The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)


Joseph C. Low-ry and Annie E. both- of Honey-brook, Chester county. Pa. MacELREE the even- HAWAII'S LEGISLATURE State Suburban Favors ANNEXATION DERBYSHIRE WARNE, Engineers and Machine Builders, 217 Race street, Philadelphia, make a special feature of developing and perfecting machinery from customers' designs.

Complete working drawings made to order for work of all kind. We also design and build machines, fixtures and appliances for reducing shop costs, and contract for building machines in large or small lots. Write us lor estimate. Schuylkill Haven Special to The Inoulrer. SCHUYLKILL HAVEN, Nov.

2S. Major and Mrs. Samuel A. Losch and daughter, Miss Naomi, are spending several weeks with relatives at Zanesville, Ohio. Mrs.

Edward Rush left town on a month's visit to friends at Reading, Spring City and Philadelphia. The Women's Missionary Society of the United Brethren Church held a very-enjoyable entertainment. Miss McGovern, of Easton, spent several days here as the guest of Miss Alice Kauffman. Mrs. Charles Wiltrout and Mrs.

George F. Dengler were among friends at den, N. J. Interment at Evergreen MOORE. On November 28, 1896.

Frank Moore, aged 44 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from the northeast corner of Third and Pine streets. Interment at W'ood-lands Cemetery. O'LEARY. On November 27, Jeremiah O'Leary.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday morning, at 8.30 o'clock, from his late residence. No. 32 Meade street. Solemn requiem mass at St. Philip's Church.

Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. PHILLIPS. On the 19th Lurina, daughter of W. C. Phillips, of Mt.

Carmel, Schuylkill county. aged 35 years. Interred in Mt. Zion Church Ground, Christian street, below Sixth, Philadelphia, on Monday afternoon, 23d inst. Funeral from northeast corner Third and Pine streets, Philadelphia.

QUINN. On November 25, 1S96, Mary Jane Quinn, widow of the late William Quinn, aged 76 years. The relatives and friends of the family and Garfield Council, No. 2, U. F.

are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 2.30 o'clock, from her late residence. No. 315 Wharton RAILROADLINES PEK NS LV AN I A RAILROAD on and after la, lovro, TRAINS LKAVE STREJST bTATfON Iaily. Daily, except Sunday. HLaHy, elt.

cept Saturday. Pittsburg Mail 7.00 a Pittsburg Express. Dining Fast Mail, Pittsburg 10.23 am "Pennsylvania Lim'd." Dining Car.12.i!u Fast Lin. Pittsburg 12.2.1 Chicago ami St. Louis Ex.

Dln'g Car.M.30 Western Express 8.50 South 'Western- Express Express 11.20 Harrisburg Express, 4.30 a rr. 4.H5 Niagara. Rochester and Kane a Elmira and Kenova Express 12.25 in Wllliamspurt Express Sundays 4.30 Hochester and Buffalo Express ljS.50 Erie. Rochester and Buffalo Express 1 1.20 Lock Haven Express. a.

4.33 Cumberland Valley R. 4.30, a. 12.25, 4.30 p. m. week-days, 11.20 p.

m. except Saturdays. Sundays. 4.30 a. 4.30.

11.20 p. m. For Gettysburg, 4.30. 8.30 a. and 12.23 P.

m. week-days. SCHlYLKHiL DIVISION. For Pfioenixvllle. Pottstown and Reading.

5.57. 35. lu.19 a. 2.10. 4.10, 3.32.

7.11 p. m. Sundays, (1.50. U.23 a. 1.10.

5.40. 8.30 p. m. Phoenlxvirie only, 7.43 a. 4.1S.

11.37 P. M. week-days. For Pottsville, 5.57, 8.35, 10.1!). a.

2.10, 4.1(, 7.H p. m. week-days. Sundays, U.5U 8.23 a. 5.40 p.

m. FOR XKW YORK, Express, weekdays, 3.20, 4.03, 4.50, 5.13. 6.50. 8.20, 8.33, 9.50, 10.21 (Dining Car. 11 a.

12 noon, 12 S3 (Limited l.lKi and 4.22 p. m. Dining Cars), 1.40. 2.30 (Dining Car), 3.20, 3 SO, 4, 5, 5.50 (Dining Car), 0.50, 8.12, lo.oo p. 12.01 night.

Sundays. 3.20. 4.05, 4.00. 5.15. S.20, 8.3.1, 0.50.

10.21 (Dining Car), 11.35 A. 12.33, 2.30 (Dining Car), 4.00 (Limited 4.22 Dining Car). 5.20. 5.56 (Dining Car). 6.33.

C.50. 8.12. 10.00 p. 12.01 night. Express for Boston, without ohange, 11.00 a.

m. week-davs and ft SO tv dailv. Gebbie, daughter of William and Elizabeth Guthrie, aged 17 months. Funeral services on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, at parents' residence, 808 West Somerset street. Interment strictly private.

HARPER. On November 27, 1896, at Bristol. Elizabeth Harper, widow of the late James Harper, aged years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, November 30, 1896, at 2 o'clock, from her late residence, 540 Locust street, Bristol. Interment at Bristol.

HARRISON. On November 27, Mary Har. rison. in her 93d year. Funeral services will be held at her late residence.

No. 7 East Penn street, Germantown, on Monday morning, at 10 o'clock. Interment private. HAUBER. On November 25, 1896, John Hauber, beloved son of John and Lillian Hauber, aged 1 year and 6 months.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, November 29, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, 025 Moyer street. Interment at Palmer's Cemetery. HERRON. On November 26, 1896, Sarah Jane, wife of Robert Herron, in the 52d year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family, also the Second W.

C. T. the Auxiliary Corps of the Eighty-eighth Penna. Volunteers, the Women's Relief Corps of Con-shohocken, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday afternoon, December 1, at 1 o'clock, from her husband's residence, Fifth avenue, below Hallowell street, Con-shohocken, Montgomery county, Pa. Services in the Conshohocken M.

E. Church, about 2 o'clock. Interment at Merion Square Cemetery. HOOD. In Norristown.

on November 25. 1S9G, Robert S. Hood, in his 63d year. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence. No.

1046 De Kalb street, on Monday afternoon, November 30, at 2 o'clock. Interment at Montgomery Cemetery. HUBBS. At Mount Holly, N. on November 27, 1890.

Cecelia, wife of George W. Hubbs, aged 35 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, near Hartford, N. on Tuesday morning, December 1, at 10 o'clock. Carriages will be at East Moorestown Station to meet the 8.30 A.

M. train from Market street ferry, Philadelphia. HUGHES. Suddenly, on November 25, 1S96. Henry, the husband of Jane Hughes, aged 63 years.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning, at 8.30 o'clock, from his late residence, northwest corner Clinton and Baker streets. High Mass at St. Stephen's Church, Nicetown. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. JACOBS.

On November 26, Henry C. Ja cobs. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday, at 2 o'clock precisely, at his late residence. No. 2030 North Twelfth street.

Interment private. KELLY. On November 27. Edward Kelly. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning, at 8.30 o'clock, from his late residence, rear of 908 South Seventeenth street.

High mass at St. Charles' Church. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. KENDERDINE. On Fourth day.

Eleventh month, 25, 1890, Sarah Kenderdine, aged 85 years. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, to meet at Horsham Meeting House on Second day, 30th instant, at 10 o'clock. Carriages will meet train leaving Reading Terminal at 10.02 A. M. at Willow Grove Station.

KING. On November 20. 1890, Charles H. King, aged 72 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of his son-in-law, David R.

Souder, 1013 Anita street. Services at Eleventh Street M. E. Church at 3 P. M.

Interment Lafayette Vault. KIRCH MANN. On November 20. 1896. Mary, wife of George W.

Kirchmann, aged 41 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her husband's residence, 2931 Rohrer street. Thirty-third ward. To proceed to Franklin Vault. KLEINFELDER.

On November 27. .1890, William, son of William and Laura E. Klein-felder. aged 3 months and 25 days. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sundaj afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his parents residence.

Chestnut street. Ambler, Pa. Interment at Rose Hill Cemetery. LAMBSON. On November 27.

1S96. William Lambson, formerly of Chester. Pa. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of N. W.

Fairlamb, 512 Market street. Chester, Delaware county. Pa. Interment at Chester Rural Cemetery. LAVERTY.

On November 27. 1896, Matthew, youngest son of William A. B. and Mary Laverty, aged 13 years and 6 months. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his parents' residence, 1911 McClelland street.

Nineteenth and Moore streets. Interment at Mt. Moriah Cemetery. LEWELLEN On November, 27, 1S96, David Lewellen aged 00 years. The relatives and friends of the family also Kensington Council, No.

9, and I. P. Morris Company, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, Cortland, east of Front street. Interment at Green Mount Cemetery. Take Fix Chase cars for Wyoming avenue.

LIVINGSTONE. On November 27. Sophia Livingstone, aged 93 years. Funeral from the residence of M. M.

Newman, 220 Franklin street, Sunday, November 29, at half-past ing of the 24th of November. 1890. at the residence of the bride's parents, 1110 Lehigh avenue, George A. MacElree. M.

and Miss Mary MacMaster. both of Philadelphia. MeKENZIE BURNETT. On November 24, by the Rev. John L.

Scott, D. Archie Mc-Kenzie to Lizzie Burnett, of San Francisco. MARTIN CAREY. On November 25, by the Rev. Walter Alexander, D.

Clinton Street Presbyterian Church, Mrs. Mary E. Carey to George H. Martin. MARTIN MacELWEE.

On Wednesday evening. November 25, 1890, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. John Teas. D. D-, Mr.

John Martin. and Miss Elizabeth MacElwee, all of Philadelphia. MATHESON GOSNER. On Wednesday, November 25. 1890, by Rev.

J. A. Matheson, John Matheson to Mary M. Gosner, both of Philadelphia. MENG NEEF.

On November 25. by Rev. A. Linsz, Mr. George Meng to Miss Anna B.

Neef, both of Philadelphia. RIPPEY NOEL. On November 25, 1890, at Olivet Presbvterian Church, by the Rev. L. Y.

Graham, D. S. Howard Rippey and Anna Virginia Noel, both of Philadelphia. SCOTT LIFER. On November 25, 1890, at St.

Jude's P. E. Church, by the Right Rev. Leighton Coleman. D.

Bl3hop of Delaware, assisted by the rector. Rev. Charles Logan. Rev. William Reese Scott and Mary Bringhurst Slifer.

STENZ SESDLEJIANN. On "Wednesday evening. November 25, 1890. at 1203 Moore street, bv the Rev. William Hutton.

D. pastor of Greenwich Street Presbyterian Church, Mr. Harry G. Ster.z and Miss Annie Seidlernann, both of Philadelphia. STEVENSON LEMLEY.

On Wednesday, evening, November 25, at the residence of the bride's mother. 6328 Hanco*ck street, Ger-mantown, by the Rev. T. W. Kretschmann, John Lyons Stevenson to Eleanore D.

Lem-ley. WARNOCK MENDENHALL. On Wednesday, November 25, at the Church of Our Saviour, Montoursville, by the Rev. George W. Van Fossen, Rev.

John Warnock, of Johnstown. to Miss Elizabeth Men-denhall. of Montoursville, Pa. WEIR EANTOM. On Wednesday evening, November 25.

1S96. at the residence of the bride's parents. 0200 Girard avenue, by Rev. George B. Bell.

Mr. Harry Weir and Miss Florence M. Bantom, all of Philadelphia. WILKIE FRANCIS. On Thursday evening, November 26, 190, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev.

Edward R. Baxter, Miss Caroline Small Francis to Mr. William Henry Wilkie. both of Camden. N.

J. WILSON McKINNEY. On Thursday evening, November 20, 1890, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. John Teas. D.

D-, Mr. James Wilson to Miss Margaret Y. McKinney, both of Philadelphia. DIED. ANDERSON.

On November 25, 1896, Emily Jane, wife of Benjamin F. Anderson, aged 60 years. Relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, November 29, at 1 o'clock, from the residence of her husband. Thirty-first and Howell streets, Cramer Hill, N. J.

Services at Hosanna M. E. Church at 2 o'clock. Interment at Johnson's Cemetery. AYARS.

On November 25, 1896, at Ber-wyn. Jane, widow of Preston Avars, in her 82d year. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, Monday, 30th instant, at 10 o'clock, at the residence of her son-in-law, E. Lane Schofleld, Berwyn, Chester county. Pa.

Proceed to Salem M. E. Church for interment. BAILEY'. On November 27, 1S90, Letitia, widow of Charles Bailey, aged 84 years.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, from her nephew's (John Brown) residence, 5122 Franklin street. West. Philadelphia. To proceed to Blockley Cemetery Vault. BEAM.

On November 26. Elizabeth Ann, wife of Albert C. Beam and daughter of the late Isaac and Mary A. Thomas, aged 52 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her late residence.

1438 South Forty-seventh, street. West Philadelphia. Interment at Mount Moriah Cemetery. BEGGS. On November 27.

Margaret daughter of Lydia A. and the late James J. Beggs. The ielatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral on Monday, at 8.30 A. from her mother's residence, 4938 Lancaster avenue.

Solemn high mass of requiem at the Church of Our Mother of Sorrows. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. BEHRING. On November 26, George Casper Behring, aged 55 years. Relatives and friends of the family, also Meridian Star Lodge, No.

232, I. O. O. F. Council No.

1. K. of H. W'ashington Circle. No.

3, B. U. (H. of Pennsylvania, are invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, November 30, at 2 P. M.

precisely, at his late residence. No. 4318 Otter street. West Philadelphia. Interment at Mount Peace Cemetery.

BICKEL. On November 27, 1890. John son of George W. and Mary Bickel, aged 15 months and 9 days. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, at 3 o'clock, from his parents' residence.

2446 Dover street. Interment at Mount Peace. BRADLEY. On November 27, 1890, Ellen A. daughter of Patrick and Hannah M.

Bradley, aged 23 years and 10 months. The relatives and friends, also the Annunciation B. V. M. Sodality, are invited to attend the funeral on Tuesday morning, from her parents' 'residence, 1504 South Tenth street.

High mass of requiem at the Annunciation Church at 10 o'clock precisely. Interment at Holy Cross. BRENEMAN. On November 26, 1S90. Barbara, widow of the late Jacob Breneman.

aged 70 years. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday morning, at 10 o'clock, at the church. Elizabethtown, Pa. Interment at Elizabethtown. Pa.

CAMPBELL. On November 25. 1890. Andrew Campbell, aged 52 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday afternoon, at 1.30 o'clock, at his late residence.

Sixty-fifth street and Buist avenue. West Philadelphia. Interment private. CART WRIGHT. On November 28.

1896. Charles Henry, beloved son of George H. and Dora S. Cartwright, aged 7 years and 8 months. Due notice of funeral from the residence of his parents.

829 Bucknell street. CHRISTENSEN. On November 25. 1800, Captain Ditman Christensen, aged 02 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence.

754 South Second street. Inters ment at Mount Moriah Cemetery. CLEARY. On November 27, 1896. Bridget, wife of James Cleary, aged 53 years.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday morning, at 8.30 o'clock, from her husband's residence, 1226 Adams street, Frankford. Solemn requiem mass at St. Joachim's. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. COVINGTON.

On November 26. 1896, In Port Kennedy, John W. Covington, in his 64th year. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence. Port Kennedy, on Sunday afternoon, November 29, 1890," at 2 o'clock.

Interment at Port Kennedy. DUNKERLEfY. On November 27, 1S96, Harriet Louisa, daughter of Daniel and Annie Dunkerley. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from her parents' residence, rear 431 Marriott street. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery.

Brooklyn papers please copy. EFFERT. On November 25, 1896, John Henry Effert, aged 47 years. The relatives and friends of the family, also Journeymen Bricklayers' Protective Association and all other orders of which he was a member, are invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, 3616 Haverford street. Interment at Fern, wood.

ERB. On November 26, 1890, Michael Erb, in the 76th year of his age. The relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his son-in-law. Mr. John Boyd.

No. 1039 Frankford avenue, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Hanover Street Vault. ERNST. Suddenly, on November 27, 1896.

Helen M. beloved wife of John Ernst, aged 32 years 1 month 10 days. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her late residence, northeast corner West and Clinton street, Camden, N. J. Interment at Harleigh.

FALKENSTEIN. On November 26. Kate Falkenstein. daughter of the late Kaspar and Catharine Falkenstein, aged 31 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral service, on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at her late residence, 1028 Vernon street.

Interment private at Mount Peace Cemetery. FEIL. On November 24, suddenly, Charles G. Feil, aged 64 years and 10 months. The relatives and friends of the family, also Stephen Girard Lodge, No.

450, F. and A. M. Masonic Veterans of Pennsylvania and all other associations of which he was a member, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, at 1 o'clock, from his late residence, 615 North Seventh street. Interment at Mount Vernon Cemetery.

FINLE Y. On November 27, 1896, of membranous croup, Albert youngest son of Samuel T. and Jennie Finley, aged 2 years 1 month and 12 days. No funeral. Our third in Heaven.

FLINN. On Wednesday, November 25 1890, Julia U. Flinn, wife of James G. Flinn, aged 40 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday, at 3 o'clock, at her late residence, 1909 Seybert street.

Interment private. GIBB. On November 25, Martha Ingraha.m, widow of the late William The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from the residence of her son, William Gibb, 1945 South Fourth street. Interment at Mount Moriah Cemetery. GITHENS.

On November 1896, Samuel E. Githens.Relatlves and friends are invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, Juliustown. N. Tuesday, December 1, at lO A. M.

Interment at Juliustcwn. GORGAS. On November 20. 1896, Robert Gorgas, in his 60th year. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence.

No. 5 Baird's court. Frankford. Interment at Cedar Hill Cemetery. GRIER.

On November 27. James Grler. aged 65 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday, at 2 o'clock, from his late reidence. 2207 Catharine street.

Interment at Mount Moriah Cemetery. GUTHRIE. On the 27th Elizabeth Other State Suburban 5ew Page 38. Shamokin Special to The Inauirer. SHAMOKIN, Nov.

2S. The following couples were married during the past week: John M. Kamp and Miss Clara Crowl, by Rev. J. Walker; Edward D.

Hoover and Miss Maude E. Candam, by Rev. J. T. Bradford; William Dillon and Miss Mary Fox, by Rev.

Thomas Wilcox, and John Jones and Miss Ella Harrigan, by Rev. J. Walker. Miss Lizzie Allison entertained a number of her young friends on Saturday evening. The members of the Black Diamond Degree staff of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows drove to Numidia Saturday evening, where they were tendered a banquet after having conferred the second and third degrees upon applicants of Goodwill Lodge, No.

310, of that place. Miss Cora Bird spent Sunday at Ashland with her friend, Miss Elsie Mc-Connell. Mrs. I. H.

Heilner, Miss Mame Heil-ner and Mrs. G. R. Hanley are spending several days at Tamaqua and Philadelphia. Miss Lou Hoishme entertained her friends at a card party on Tuesday evening.

P. A. Mahon, Judge Savidge and James Scarlet spent a week in the wilds of "Virginia. Mrs. Heisman returned1 to Reading after a visit with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Isaac May. Mrs. F. H.

Ingham and Mrs. E. L. Barrows, of La Porte, were the guests of Mrs. E.

V. Ingham. Dr. Ed. Robins spent a portion of the week in Philadelphia.

George H. fa*gely, Robert F. Nicholson, J. E. Herrold, Lafayette Trommet-ter and Andrew Thompson are scouring Sullivan county wilds in search of game Tamaqua Special to The Inquirer.

TAMAQUA. Nov. 28. Tuesday evening a surprise was tendered Mr. and Mrs.

William Harribin at their home, on Railroad street, in honor of their second wedding anniversary. Tnose in attendance were: Mrs. John Genther, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Deen, Mr.

and Mrs. H. C. Laudenbacher.Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Harribin, Mr. and Mrs. William Gilfert and daughter, Edna; Misses Sallie, Ethael and Andry Penglace, Miss Eliza Bluett, Miss Blanche Harribin, Mr. E. Harribin, Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Seiders, Mr. and Mrs. George Seltzer, Misses Ed Mullson, Harry Russell, Charles Hodgkins, H. Cool, Mis Kate Molter, of Philadelphia; and Mis Grief, of Williamsport.

Mrs. T. H. Eisenhuth entertained a few of her friends at her home on Rowe street on Wednesday. Miss Mary Evans, of Pottsville, is being entertained by Mr.

and Mrs. H. B. Rally. The wedding of Miss Sallie, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Lewis Leibold, to Frank Taylor, of Danville, was celebrated at the home of the bride on Lafayette street on Tuesday evening. Minersville Special to The Inquirer. MINERSVILLE, Nov. 2S.

Misses May Howells and Jessie Guers, of Pottsville, spent last Sunday in town, the guests of the former's cousin. Miss Irene Smith. Congressman C. N. Brumm and family spent part of the week with relatives in Philadelphia.

Mrs. Edward Kear returned home after a pleasant visit with her son, Edward, of Shamokin. Thanksgiving services were conducted by Rev. Edwards in the Reformed church on Thanksgiving. Miss Maggie Fowler returned to her home in Philadelphia last Sunday after a pleasant visit with her friends here.

Richlandtown Special to The Inquirer. RICHLANDTOWN, Nov. 2a Elmer Home has returned home after spending a week with his uncle, Stephen Home, at Philadelphia. George Amey, Philadelphia, is. visiting his mother.

Irwin Benner, student of Medico-Chl-rurgical College, Philadelphia, is visiting his parents. William H. Hinkle and John B. Dates-man were installed as deacons by Rev. D.

H. Reiter, Sunday, at St. John's Lutheran Church. Mr. Wieant, Centre Valley, spent Sunday as the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. Jeremiah Heller. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D.

Gable spent Sunday with Quakertown friends. Bloomsburg Special to The Inquirer. BLOOMSBURG, Nov. 28. Miss Maud Derr and Miss Eliza Logan visited friends in Berwick this week.

Mrs. G. W. Enterline and sister, Miss Annie Gorman, visited relatives at Tamaqua this week. Miss Maud Patterson left Wednesday for Brooklyn, where she will spend the winter with her brother.

Miss Helen Carpenter spent Sunday with her sister. Miss Hattle, at Cambria. Miss Ida Shellenburg, of Hamburg, Is the guest of Mrs. A. B.

Heller. Mrs. W. H. Weaver and daughters, Clara and Nola, who have been visiting Mrs.

Weaver's parents, in Iowa, for the past three months, returned home Tuesday. Quakertown Special to The Inquirer. QUAKERTOWN, Nov. 2.8. Peter Smith spent Sunday at Philadelphia.

Evan R. Penrose was a visitor at Lansdale for Wednesday. A grand conundrum tea party was tendered in Saylor's Hall Thanksgiving evening. Dr. James S.

Raudenbush, Philadelphia, was the recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Durner. James S.

Harley has returned home from a trip through New Tork State. Ex-District Attorney Paul E. Apple-bach, Doylestown, was among the visitors here on Saturday. Summit Hill Special to The Inquirer. SUMMIT HILL.

Nov. 28. Mrs. Cornelius Brennan returned to Philadelphia. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs.

Bella Brennan, who will spend the winter there. Mrs. Anthony Storch has returned from an extended visit to relatives at Philadelphia. Mrs. Anthony Schneider is being entertained by relatives at Ogden, Utah.

Rev. Robinson was at New York city. Weatherly Special to The Inquirer. WEATHERLY, NOV. 28.

Mrs. W. Lee Stiles and grandson, Jesse Dilley, of South Bethlehem, were entertained by Mrs. Valentine Smith. Mrs.

T. F. Dunn, Mrs. H. Rouse.

Mrs. C. W. Wilhelm and Mrs. FYeehulfer, spent several days at New York city.

Joiin Leisenring. of Upper Lehigh, spent a day here as the guest of John McCarthy. Freeland Special to The Inquirer. FREELAND. Nov.

28. Miss Birdalyn Davis left for Boston, where she is attending the New England Academy of Music. Miss Mary Daniels, of Trinidad. Colorado, is being entertained by Miss Frances Hartman. Mrs.

J. Tolan, of Mahanoy City, spent several days here with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel GilL Minister Hatch Calls Attention to the Sentiment Prevailing on the. Island.

TREATY MAY YET RESULT Hawaiian Anxious to Have tlie Pacific Cnlile Laid- Tlie Concession Originally Granted to Colonel SimlAing. WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. Francis M. Hatch, the representative from Hawaii to the United has returned to the city after a long absence.

The Minister was asked for an interview on the prospects of a renewal during the incoming administration of steps for the annexation of Hawaii to the United States. Mr. Hatch declined to talk on the subject, but referred his questioner to the following- resolution passed by-the Legislature of Hawaii in May last, as showing the attitude Kt his government on the subject: "Whereas, It- has heretofore been the announced policy, both of the provisional government and of the republic of Hawaii to advocate the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States of America. "Whereas, The Legislature of the Republic of Hawaii is now In regular session assembled, and will soon adjourn for a considerable period, and, "Whereas, It is fitting that the elected representatives of the people should place themselves on record as to the present state of feeling among ourselves and their constituents on this subject. "Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives that the Legislature of the Republic of Hawaii continues to be, as heretofore, firmly and steadfastly in favor of the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States of America, and, in advocating such, policy, they feel assured that they are expressing not only their own sentiments, but those of the voters of the republic." In this connection it will be recalled that just before the close of the last administration Secretary of State Foster negotiated a treaty with a commission from Hawaii for the annexation of that country to the United States.

It was sent tv the Senate by President Harrison, but was not acted on during his administration. After President Cleveland came Into office and before the Senate had disposed of the treaty the former withdrew it. The document not having been ratified by this government nothing was done by the Hawaiians. The Legislature of Hawaii will not meet again for some time. It is understood, however, that the President of that country has the power should he deem it expedient at any time to reopen negotiations-with the United States for a treaty looking to annexation.

No information is obtainable at the Legation respecting the recent action of the Hawaiian Government in rejecting the proposition for certain extensions of the concessions granted to Colonel Spalding in regard to a Pacific cable. The Hawaiians, Minister Hatch says, are anxious to have the cable laid, particularly between the United States and Hawaii, and as an evidence of their desire have offered a subsidy of $40,000 a year towards the maintenance of the latter, which is regarded as a large amount, when coming from a small country. The concession originally granted to Colonel Spalding for the cable between Hawaii and the United it appears, gives him an exclusive franchise for twenty years, provided he obtained aid from his government within eighteen months after the date of the concession. The time expires in May next, so that speedy action is necessary If the original terms of the agreement are adhered to. (cjossip oj fte Qubs Thanksgiving week did not furnish a busy budget for the clubs, although there was quite a large number of Informal dinner entertainments.

From now on, however; club life will steadily grow brighter. With the exception of the single property at 1418 Sansom street, the Union League owns the entire block bounded by Broad and Fifteenth streets and Sansom and Moravian streets, and some interesting improvements be looked for within a couple of years. This block is one of the most valuable not only in this city, but also in the country; in fact, no other club owns any better property. The directors are contemplating additions that will give the members additional accommodations, sleeping rooms, etc. When these will be made is problematical.

They are not likely to enter upon any extensive work for two or three years at least, because a number of the tenants hold leases that will not expire within two or three years. In order to get them to vacate, the League would have to pay out a very large sum, and as there is no need of haste, such a move is deemed inadvisable. Plans have already been drawn for the ladies' restaurant in the basem*nt, fronting on Broad street, and the project has the ear marks of being put through. The petition has been signed by over 1000 members. At the coming annual meeting of the club, the proposition to increase the membership from 170O to 1900 will come up.

There are now 1000 applications for membership, and more are continually coming In. The average loss Vo the club each year through death, resignation and expulsion is 60. If th membership is not increased, it will tak sixteen years before the thousand would become members. Of course this calculation Is not made with the thought in mind of a thorough sifting process. It is based purely upon the number, without considering the rejection of a large or small percentage.

The annual meeting will be held on December 14. The billiard room of the club is to be carpeted. At present, there are strips around the tables where the players move. Several dinners are to be held in the club in the near future. One of the largest is that of the Sons of Delaware on December 7.

The Kettle Club will hold another dinner on January 27. The Art Club is putting in its new electric plant at an expense of several thousand dollars. When the Improvement is completed it will be one of the best-lighted clubs In the country. The exhibition is now open and has attracted a large number of art lovers throughout the week. Several small dinners have been given lately at the Manufacturers Club.

Edward J. Durban entertained a number of friends on Saturday night of last week, and Mr. Montgomery gave a dinner, followed by a theatre party, to a number of ladies and gentlemen. The Alumni Association of the Polytechnic College of Pennsylvania held a meeting and a dinner a few evenings ago. A large number of classes were represented and the alumni had a jovial time.

At the University and Rlttenhouse Clubs on Thanksgiving night the teams of the University of Pennsylvania and Cornell were entertained at dinner. The two elevens were evenly distributed and the affairs were characterized with all the good fellowship that should exist between the two competing universities. The Pen and Pencil Club held another of its interesting informal entertainments on Friday night and the Mercantile Club had a good treat in the way of a smoker and supper on Thanksgiving eve. Congressman "Farmer" Kuip, of the Northumberland district, and Congressman Loudenslager, of New Jersey, were In town yesterday. 25 H.

P. VERTICAL ENGINE. 25 H. vertical boiler and 20 H. vertical engine on one bare; (I and 18 H.

f. vertical boilers; 4 and 8 H. P. horizontal engines; 7 H. boiler and 5 H.

P. engine on one base; 54-inch back geared drilled press; single and duplex steam pump. INNES 2139 Eila street. FOR SALE Wood-working machinery, Glea-son band-saws, 2-inch Gleason pony planer, ttnoners, saw tables, swing saws, laundry wizzers, bosom ironer, collar ironer, dip wheels, washes, shafting, pulleys, belting. J.


S. SOLOMON 1015 SAKSOM ST. ENGINES AND BOILERS, stacks, hydraulic presses, steam and plunger pumps, kettles and pans, incandescent and arc light dynamos, motors, pulleys. hangers, shafting, vises, belting. 1501 North Second street.

SEND FOR catalogne of second-hand machinery, over llOO lots, comprising evervthing in the machinery line. FRANK TOOMEY, 131 North Third street, Philadelphia, Pa. HAVE YO L'RDEASPuf INTO SHAPE mechanically or electrically by RUDOLPH, 10 South Eighteenth; model and experimental work; spec'alty wantetd. FOR SALE Good 28-inch portables heater, 10; also first-class brickset heater, drums and pipes, in excellent order, $30. 2104 North Sixth street.

223-LIGHT THOMSON-HOUSTON. 1300- ngnt alternator. V4 Edison motor. THOMAS YEARS LEY, 158 North Third St. ENGINES, BOILERS, jacketed kettles; also farmers', furnaces and kettles.

A. N1TTIN-GER, HL'G North Fourth street. ENGINES, BOILERS, GAS ENGINES. (team pumps, drill presses, new and second-hand. J.

G. RICH, 120 North Sixth. LARGE VARIETY OF SHAFTING. PUL-leys and hangers. CHARLES HADDOCK 313 North Third street.

BLAKE PUMPS. NEW AND SECOND-hand: write for list. Frank W. DILKS 51S Arch street. Philadelphia.

DOGS, Bl PS ETC FOR SALE CHEAP THOROUGHLY BRO-ken beagles, rabbit hounds, fox hounds, broken on rabbits and some extra well broken for fox hunting; young dogs of the above breeds partly broken also several pointers and setters. 12 to IS months old, that are partly broken will make good hunters for this season: write us before buying elsewhere; we will save you money, and if you get a dog from us and do not like him we will exchange with you; write us before coming to see us, as our stock is not at Thorndale. HARRY REEDER Thorndale, Chester Pa. COLLIES, PUPPIES. FIVE MONTHS OLD, dam by the celebrated winner, GOLDDUST (A.

K. C. S. 29213). Sable and white males.

$15; females, $10. DOGS TAKEN TO BOARD. Seminole Kennels, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. FINE SINGING GERMAN CANARIES, $1.75 each; every bird warranted good singer; largest stock and best birds. H.

W. VAHLE, 319 Market and 46 North Ninth street. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BIRDS. GOLD fish or parrots? Send for our new catalogue, giving full directions on the care of all pets. HOPE, 29 North Ninth street.

PARROTS' AND PARROT CAGES, FINE singing canaries, aquariums, gold fish, globes; established 27 years. THOMAS BROOM, 49 North Ninth. LIVE QUAIL, CHOICE QUALITY. H. W.

VAHLE. 319 Market. CABPET CLEANING Sixth above Diamond. Colors restored; carpets thoroughly cleaned by dry process; guaranteed not to destroy stiffening in back of fine carpets; 2c. per yard; lowest price; movi ing in padded vans; city or country; best service; prompt delivery; telephone 7403.

Send postal. 2C FAIRMOUNT CO. HAULING FREE. Taken up, cleaned and laid, 5c. yard.

No Shrinking or ripping. All work guaranteed. Moths destroyed. 221 North Twenty-second street. Branch office, 3806 Lancaster avenue.

QUAKER CITY CARPET CLEANING Third, above Poplar. At that very low price, 2 cts. per yard, remove all moths; call for and return them within 24 hours, free. Tel. 4944.

WILL COVER AND REUPHOLSTER YOUR furniture equal to new; weekly payments. 680, Inquirer branch office, 1913 Ridge ave. 2C. PER YD. UNION CARPET CLEANING Co.

Taken up, cleaned and laid, 5c. Hauling free. 16th and Erie ave. and 530 Lehigh. PEERLESS CARPET CLEANING WORKS, 680 N.

Broad. Cleaned and laid, 4c. per yd. 2C. YD.


White Backs, 4c. Gold Papers. 8c. THOMAS M. DUDLEY, 941-43 Passyunk avenue.

Samples sent free ROOMS PAPERED. $2 UP; ROOMS PAINT-ed. $2 up; fronts, $5 up: all work guaranteed. SMITH, 921 North Thirteenth street. ROOM3 PAPERED, $2 UP; work guaranteed; samples furnished.

ALLEN, 1520 NT Ninth. MICHAEL. 429 NORTH EIGHTH Enough gold paper, 18-in. fringe, room 12x12, $1. JOFEX HANGE 20 ACRES.

GULF FRONTAGE, HILLSBORO county, Florida; bicycles, horses or realty, near Philadelphia hotel site. 75, Inquirer office. BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS AN EXPERT WANTS SECRETA-RYSHIP OF one or more building associations. Address 123, Inouirer office. However bad the Cough, relief will come through a judicious use of Dr.

D. Jayne's Expectorant, and in the great majority of cases a permanent cure will follow. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED. Labreca. Antonio, and Emelia Papa.

Montague, Bernard and Jennie M. Moyer. Powell, George and Jennie Garrigan. Regan, Michael, and Annie Drannan. Ross, Charles and Rachel E.

Woodyard. Strobele, Nathan and Kate Hildebrand. Wagner, Milton and Anna R. Grubb. Wright, Joseph, and Isabella H.

Lamb. Zanelli, Agostino. and Maria G. Del Venhlo. MARRIED.

AXDRESS GARTON. In Philadelphia, November 25. 1890, at Twelfth Street M. E. parsonage, by Rev.

C. Lee Gaul, Mr. George M. Andress and Miss Mollie A. Garton, both of Philadelphia.

CHARLES LANG. On Thursday evening, November 20, at 2734 West Lehigh avenue, by Rev. Jessie H. String, pastor of Calvary Reformed Church, Mr. Frank Charles, of Norristowft, and Miss Wilhelmina H.

Lang, of Philadelphia. CORCORAN CONCANNON. On November 25, 1890, at St. Mary's Church, by the Rev. Joseph C.

Kelly, Joseph A. Corcoran to Katharine De S. Concannon, both of Philadelphia. CRAMER BRATTEN. On Thursday, November 26, 1896, by the Rev.

Joseph Kelly, D. of the Fourth Presbyterian Church, at the residence of the bride's mother, 1535 street, N. Washington, D. J. Pratt Cramer, of Atlantic City, to Edith F.

Bratten. of Philadelphia. FULTON KORNDOERFER. November 25, 190. at the residence of the- bride's parents, 5507 Chew street, Germantown, Philadelphia, by the Rev.

Frank P. Parkin, David A. Fulton and Anna V. Korndoerfer, both of Philadelphia. HARRIS HAMILTON.

On November 25, 1890, at the residence of the bride's parents, 459 Girard avenue, by the Rev. J. G. Wilson, Thomas W. Harris and Gertrude Hamilton, both of Philadelphia.

ARTMANN MACKEY. On the evening of AVednesday, November 25, 1896. at the residence of the bride's mother, 1704 Vine street, by J. R. Miller, D.

Mr. Philip C. Hartmann, of Rutherford, N. and Miss Mary F. Mackey, of Philadelphia.

HARZE MOODY. At the residence of the pastor. 2023 Montgomery avenue. November 23, 1890, by Rev. S.

G. Shannon, Hubert J. Harze to Miss Jennie Moody, both of Philadelphia. KOENIG SCHLEICHER. On Wednesday.

November 25. 1896, by the Rev. Herman Duhring. at the residence of the mother of the oride, No. 1722 South Sixteenth street, Mr.

Frank Herman Koenig to Miss Minna Dora Schleicher, both of Philadelphia. LAYTON MARX. On November 25. 1896, at the parsonage of the First Methodist Episcopal Church. Germantown, by the Rev.

Frank P. Parkin, Gove Saulsbury Layton, or Philadelphia, and Miss Mathilda Marx, of Germantown. LEI BFRIED LAWRENCE. On Wednesday evening, November 23, 1890, at No. 1527 Lingo street, by the Rev.

Matthew J. Hynd-man, Mr. Charles W. Leibfried and Miss Elizabeth Lawrence, both of this city. LEVY November 26 1890, by the Rev.

Dr. Grossman, Louis Levy to Ettie Schwarx. At home, 1639 Poplar street. LLOYD JARRETT. At the residence of the brlde'8 parents.

6t9 North Eleventh street. November 25. 1896, bv Rev. Byron A. Woods, D.

Mr. Edwin L. Llovd. and Miss Vinnie Jarrett. all of Philadelphia.

LOWRY RICKER. On Thanksgiving Day. November 26, at the Forty-third Street Par- Drifton Special to The Inquirer. DRIFTON, Nov. 2.8.

Miss Maggie De-ver, of Jeanesville, spent several days here as the guest of E. J. Sweeney and family. The social event of the season was the leap year hop given by the ladies ia Cross Creek Hall. Those present from a distance were: Misses Mame Donaughey and Maggie Lockman, Edward Mundy, John Sipple, Charles Jenkins, Samuei Crawford, Walter L.

Douglas and Philip Bachman, of Hazleton; Miss Elizabeth Sterling, of Jeanesville, and Archie Nes-bltt, of Ebervale. The friends of Frank Fear, of Eckiey, tendered him a surprise party in honor of his birthday anniversary. Tremont Special to The Inquirer. TREMONT, Nov. 28.

Mr. and Mrs. 3. S. Batdorf were the guests of their daughter, Mrs.

Harry Gay, at Shamokin for several days. The Young People's Association of the English Lutheran Church held an enjoyable entertainment. Mrs. George P. Owen returned to California after spending several months here with relatives.

Rev. Mr. Heffner, of Friedensburg, was entertained by J. A. Seltzer and family.

Dr. George H. Moore, of Heckscher-ville, were the guests of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Moore.

Shenandoah Special to The Inquirer. SHENANDOAH, Nov. 28. Mrs. Sarah Wasley and daughter left on Saturday for New Orleans, where they will be the guests of Mrs.

Abner Powell. Elijah Gregory and daughter, of Gi-rardville, were guests of W. G. Gregory and family on Sunday. Miss Lulu Evans, of Butte City, Mon is being entertained by Miss Maggie Palmer, West Centre street.

The Women's Relief Corps conducted a flag raising at the new White, street school building on Thanksgiving Day. Girardville Special to The Inquirer. GIRARDVILLE, Nov. 28. Miss Ellen.

Rowe, of Pottsville, spent Sunday in town as the guest of Miss Annie Kant-ner, Parker street. A largely attended dance was given by members of the Star Social Club in the Armory Hall. A grand military dance was given by Company Eighth Regiment, N. G. in Armory Hall.

Mr. and Mrs. William Tyler, of New-field, N. JJ, spent several days in town as the guests of Rev. T.

M. Bateman and family, Richard street. Lansford Special to The Inquirer. LANSFORD, Nov. 2S.

Misses Emma Davis and Sarah Richards, of Shenandoah, spent several days here as the guests of Miss Edith Fleming. Mrs. Edward Hartman, of Reading, was entertained by Mrs. William Drum-heller on Sunday. Mrs.

Thomas M. Whildin and daughter, Miss Sallie, spent several days at Philadelphia. John Evans, of Beaver Meadow, spent several days here with his father, Thomas Evans. Mr, and Mrs. John F.

McGinty, of Tamaqua, called on friends here on Sunday. Tower City Special to The Inquirer. TOWER CITY, Nov. 28. Rev.

Wayne Channell preached a Thanksgiving sermon to the members of the Jr. O. U. A. M.

in the Methodist Episcopal Church on Sunday evening. Miss Carrie Lebo is spending several weeks visiting friends at her former home in Uniontown. Theodore Spittle, and family have gone to Shamokin, where they will make their future home. Benjamin Kaufman, of Tremont, visited friends here. Mahanoy City Special to The Inquirer.

MAHANOY CITY. Nov. 28. Mrs. Theodore Hammer, of Philadelphia, is being entertained by her father, Charles W.

Bensinger, West Centre street. Mr. J. Frank Torbet, of Jersey several days here with Mr. and Mrs.

M. M. MacMillan. A large number of friends assisted Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Davis to celebrate their silver wedding last Saturday evening. FRIGHTENED WOMEN An Aged Man Roughly Handled by Infuriated Relatives. An aged man created a scene of wild excitement at Sixteenth and Mt. Vernon streets on Friday afternoon by insulting passing women, and his years alone saved him from severe punishment. As it was he was somewhat roughly handled by relatives of one of the women he insulted, and was turned over to the police of the Ninth district.

The old man, for he is 82 years of age, is well known around the neigh-' borhood of his home. lie was well dressed and appeared to be quite a respectable person when he stopped at Sixteenth an' Mt. Vernon streets on Friday afternoon and attracted no attention until th wife of a physician came along and her he addressed some remark. She die not understand what he said, and thinking that he might be bewildered she stopped and inquired what he said. Almost Instantly he tried to seize her, and might have suceeded but the frightened woman struck out with all her force and knocked him away.

Then she fled for home, and calling her husband and brother told them of the affair. Out they went and close by the spot where the insult occurred they found their man. In the meantime he had tried the same game on another woman, who fled screaming with fright. He also pulled part of the clothing from three little girls. He was seized, although despite his years he showed fight, but was quickly and thoroughly subdued by his captors.

He was then handed Over to a Ninth district policeman, but because of unmistakable signs of heart failure and the probability of his being demented, the physician did not care to order his arrest. He was sent home, and on examination revealed the fact that he had become demented. His family promised to keep him indoors in the future. The AVeek's Deaths. During the week ending at noon yesterday there were S80 deaths in this city.

This was' an lncresae of 15 over the preceding week, but a decrease of 28 from the corresponding week of last year. Of the total number were 11S of children -under the age of five years. The principal causes of death were: Apoplexy, 12; Bright's disease, 10; cancer, 12; casualties, 11; consumption of the lungs, 52; convulsions, 10; croup, 1(; diphtheria. 24; disease of heart, 21; inflammation of the bronchi, 17; inflammation Of the kidneys. 12; inflammation of the lungs, 46; inflammation of the stomach, and bowels, 11.

i oci tica lit iieii Lull oil en iya. i Church, at 3.30 o'clock. Interment in Church Vault. RAMSEY. On November 25, 1896, Charles husband of the late Elizabeth Ramsey, in his 88th year.

The- relatives and friends of the family, also the members of the Bridesburg Presbyterian Church, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 1 o'clock, from his late residence, 2818 Church street, Bridesburg. Interment at Presbyterian Grounds, Bridesburg, Pa. REAGAN. On Tuesday, November 24, 1896, Mary, widow of Dennis Reagan, aged 80 years. The funeral will take place on Saturday morning, at 8.30 o'clock, from her late residence, 1013 Thompson street, thence to St.

Malachy's Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the happy repose of her soul at 10 o'clock precisely. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. Relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. (ISO) REED. On November 15, 1896, Harriet wife of Edwin J.

Reed. The relatives and friends of the family, Friendship Circle, 192. C. of and Quaker City Council, No. 17, Daughters of Liberty, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday at 2 o'clock, from her late residence, 2802 Alter street.

Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. RICHARDS. Suddenly, on November 27, 1896, Edward son of the late Rev. E. J.

Richards, of Reading, Pa. Services at the residence of W. H. Welsh, Wayne. on Sunday afternoon, at 4 o'clock precisely.

Interment at Charles Evans' Cemetery, Reading, on the arrival of the train leaving Broad Street Station at 8.35 on Monday morning. RIMINGTON. On November 27, 1896. Richard Rimington, aged (( years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence.

No. 845 Fern street. Camden, N. J. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.

ROHRER. On November 26, 1.896, Xavier Rohrer, aged 49 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, 802 Randolph street. Interment at Most Holy Redeemer. ROPER.

On November 27, 1896. Clara wife of Samuel Roper, and daughter of William and Sarah Johnson, aged 29 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from the residence of Williatn S. Roper, 2015 Ogden street. Interment at Mount Moriah Cemetery.

(222) RUFF. On November 25. 1896. Annie wife of John Ruff, nee Millimann, aged 31 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, at 2 o'clock, from her late residence.

808 Rachel street (Second and Brown streets). Interment at Glenwood Cemetery. RULON. On November 26, 1890. James Rulon, aged 77 years.

The relatives and friends of the family, also the survivors of Company of the Ninety-first Regiment of Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of his son. Isaac Rulon, No. 525 Wildey street. Interment at Palmer Cemetery. SCHWEIKER.

On November 25, John B. Schweiker, aged 62 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, at 10 o'clock, from North Wales, also Northern Liberty Hose Company invited. Interment private. SHARP.

On November 25, Joseph Sharp, aged 35 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence. Seventieth and Adaline streets, Paschalville. Interment at St. James', Kingsessing.

SHALLCKOS3. On the 26th Elizabeth, widow of the late John Shallcross. in her 86th year. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. H.

Kahler, No. 1615 North Eleventh street. SEWELL. On November 27, 1896, Alfred Sewell, aged 36 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, 1332 Napa street.

Interment at Mt. Moriah. SHEPARD. Suddenly, on November 20. 1896.

Thomas Shepard. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday morning, at 9 o'clock, from his late residence, 3304 Baring street. Interment at Union Hill Cemetery, Kennett Square, on arrival of train leaving Broad Street Station 11.13 A. M. SYMINGTON.

On November 26. 1896. Sarah Jane, wife of Robert Symington, aged 52 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at her late residence, 447 East Somerset street. Interment private.

SMYTH. On November 20, 1896. Mary wife of Samuel Smyth. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her husband's residence, 2434 Fairhill street. To proceed to St.

John's Evangelical Church Vault. into rest on November 20. 1890. Louisa, the wife of Michael Louis Snyder and the daughter of John and Sophia Korn, aged 41 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from her late residence, 1830 Graham street.

Nineteenth and Master streets. Interment at Northwood Cemetery. SWANN. On November 24, 1896, John Swann, son of Jennie Harvy and the late John Swann, aged 23 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from the residence of his mother.

No. 844 North Seventh street. Interment at Ivy Hill Cemetery. TEMPLIN. On November 27, 1896, Augustus son of Augustus S.

and Elizabeth Templin and grandson of the late Henry S. and Abbie Troxell, aged 34 years. The relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services, at the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. J. S.

Carty, No. 335 East Girard avenue, on Monday evening, at 8 o'clock. Interment at Easton, Pa, TIERNEY. On November 27. 1890.

John A. Tiemey. The relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, 1212 North Nineteenth street, on Monday morning, at 8.30 o'clock. Services at Church of Gesu. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery.

TOLAN. On November 27, 1890. Ann. wife of James Tolan, aged 49 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning, at 8.3U o'clock, from her husband's residence.

2902 Waterloo street. Mass at St. Veronica's Church. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. TROTMAN.

On November 27, 18S6, James, son of James and Mary Trotman, aged 19 months and 7 days. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from parents' residence. No. 218 Wyoming street. Interment at Lafayette Cemetery.

VARE. On November 20, 1896, George W. Vare. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from his late residence, 1250 Fleetwood street. Interment at Mt.

Moriah Cemetery. WATSON. On November 27, 1896. Elizabeth, wife of William Watson, aged 54 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at her late residence, 3056 Boudinot street.

Interment private. WEBSTER. On November 26, 1896. Deborah WTebster, widow of the late Joseph Webster. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 2 o'clock, from her late residence, 432 Trenton avenue, Camden, N.

J. Interment private. WHEELDON. On November 27, 1896, William, son of John and Jane Wheeldon, aged 17 years, 8 months and .14 days. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday afternoon, November 30, at 3 o'clock, from his parents' residence, No.

1913 Kossuth street, Camden, N. J. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery. WHITE. On November 23, 1896, Ella wife of John White, aged 32 years.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of her sister, Laura Brisco, Chesapeake City. Md. WOLF. On November 27, 1896, Gertrude daughter of Van L. and Jennie L.

Wolf, aged 20 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 12 o'clock, from the residence of her parents, Swarthmore, Delaware county; Pa. Services at First Baptist Church. Media, at 2 P. M.

Interment at Media Cemetery. CEMETERY LOTS MOUNT MORIAH CEMETERY LOTS FOR sale cheap. Lot No. 15, section five, 200 feet. Lot No.

17, section five, 400 feet. Lot No. 65, wall section, 500 feet. SAMUEL MOORE, 46 North Fourth street. FOR SALE LOT NO.

30. SECTION DI-vision 4, Greenwood Cemetery; willing ta sacrifice for cash. Address 14. Inquirer office. UNDERTAKERS JOHN M.

HALL, UNDERTAKER. 1728 Falrmount t. and 1515 Tioga iU Tel. 1b6. For Sea Girt.

Asbury Park. Ocean Grove, Long Branch and Intermediate stations. 8.20. 11.14 a. 4.W p.

m. week-days. For Lambertvllie 4Sew Hope). Easton, Stroudsburg and Scranton, 6.5o, 9.00 a. m.

12 noon. 3.52. 5.00 (Lamhrtville and Easton only) week-days, and 6.50 p. m. daily.

Buf- iaio, a. m. weekdays and p. m. daily.

WASHISOTOS AXD THE SOUTH. For Baltimore and Washington. 8.50. 7.20. 8.32.

10.20. 11.23 a. 12.31 (Dining Car). 1.12. 3.1S.

4.41. (5.19 Congressional (Dining Cat). 0.17. 6.55 (Dining Car), 7.40 Dining car) p. m.

and 12.05 night, weekdays. Sundays, 3.5. 7.20 tt.12. 11.23 a. 12.

(W, 1.12. 4.41 (3.15 Congressional Dining Car), C.55 (Dining Car). 7.40 (Dining Car) p. m. and 12.00 night.

For Baltimore and intermediate stations, .12 a. 2.02 and 4.01 p. m. week-days, 5.08 and 11.16 p. m.

daily. For Richmond, 12.09, 4.41 p. and 12.03 night dally, 7.20 a. m. week-days and (5.19 p.

Limited, week-days, 5.15 p. m. Sundays). Atlantic Coast Line. 12.09 p.

m. daily. Sleepers to Jacksonville, Port Tampa, and Macon. 12.03 night, Sleeper to Richmond and Jacksonville. Southern Railway, 6.55 p.

m. daily. Sleepers to New Orleans, Memphis, Tampa, Ashe- ville and Hot Springs. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway and Cincinnati, Sleepers and Dining Car, 7.40 p. m.

daily. For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk. Cape Charles Route. 10.20 a. m.

week-days, 11.10 p. m. dally. Leave MARKET STREET WHARF as follows: Express for New York. 9.00 a.

4.30 p. m. week-days. Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, and Long Branch. 8.30 a.

m. week-days. Island Heights. 8.30 a. 4.00 p.

m. week-days. FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad Street Station via Delaware Riv- er Bridge, Express, 7.02 p. m.

daily. Returning, leave Atlantic City, 10.05 a. m. daily. Leave Market Street Wharf, Express, 8.50 a.

2.00. 4.00 and 5.00 p. m. Sundays, 8.45 and 9.45 a. m.

Accommodation. 4.00 and 5.00 p. FOR CAPE MAY. Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avaion. Anglesea.

Wildwoort and Holly Beach. Express, 9.00 a. 4.00 p. m. week-days.

Sundays. Express, 9.00 a. m. For Somers Point. Express, 8.50 a.

4.00 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 8.45 a. m.

Time-tables of all other trains of the system may be obtained at the ticket offices or stations. The Union Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences. S. M. PREVOST.

J. R. WOOD, General Manajer. General Passenger Ag't. READING RAILROAD.

Jlnthrarlte Coal. Mweke. So Cinders. On and atXfr November 15. 1M6-TraiM l.rnvr Rradiug Termini, 1'lmlli.

Buffalo Iay Express I daily 9.00 a. m. week days .5 i'mlor and Dimity; Car Klark Diamond Kxpress For Huffulo Parlor Car) I 12.30 p. m. Pafi'alo and Chicago Exp.

I rtBilv P- m- Sleeping Cars. 9.45 p. m. Williamsport Express, week-days, 8.35, 10.10 A. M.

4.05 P. M. Daily (Sleeper), 11.30 P. M. Lock Haven.

Clearfield and Bellefonte Express (Sleeper), daily, except Saturday. 11.30 P. M. FOR SEW YORK. Leave Roading Terminal, 7.30 (two-hour train),, 10.30, 11.00 A.

12.45 (dlaing car), 1.30, 3.05, 4.00, 4.02, 5.00, 6.10, 8.10 (dining car) P. 12.05 night. Sundays 8.30, 9.30 11.50 (dining car) A. 1.30, 3.55. 6.10, 8.10 (dining car) P- 12.05 night.

Leave 24th and Chestnut 4.00, 11. 04 A. 12.57 (Dining car), 3.08, 4.10, 6.12. 8.19 (dining car), 11.58 P. M.

Sundays, 4.00 A. 12.04 (dining car), 4.10, 6.12, 8.19 (dining car), 11. 5S P. M. Kf 'Leave New York, foot of Liberty street.

4.30, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 11.30 A. 1.30. 2.00, 3.30. 4.0O (two-hour train). 4.30 (two-hour train).

6.0O, 6.00, 7.30, 9.00 P. 12.15 night. Sundays 4.30, 9.O0. 10.00. 11.30 A.

2.00. 4.00. 6.O0 P. 12.15 night. Parlor Cars on all, day express trains and sleeping cars on night trains to and from New York.

FOR BETHLEHEM, EASTON AND POINTS IN LEHIGH AND WYOMING VALLEYS, 6.05, 8.O0, 9.00, 11.00 A. 12.30, 2.00. 4.30. 5.30, 8.00, 9.45 P. M.

Sundays 6.25. S.32, 0.OO A. 1.10, 4.20, 8.00, 9.43 P. M. (9.43 P.

M. does not connect for Easton). For Schuylkill Valley Point. For Phoenixvllle and Pottstown Express, 8.35, 10.10 A M-. 12.45.

4.05, 6.30. 11.30 P. M. 4. 20, 7.43, ll.Wtt A.

1.42, 4.33. 5.53 7.20 P. M. Sundays Express. 4.0O.

9.05 A. 11.30 P. M. 7.00, 11.35 A. 6.15 M.

For Reading Express, 8.33, 10.10 A. 12.45, 4.05. 6.30. 11.30 P. M.

4.20, 7.45 A. 1.42, 4.35, 5.53, 7.20 P. M. Sunday Express, 4.00, 9.05 A. 11.30 P.

M. 7.00 A. 6.15 P. M. or Lebanon and Harrlsburg Express.

8.35, 10.1O A 4.05, 6.30 P. M. 4.20 A. 1.42, 7.20 P. M.

Sunday-Express. 4.00 A. M. 7.00 A. 6.15 P.

M. For Gettysburg, 8.35, 10. 10 A. M. For Pottsville Express 8.85, 10.10 a.

4.05 6.30. 11.30 p. m. 4.20, 7.45 a. I.

42 p. m. Sunday Express, 4.00, 9.05 a. II. 30 p.

m. 7.00 a. 6.13 p. m. For Shamokln and WilliamFport Express, 8.35.

10.10 a. 11.30 p. m. Sunday-Express, 9.05 a. 11.30 p.

m. Additional for Shamokln Express, week-days, 6.30 p. m. 4.20 a. m.

Sunday Express, 4.00 a. m. For Danville and Bloomsburg. 10.10 a. m.

FOR ATLANTIC CITY. ILeave Chestnut street and South street Wharves: Week-days Express, 9.00 a. 2.00, 4.00, 6.00 p. m. S.OO a.

6.30 p. m. Sundays Express, 0.OO, 1O.0O a. m. 8.00 a.

Hi 4.45 p. Parlor Cars on all express trains. Lake wood, week-days. 8.00 -ft. 4.15 p.

m. For Cape May nnd Sen Isle City. fl.45 a. 4.15 p. m.

Sundays 9.00 a. m. Detailed time-tables at ticket-offices, N. E. corner Broad and Chestnut streets, 833 Chestnut street, 1005 Chestnut street, 009 S.

Third treet. 39(12 Market street and at stations. Union Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences. X. A.

SWE1GARD. C. O. HANco*ck, Gen'l Superintendent. Gen'l Passenger Agent.


For tlie West. Leave Station, Chestnut and 24th streets. Chicago, 4.20 p. m. daily.

Cincinnati, St. Louis and Indianapolis, 12.20, T.40 p. m. daily. Pittsburg, 5.41 p.

rn. (Sundays, 4.20 p. Roanoke, Bristol, Chattanooga. New Orleans, Memphis, 5.41 p. m.

(Sunday, 4.20 p. mi. Through Pulman Sleeper to New Orleans. Pullman Sleepers Washington to Memphis. Royal Hlue Line tor Chester, Wll-mington, Baltimore anil Washing-ton.

week davs, 3.30, 8.15, 10.26 a. 12.20, 1..16, B. SO. 4.20. 6.41.

7.40 p. m. Sundays. 3.30. 8.15 a.

12.20. 1.30, 4.0, 7.40 p. m. The! 12.20,- 1.30, 4.20, 3.41 ana p. m.

trains carry Pullman Dining Cars, 1.30 train does not stop at Chester. For local stations Philadelphia Division, 6.15 a. m. (except Sunday). 1.50 p.

m. daily. For aditlonal trains lo Chester and Wilmington, see time table to be had upon application- to Ticket Agents. -Raggage called for and checked from hotels and residences by Union Trnnsfer Co. on (r-ler left at ticket offices, S33 Chestnut street, northeast corner Broad and Chestnut streets, 09 South Third street.

39C2 Market street, 12O0 North Second street, 1003 Chestnut street and at all stations. DENTISTRY IR. KYLE ROHRBACK, dentist, gas admln-- istered. 1019 N. 11th above Oxford.

SET OF TEETH, FILLINGS. 50C. New York Dntal 908 Vine street. ATTO AT-L AW law. Advice free.

Suits prosecuted and defended in all courts. Established 18 years. Highest references given. 1328 Arch street. RELIGIOUS NOTICES Miscellaneous.

MRS LEIDY, 2053 CAM AC STREET. WILL hold a meeting at Front and Norris streets, Sunday, 8 Sealed; questions answered. 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. LONG.

On November 20, 189G, George W. Long, aged 77 years. The relatives and friends of the family, also the associations of which he was a member, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning, "at 10 o'clock, from his late residence, 8S2 North Twenty-fifth street. Interment at South Laurel Hill. LONGAKER.

On the morning of November 27, 1S90, Isabelle wife of Thomas F. Longaker; The relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services, at her late residence. 672 Union street, Monday, at 2 o'clock. Interment private. MCALLISTER.

On November 24." 1896, Esther, widow of the late Charles McAllister, aged 94 years. The relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, from the residence of her granddaughter, Mrs. Charles Hollings-worth, 512 Hoffman street. Interment at Wharton Street M. E.

Church Vault. MacANNALLY. On November 25, 1896, Sarah wife of Francis M. MacAnnally. aged 48 years.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her late residence, 423 Mercy street. Services In Bethel M. E. Church, at 3.30 o'clock. Interment in Church Vault.

McCLERNAN. On November 26, Andrew McClernan, aged 70 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 8.30 o'clock, from his late residence, corner Ash-ton and Willitts roads, Holmesburg. Mass and interment at St. Dominick's Church, Holmesburg.

Carriages will meet 7.40 A. M. train from Kensington at Ashton Station. MCDONNELL. On November 25.

1896. Martin McDonnell, aged 35 years. The relatives and friends, also the P. F. Gallagher Democratic Association, of West Philadelphia, and all other organizations of which he was a member, are invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning, at 7.30 o'clock, from his late residence, 1914 South Sixth street.

Solemn mass of requiem at the Sacred Heart Church at 9 o'clock precisely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. McKANE. On November 26, Andrew, eon of Andrew and Frances McKane, aged 3 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the residence of his grandmother, Mrs.

Mary Abbott. 2026 South Seventh street. Interment private at Fernwood Cemetery. McKENNA. On November 25, 1896, Katie eldest daughter of Terence and Mary McKenna, in her 23d year.

The relatives and friends of the family, also the Blessed Virgin Sodality of St. Michael's Church, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral on Monday morning, at 8 o'clock, from her parents' residence, 171 West Norris street. Solemn Requiem Mass at the Church of Our Ladv of Visitation. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. M'LEAN.

On November 26, 1S96, Catharine, widow of Patrick McLean. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning, at 7.30 o'clock, from her late residence, No. 114 East Indiana avenue. Thirty-third ward. Requiem mass at the Church of the Visitation.

Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. M'MENANIN. On November 27, 1896, May beloved daughter of Charles A. and Bridget C. McMenanin.

in her 25th year. The relatives and friends of the family, also the Sodality and the League of the Sacred Heart Society of the Holy Family Church, Manayunk, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning, at 8.30 o'clock, from her parents' residence, 4668 Washington street, Manayunk. Requiem mass at the Holy Family Church. Interment at St. Mary's Cemetery, Roxborough.

MAGUIRE. On November 27, 1896, John Maguire. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday, oecemoer at 8.30 o'clock, from the residence of his son, Mr. John Maguire, No. 84 Laurel street.

High mass In Church of Immaculate Conception. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. MAY. On November 26, 1896, Ellen May, wife of John May and daughter of Mary and the late John Gillespie, aged 33 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning, at 7.30 o'clock, from her husband's residence, northeast corner Third and Somerset streets.

Mass at St. Edward's Church. Interment at Holy Sepulchre MEADE. On Thursday, November 26, 1896, of typhoid fever. Ada M-.

wife of Worden C. Meade and daughter of James G. and Lizzie S. Rea. Funeral services on Sunday, 29th instant, at 1 o'clock P.

at her late residence, 4030 Poplar setreet. Interment private. MILLBOURN. On November 27, 1896, Ann Millbourn, beloved wife of Mark Millbouin, aged 71 years and 8 months. Residence, 2822 Reynolds street, Bridesburg.

Tne relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 11 o'clock, from Heipsieby Baptist Church, Chester county. Take 8.30 train from Broad and Market. Interment at Heipsieby Cemetery, Coatesvllle, Pa. MOORE. On November 26, 1806, Mildred only daughter of Lydia and Frank B.

Moore, aged 4 years. 5 months and 15 days. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday. November 30, at 2 o'clock, from her parents' residence, 409 Stevens street, Cam.

The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

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Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.