[TNM] CBL 2024 - Mid Division (13. Spieltag ONLINE) - MOONSAULT.de (2024)

TNM CBL Mid-Division - 13. Spieltag


I Quit Match

Fatal Four Way Match

Nearest Rating (beliebiges Three Way Match mit Leuten aus dem Team booken, Ziel 3,25 Sterne)

8 Man Iron Man Match (120 Minuten)

10 Man Battle Royal (Pinfalls)


RKO (Nick Heidfeld) - Dark Forces (Anakin)

No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-I-Quit Match with Managers Banned From Ringside:

Ronda Rousey defeated Pogo the Clown when Pogo the Clown passed out in a double

reverse chinlock in 3:30:28.

Rating: -*****

1:0 RKO

No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Four Corners Match with Managers Banned From Ringside:

Jeff Cobb defeated Matt Sinister, Georges St-Pierre and Pogo the Clown when

Cobb pinned Matt Sinister after the Running Forearm Smash in 0:27:23.

Rating: ****


Nearest Rating (Ziel 3,25)

No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Triangle Cage Match with Managers Banned From Ringside:

Jeff Cobb defeated Jun Akiyama and Randy Orton when Cobb pinned J. Akiyama with

the Tour of the Islands in 0:13:02.

Rating: *** 3/4

No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Triangle Ladder Match with Managers Banned From Ringside:

Billy Wicks defeated BxB Hulk and Shinobu Kandori in 1:01:57.

Rating: **** 3/4


No-Countout-No-DQ-Iron Man Match with Managers Banned From Ringside:

Dark Forces (Billy Wicks, BxB Hulk, Georges St-Pierre and Shinobu Kandori) beat

RKO (Jun Akiyama, Matt Sinister, Randy Orton and Ronda Rousey) 9 falls to 7:

x Hulk beat R. Orton via a standing corkscrew shooting star press in


x Hulk beat R. Orton via a crucifix in 0:00:56

x Billy Wicks beat R. Orton via the REVERSE STEP-OVER in 0:04:16

x Rousey beat GSP via the Straight Armbar in 0:15:35

x R. Orton beat Hulk via the RKO in 0:32:05

x Matt Sinister beat GSP via a powerslam in 0:52:46

x Matt Sinister beat GSP via a backdrop driver in 0:55:39

x Billy Wicks beat Rousey via the REVERSE STEP-OVER in 1:08:48

x Billy Wicks beat J. Akiyama via the REVERSE STEP-OVER in 1:15:44

x Billy Wicks beat R. Orton via the REVERSE STEP-OVER in 1:18:16

x Rousey beat Kandori via the Straight Armbar in 1:23:41

x Hulk beat R. Orton via a spinning leg lariat in 1:27:53

x R. Orton beat Billy Wicks via the RKO in 1:33:38

x Billy Wicks beat R. Orton via cross kneescissors in 1:35:43

x Rousey beat GSP via the Straight Armbar in 1:46:12

x Hulk beat Rousey via the First Flash in 1:50:00

x time limit expired (Hulk and Matt Sinister) in 2:00:00

Rating: **** 1/4


10-Person Battle Royal:

Ronda Rousey won a 10-person Battle Royal:

x Billy Wicks defeated Matt Sinister after the REVERSE STEP-OVER in


x R. Orton defeated J. Akiyama after a powerslam in 0:17:24

x Pogo defeated Hulk after the Closed Casket Drop in 0:29:53

x Rousey defeated Pogo after the Straight Armbar in 0:35:24

x Kandori defeated Billy Wicks after the Wakigatamae in 0:44:51

x R. Orton defeated Cobb after the RKO in 0:59:49

x Kandori defeated R. Orton after a sleeperhold in 1:09:26

x Rousey defeated Kandori after the Straight Armbar in 1:13:53

x Rousey defeated GSP after the Straight Armbar in 1:19:18

Rating: **** 1/2

RKO (Nick Heidfeld) 4:1 Dark Forces (Anakin)


Hardcore Icons [N] (Sabu3:16) - Intelligence Unit [A] (Jay Halstead)

No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-I-Quit Match with Managers Banned From Ringside:

Zeus defeated Triple H when Triple H passed out in the Bearhug in 0:13:08.

Rating: * 1/2

1:0 Icons

No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Four Corners Match with Managers Banned From Ringside:

Iceberg defeated Zeus, Triple H and Wataru Inoue when Iceberg pinned Triple H

with the Ground Zero 2.0 in 0:16:27.

Rating: ***


Nearest Rating (Ziel 3,25)

No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Triangle Match with Managers Banned From Ringside:

Colossus of Death defeated Brock Lesnar and Steve Douglas when Colossus of

Death pinned Lesnar with the Colossal Choke Slam in 0:23:00.

Rating: ** 1/4

No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Triangle Match with Managers Banned From Ringside:

Antoni Polaski defeated Jack Hammer and Lady Apache when Polaski pinned J.

Hammer after a flying legdrop in 0:16:16.

Rating: ****


No-Countout-No-DQ-Iron Man Match with Managers Banned From Ringside:

Hardcore Icons (Brock Lesnar, Colossus of Death, Iceberg and Steve Douglas)

beat Intelligence Unit (Antoni Polaski, Jack Hammer, Lady Apache and Wataru

Inoue) 6 falls to 4:

x Polaski beat Douglas via the Side Splash in 0:14:04

x Iceberg beat L. Apache via a bearhug in 0:23:02

x Polaski beat Colossus of Death via the Side Splash in 0:34:11

x Iceberg beat Polaski via the Ground Zero 2.0 in 0:50:31

x Iceberg beat Polaski via a short lariat in 0:58:56

x Lesnar beat W. Inoue via the F-5 in 1:16:29

x Iceberg beat L. Apache via the Ground Zero 2.0 in 1:36:59

x L. Apache beat Lesnar via pinfall in 1:42:38

x Lesnar beat L. Apache via the F-5 in 1:47:44

x Polaski beat Lesnar via the Side Splash in 1:56:02

x time limit expired (Colossus of Death and Polaski) in 2:00:00

Rating: *** 1/2


10-Person Battle Royal:

Zeus won a 10-person Battle Royal:

x Iceberg defeated W. Inoue in 0:11:59

x Triple H defeated Iceberg after the Pedigree in 0:18:07

x Lesnar defeated J. Hammer after the F-5 in 0:32:05

x Douglas defeated Lesnar after the Super Stardom in 0:32:19

x Zeus defeated Colossus of Death after the Bearhug in 0:56:49

x L. Apache defeated Triple H after the Magistral Cradle in 0:59:19

x Polaski defeated L. Apache after the Side Splash in 1:00:41

x Polaski defeated Douglas after the Side Splash in 1:08:52

x Zeus defeated Polaski after a sunset flip in 1:12:33

Rating: *** 3/4

Hardcore Icons [N] (Sabu3:16) 4:1 Intelligence Unit [A] (Jay Halstead)


Wilde Maskwämser (Daniel.) - The Expendables [N] (Barney Ross)

No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-I-Quit Match with Managers Banned From Ringside:

Bull Nakano made John Cena submit to a scorpion deathlock in 0:23:56.

Rating: ** 1/2

1:0 WM

No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Four Corners Match with Managers Banned From Ringside:

Sid Vicious defeated Giant Baba, Monsta Mack and Bastion Booger when Vicious

pinned Mack after a powerslam in 0:17:31.

Rating: -*** 1/4


Nearest Rating (Ziel 3,25)

No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Triangle Match with Managers Banned From Ringside:

Konnan defeated Bull Nakano and Kenta Kobashi when Konnan made K. Kobashi

submit to a bearhug in 0:16:05.

Rating: *****

No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Triangle Match with Managers Banned From Ringside:

Steve Corino defeated Abdullah the Butcher and John Cena when S. Corino pinned

J. Cena after a figure-four leglock in 0:06:48.

Rating: ** 1/2

2:1 Expendables

No-Countout-No-DQ-Iron Man Match with Managers Banned From Ringside:

The Expendables (Abdullah the Butcher, Bastion Booger, Sid Vicious and Steve

Corino) beat Wilde Maskw„mser (Giant Baba, Kenta Kobashi, Konnan and Monsta

Mack) 8 falls to 4:

x Abdullah beat Mack via the Sudanese Elbowdrop in 0:04:15

x Booger beat K. Kobashi via the Sitdown Splash in 0:27:23

x Booger beat K. Kobashi via a bearhug in 0:29:09

x Konnan beat S. Corino via the Tequila Sunrise in 0:39:22

x Mack beat S. Corino via a flying bodypress in 0:50:20

x S. Corino beat Mack via a fisherman suplex in 0:50:53

x K. Kobashi beat S. Corino via the Burning Lariat in 0:58:19

x K. Kobashi beat Vicious via the Burning Lariat in 1:09:57

x Booger beat Konnan via an inside cradle in 1:23:16

x Booger beat Konnan via a flying bodypress in 1:25:52

x S. Corino beat Konnan via the Old School Expulsion in 1:38:33

x Abdullah beat K. Kobashi via the Sudanese Elbowdrop in 1:54:41

x time limit expired (Konnan and Abdullah) in 2:00:00

Rating: ** 1/4


10-Person Battle Royal:

Bastion Booger won a 10-person Battle Royal:

x Abdullah defeated Konnan after the Sudanese Elbowdrop in 0:08:46

x S. Corino defeated Baba after the Old School Expulsion in 0:22:27

x K. Kobashi defeated S. Corino after the Burning Lariat in 0:26:36

x Vicious defeated Mack after a choke slam in 0:27:03

x K. Kobashi defeated Abdullah after the Burning Lariat in 0:40:50

x Vicious defeated K. Kobashi after a powerslam in 0:43:29

x J. Cena defeated Bull Nakano after a DDT in 0:47:53

x Vicious defeated J. Cena after a choke slam in 0:52:33

x Booger defeated Vicious after a cross-body block in 0:53:10

Rating: ** 1/4

Wilde Maskwämser (Daniel.) 1:4 The Expendables [N] (Barney Ross)


Nuklearer Ascheregen (Tim Walter) - WÜF [A] (Roderich Stücken)

No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-I-Quit Match with Managers Banned From Ringside:

Carlos Colon defeated El Alebrije when El Alebrije passed out in a camel clutch

in 0:06:10.

Rating: *** 1/2

1:0 WÜF

No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Four Corners Match with Managers Banned From Ringside:

Giant Haystacks defeated Scott Norton, Gigante Silva and King Kong Brody when

Haystacks pinned Brody with the Elbowdrop in 0:21:57.

Rating: -*


Nearest Rating (Ziel 3,25)

No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Triangle Match with Managers Banned From Ringside:

El Alebrije defeated Crowbar and Katsuyori Shibata when Alebrije pinned Crowbar

with the Scissor Kick in 0:10:46.

Rating: *** 3/4

No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Triangle Match with Managers Banned From Ringside:

Bob Sapp defeated Carlos Colon and Thug when B. Sapp pinned Thug with the

Diving Headbutt in 0:25:24.

Rating: *** 1/2

2:1 WÜF

No-Countout-No-DQ-Iron Man Match with Managers Banned From Ringside:

Nuklearer Ascheregen (Crowbar, Giant Haystacks, Katsuyori Shibata and Scott

Norton) beat WšF (Bob Sapp, Gigante Silva, King Kong Brody and Thug) 7 falls to


x Crowbar beat Silva via a flying cross body press in 0:10:04

x Silva beat Crowbar via the Choke Slam in 0:14:15

x Shibata beat Thug via an achilles tendon hold in 0:26:01

x Haystacks beat Thug via the Elbowdrop in 0:35:38

x Brody beat Shibata via pinfall in 0:42:28

x B. Sapp beat Crowbar via a short arm scissors in 0:50:39

x Norton beat Brody via a Gorilla Press in 1:02:22

x Silva beat Crowbar via a splash from the second rope in 1:07:10

x Silva beat Crowbar via a splash from the second rope in 1:11:46

x Thug beat Crowbar via the Thug Bomb in 1:15:27

x Haystacks beat Silva via the Elbowdrop in 1:23:59

x Haystacks beat Thug via a lariat in 1:38:03

x Crowbar beat Thug via pinfall in 1:58:40

x time limit expired (Thug and Crowbar) in 2:00:00

Rating: ***


10-Person Battle Royal:

Katsuyori Shibata won a 10-person Battle Royal:

x Alebrije defeated Thug after a dropkick in 0:06:50

x B. Sapp defeated Crowbar after the Diving Headbutt in 0:13:19

x Alebrije defeated Haystacks after a flying cross body press in


x Norton defeated Brody after the Power Bomb in 0:27:40

x Silva defeated Norton after the Choke Slam in 0:28:17

x Shibata defeated Alebrije after an achilles tendon hold in 0:51:01

x Shibata defeated C. Colon after a Northern Lights suplex in 0:54:48

x Silva defeated B. Sapp after the Choke Slam in 0:57:57

x Shibata defeated Silva after a side step in 0:58:57

Rating: **** 1/4

Nuklearer Ascheregen (Tim Walter) 3:2 WÜF [A] (Roderich Stücken)




TNM CBL 2024 (Stand 03.06.2024)Ergebnisse und TabelleHauptrunde - Mid-Division13. Spieltag RKO (Nick Heidfeld) - Dark Forces (Anakin) 4:1  Hardcore Icons [N] (Sabu3:16) - Intelligence Unit [A] (Jay Halstead) 4:1  Wilde Maskwämser (Daniel.) - The Expendables [N] (Barney Ross) 1:4  Nuklearer Ascheregen (Tim Walter) - WÜF [A] (Roderich Stücken) 3:2 Spielfrei: Ginyu-Sonderkommando [A] (Erik Jendrisek) P Verein Sp. S U N Diff. Tore Pkt. Heim Auswärts ===================================================================================================================1. (1.) Ginyu-Sonderkommando [A] (Erik Jendrisek) 11 9 0 2 17 36:19 27 | 5 4 0 1 17: 8 12 | 6 5 0 1 19:11 152. (2.) WÜF [A] (Roderich Stücken) 11 8 1 2 11 32:21 25 | 5 5 0 0 16: 9 15 | 6 3 1 2 16:12 10-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. (4.) Hardcore Icons [N] (Sabu3:16) 12 7 0 5 1 30:29 21 | 7 4 0 3 16:18 12 | 5 3 0 2 14:11 94. (3.) Nuklearer Ascheregen (Tim Walter) 11 7 0 4 1 28:27 21 | 5 4 0 1 15:10 12 | 6 3 0 3 13:17 9-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. (5.) RKO (Nick Heidfeld) 12 6 0 6 2 31:29 18 | 6 3 0 3 17:13 9 | 6 3 0 3 14:16 96. (7.) The Expendables [N] (Barney Ross) 12 5 0 7 -1 29:30 15 | 6 3 0 3 15:14 9 | 6 2 0 4 14:16 6-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. (6.) Wilde Maskwämser (Daniel.) 11 4 0 7 -5 25:30 12 | 6 2 0 4 13:17 6 | 5 2 0 3 12:13 6-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. (8.) Intelligence Unit [A] (Jay Halstead) 12 4 0 8 -9 25:34 12 | 7 3 0 4 16:19 9 | 5 1 0 4 9:15 39. (9.) Dark Forces (Anakin) 12 1 1 10 -17 21:38 4 | 5 0 1 4 10:14 1 | 7 1 0 6 11:24 3

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The Evil Undertaker (Wilde Maskwämser, 1 Match)

wieder einsatzbereit:

Awesome Kong WCW (Ginyu-Sonderkommando)

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[TNM] CBL 2024 - Mid Division (13. Spieltag ONLINE) - MOONSAULT.de (2024)
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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

Last Updated:

Views: 6262

Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.