Iha watchman wara tba principal charge.

Jonatnen Hall, Mary Hall aad Oamnell werw last night arreated for assaulting ahd threatening J. H. Gallagher with a knlfjo, and also commuting Iras pass by occupying tha boona of Gallagher without hia knowledge or consenL The accused were order ed to leave the bouse, and also required gtvabonda keep the peace. 1 1 Daniel Mead was fined $3 for interfering with an officer in Annunciation street. James King was found drunk and disorderly iar Gravier street, and was required to pay a fine of Ann AnteUo was fbaad drank aad eraating a row In SL Mary street, for which she was fined $3, or or dered to be locked up John BeiUy wa last nigbX found fat Psrdido street, under spspicloaa clrciiiansi wa, Ith a lot of clothing hi his puasesaloB.

He was' remanded to Jail antil ha fareisned a voucher. Tot Oates, for threatening to exterminate a man without any Juat cause, was iwquired to gve good eoods sot to do so, or be locked ue. William O. Carrol and M. Bailey were brooant up for fighting in Magazine street last nlghL They were goad $3 mi'i r.wtr.wzAl Freak Haanparey was energed wltJhvaAnws.bnt was remanded lo jail oatil Barn rd ay next, a Catherine Hunt woe charged with leaving for sev.

and Bights past been drank, and aTak a grtt tarbanee in Wrod street.4 Bba was off on Kcotrat of her chiMren. os Stkalibts Cottow. Michael Manning was" thia morning arraigned before Beoeder Caldwell, an the charge of having, la company with a negro who haa sot yet been arrested, stolen a bale of eravm, worth forty five donors, from ta front of (be rlsxrtanr Cot ton rrass. Tha aconsed pleaded not cuflrj and tha sxa wins ttaav waa sat for to snwrrow. ATTBMftBD BoaoLAarEdward Hamenrew andT James Beeve were last night errested.ln Tchoup Uou laa sOwat, charged by Frank Montague, with attempt ing to taieak a store, TBey wara also with being dangwronessrdsBspEioa accused were Uiw mevaing arrmgned before Reeor.

der CeldwaiVwbau they atouflr. me TheanrsmtastWiq wlU isAoplaco CBAaaa or Labcsbtv Edward IUlr was thia nwrrrmgcharrbrl tid lw trunk, tn TchovpltotilaS street, wfih false leys, and stogea. a xexi. twenty Urea dailaxa.1 Taaxaaeuawm, aa.a vawy iK)taaraoa aad to BBJrlngaaaf, oasrtadl aearwd Tteravrtaa4e JJ IW CW KSH.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

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Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.