KRON 4 News at 6am : KRON : June 24, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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>> it's disgrace is unacceptable. out 3 xy and you need to resign. now. >> well, now on the kron, morning news open residents rally over the weekend calling for mayor sheng thao to step down following an fbi raid on her home. and chaos in police are investigating overnight shooting sideshow in apartment fire. and a massive sideshow. europes early sunday morning stopping traffic on the bay bridge. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> and thanks for waking up with us on a monday. let's do it again. i'm darya and again and again. rain and for james this morning. hey giana saying a cooldown on the way. i noticed it already. when i went out with the dogs this morning, yet just feeling out there, especially out along the coastline, sea surface temperatures have been downright cold. >> so especially coastal areas have been feeling those cold

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mornings. before we get to the forecast, just a quick update for you on something that we brought you during the last hour. we did have a very bit of light shaking around 5.22, this morning. 25 miles northeast of healdsburg up there very far northeastern sonoma county. not a lot of shake reports, the usgs, but just wanted to mention that in the case that maybe i did feel a little bit of something during that last hour. otherwise off to a calm start this morning, we do have clear skies across the bay, a beautiful view from mount tam right here. visibility is fine across the vast majority of the bay. just a couple of low cloud cover above us. now, as far as winds go, very modest winds from the coast pushing inland today. will begin to moderate temperatures a little bit further up the coast right now. we're chilly pacific point raise down 48 degrees, which is the south about the same as our water temperatures been out there that's kept our cold ocean areas really, really chilly inland vacaville. you're sitting at 70 degrees right now. so

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definitely a mild start for you later today. it will be 70's 80's to 90's for your daytime highs. i'll be talking more about where we're going to see that forecast trend the rest of the week heading in your full forecast rain, all eyes on delicate you, roland. >> traveling on your morning commute. a 13 minute ride into the city right now on the bay bridge, san mateo bridge just short of 13 minutes there. richmond, sandra fell 7 minutes and the golden gate. 37 of the tolls, a 2 minutes. on and a big story this morning. a massive sideshow happened over the weekend on the bay bridge. traffic was at a home for about 30 minutes. yeah, exactly. chp says about 150 cars involved. kron four's will trend line of the bay bridge at that story morning. well. >> well, traffic is moving along now on the bay bridge. you can see the cars behind me. they're going into san francisco, the traffic that we are talking about happened on sunday morning at around 2 o'clock in the overnight hours. it was in the other

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side, the eastbound direction. let me show you the video. no word yet. if the chp made any arrests. but here we go again. this follows a couple of weeks ago when there was a sideshow along the embarcadero. this time on the bay bridge. >> dozens of cars participated in the sideshow. doing donuts on the roadway. and unfortunately, all those caught behind it. they were stuck in traffic. were not sure if it's the same group of people, but it sure feels the same with the shutdown of a major thoroughfare. >> in the bay area, not to mention shooting off fireworks. we did see some lights in the background intimating that perhaps the chp officers are on their way to the scene. but the time they got there and they took quite some time. you mentioned 30 minutes, at least then they dispersed. they took off to other places throughout the bay area. the chp, they have access to the video just like

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we do. and i'm sure they will be looking at it in the case. if you follow precedent, the san francisco police department, they immediately reacted to it and the days following the side show saying that it does take time for their investigation to take place that they have access to cameras within san francisco. so they promise arrests eventually. the chp, obviously they have access to cameras along the bay bridge. not to mention this video. i'm sure they will stay the same, but we will reach out to them a little bit later this morning to get a reaction. but unfortunately, if you're a cop behind you are stuck. >> just like all the other people along the embarcadero last couple of weeks in this video, just like the other one guys also going viral. >> back all right. good to see things are back to normal east this morning. will thank you. well, let's head to the north bay because of a police are now searching for a person behind a shooting that left several people hurt. it happened around 2.30 sunday morning on spring road in

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monterey street. 4 people were hurt in that shooting. video shows the police presence flooded the area right after the violence unfold. it the word yet on the condition of the victims in about an hour later, there was another side show. this is on many and lewis brown drive across settle fire. no injuries were reported. police say they did not respond because they were too busy with the shooting and an apartment fire did not immediately release details on the location of that fire for the east bay. it's been 5 days since the fbi raided oakland mayor sheng thao shouse. >> still, the mayor hasn't been seen over the weekend. the group behind her possible for the call. they had a rally right outside of city hall. michael thomas has that story. good morning, michael. >> hey, good morning, everyone. well, oakland residents continue to grow frustration as the mayor has yet to comment. not only on situation with the fbi raiding her home, but also 15 people being shot over at lake merritt in as rain. and

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mentioned it all comes around the same time. she's up for a possible recall. take a look. this is video that we gathered last week. this was during the early morning hours of thursday when the fbi raided the mayor's home. the reason still unknown. but there was about a dozen agents that went into the home. they spent about 5 hours there before leaving with multiple boxes in during the same time. 3 other locations were also being rated. and this is video that included the fbi, the u.s. mail inspector and the u.s. irs. it was the homes of david in andy young who partially owned and operate. california waste solutions, which is the city's recycling service. again, the reason unknown and this federal raid came one day after 15 people were shot following a juneteenth celebration at lake merritt, which the mayor has yet to address the major reason why residents are still upset meeting at city hall over the weekend demanding her resignation. take a listen. this is from the group behind the mayor. sheng thao recall that submitted more than 40,000 signatures arguing that the city has had an absence of leadership, especially

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following that mass shooting. >> like is do you guys want what i've witnessed? our community is part the doesn't show up at your at your home your home. >> unless corruption involving we know shang your hideout, your at your honeycomb hideout you are. you're hiding because, you know, we know you're a disgrace. is unacceptable. out 3 xy and you need to resign. now. >> you could hear that frustration out of right now. no formal comment or site of the mayor has come, but her attorney does tell the media that she's expected to speak publicly at some point. so back out here live, we have not gotten any confirmation or date or time when she may possibly talk. as of right now it's going on about the 5 or 6

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since the mayor has publicly spoken or been that's a very latest reporting live in oakland. i'm michael thomas will send it back to to live in the studio. thank you, michael. >> well, during that fbi raid of the home of david young on thursday. he along with other family members own and operate. california waste solutions. the city's recycling service in a statement, a crawl for cws says in part, quote, we were very surprised by the federal law enforcement search of our homes and office on june. 20th. believe that we have not engage in or committed any illegal activities on our way to the decision of the law enforcement agencies. in the meantime, cws will continue to proudly provide recycling services, countless communities throughout the bay. >> it's 607, and new video from cal fire shows crews on the scene of the point fire near lake sonoma. but there's a lot of progress. it's 90% contained this monday morning and no new fire activity is expected. they're expecting full containment soon. the

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fire has burned about 1200 acres and destroyed 3 homes. well, 2 homes, but 3 buildings and then 2 other houses were also damaged in that fire. and the biggest wildfire burning right now is the sites fire in colusa county has burned more than 19,000 acres. and it's only 48% contained. crews have dropped more than 700,000 gallons of water on this fire. lots of fire retardant as well. they are hitting it hard. we'll keep you updated on the progress there. the man accused of killing a richmond district shopkeeper is in court facing murder charges today last august. johan is john to wal d was killed trying to stop a robbery in the richmond market that he worked. santos de la rosa, they say was trying to steal 2 cans of beer that night and 2, while tried to stop him with a bat. but he was attacked and died of his injuries a few days later delarosa was arraigned last october and if

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convicted, he faces up to life in prison. >> time 609. in governor newsom's office says he won't deliver a traditional state of the state address this year said tomorrow going to deliver a state of the state letter to the legislature. his office will also post record remarks to newsom social media accounts over the year. most california governors have delivered a formal state of the state address to the legislature. governor newsom points out that the california constitution only requires him to provide a formal report. we'll talk to professor with the mcgeorge school a lot about what we can expect. >> i think the the intended audience, the legislature and the citizens are definitely expecting an update on the california budget situation. but i think in other instances, you know what other priorities are addressing homelessness, certainly retail theft are definitely on the top of people's minds. and i think a priority for the administration.

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>> well, the governor's office says his letter will discuss public safety and efforts to strengthen democracy as they put it. not everyone impressed public and assembly minority leader james gallagher is calling the state of california, quote, in their city. >> as california lawmakers are trying to combat retail theft. governor newsom is touting major progress in cracking down on crime. the california highway patrol has made more than 600 arrests statewide in related. and that's related to smash and grab crimes. the state says that's 167% increase of arrests compared to last year. there's been they say a 525% increase in stolen goods being recovered compared to last year. critics say the statistic sound great, but that it's too early to take a victory lap. lawmakers on both sides say that that more needs to be done to prevent these crimes. 6.11, is the time to land the rover morning news. we take you inside routine community festival and opens.

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>> organizers are working to move the neighborhood for days after tragedy. and how instacart is teaming up with a local food bank. the families too a season-high need. we'll too a season-high need. we'll be right back.

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my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.

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it's your time to cash in. so don't just play. stay... at northern california's premier casino resort. book your getaway now at things you know today, sonoma county sheriff's deputies are looking for man accused of sexually assaulting a woman was on an evening run 7 thursday on atrl between mcconnell avenue and donald road. the man was last seen on the trail heading westbound toward sebastopol. como police arrested a man accused driving a car stolen car from san diego. thanks to automatic license plate reader. driver

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identified as 34 year-old orlando of daly city police arrested in into jail on charges of possession of a stolen car. well, a police warning resides a scam involving gold bars. so they say the scammers posing as u.s. government officials telling victims their finances have been hacked. they try to persuade them to turn the cash assets into gold. he's asking people get in touch. if you think you've been scammed. and the san jose water park, raging waters will be reopening as caliph online next saturday. the south white road will have 23 acres of water attractions. >> your morning commute might be a little bit faster next year because a new mode of transportation. >> is going to take to the skies in 2025. electric aircraft company, archer is bringing air taxis to the bay area. and you can see the route here. they say this will

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instead of one or 2 hour trip. it'll be like 10 or 20 minutes for you. she takes and take a taxi flight around the bay. they are looking to build bases at oyster point in south san francisco, napa, san jose, oakland and livermore. they plan to complete compete with uber and lyft. they say that they will have a price equivalent. so i guess they'll make it like the competitive. yeah, i think it's going to whatever they say their aircraft can carry up to 4 passengers. can you imagine? >> i like it 7 our test. next year that's really fast will be flying over the waters of iran. i'm not going hold my breath. i see a lot of approval and snags and right things don't the features so is the cooldown, right? i like that. is. that's a good thought. it's a nice we do have some good flying weather this morning. this is your view at half moon bay, which is not all that fog to start

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things off. >> what i will tell you, though, is the coast has been cold sea surface. temperatures have been downright chilly down in the upper 40's and that has made for some really cold the evenings for some of our coastal communities inland. it's been just the opposite. a really warm past weekend. now, today comes along with generally some cooler weather. >> not cool. just yet. just less hot, high pressure. ridge really dominated the forecast over the weekend. but now this low is going dive as we make our way into the start of this week in as we move it, especially tuesday. and then wednesday, you'll notice backing off the heat for specially those inland areas. winds from the coastline not too hard. this morning, though, just a relatively mild, a light wind to kick off the day, helping to clean up some of our air back at home inland areas like the central valley have very poor air quality. in fact, unhealthy to very unhealthy conditions. make sure appreciate those light to moderate those good to moderate conditions that we have here locally smoke, not a

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huge part of the forecast of this weekend. that is a bit of good news for anyone with respiratory issues. as for temps, daytime highs in the 50's to 60's and san francisco. those 50's up the coast. definitely noticeably cooler. even then what we do typically see this time of year. and a lot of that does have to do with that cold sea surface temperature elsewhere, though, it is warm 80's to 90's for your daytime highs for inland areas with 70's to 80's along the bay shore heyward at 78 degrees today. oakland at 72 while walnut creek at 88 spots like antioch, getting up to 97 today while billy, how at 79 santa rosa down through sandra fell all in the mid 80's. looking ahead tomorrow as temperatures dip a little bit further into the low 90's for your warmest. after that, we settle into the 80's from wednesday on into this next weekend. so definitely a more mild forecast around the corner rania. all right, john, thank you for let's get you, roland. 70 min are on to the city on the bay bridge this morning. >> our richmond center fell bridge just short of 9 san

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mateo bridge about 14 minutes. and if you're hopping on the golden gate bridge, 37 of the tolls, 20 minute ride. >> protesters for palestinians taking over the streets of san francisco and hundreds marching through the castro district on sunday. and then they laid down at the intersection of 16th street and valencia. and trace outlines of their bodies chopped. millions of dollars for a crime. victim services and programs is included in california's final budget agreement, governor newsom approved 103 million dollars that will aid hundreds of thousands of violence and domestic violence victims across the state. that money is going help provide resources for survivors, including mental health services and legal assistance from nonprofits. >> mccraw for your local

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election headquarters. this thursday is the first big debate of the election season between president biden and former president donald trump. rules include the meat into microphones when other candidates talking, i remember got pretty noisy the last time these 2 men on the debate stage in nashville back in 2020 koppel will carry live thursday night, starting a 6 kron four's. catherine heenan will be moderating a panel political analysts. but before and immediately after that debate, analysts call this a high stakes event say carry significant risk for both men and they remind people they are the owners candidates to have ever competed in a presidential race in a candidate robert f kennedy failed to qualify for that debate. >> time now 6.19, and today marks 2 years since the u.s. supreme court overturn roe v wade and the constitutional right to abortion, abortion will likely be a major issue in this november election. with that. >> correspondent rot reshad hudson with the very latest on that. good morning. hey, good

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morning to you. and abortion access is likely to be a topic at thursday's and >> debate when president biden and former president trump face off for the first time during this election season. well, speaking to the faith and freedom conference in washington, d.c., former president donald trump took a victory lap. >> for helping overturn roe v wade. >> these justices we have also achieved what the pro life movement for to get for 49 years. christian conservatives make up a key part of the former president's support. >> they want him to go further on abortion restrictions. but trump is inclined to support a nationwide abortion ban. just now up to the will of the people in each state. some states will be more conservative. other states will be more liberal. abortion access is likely to be a major issue going into november's general election. donald trump and his allies >> they're working from a playbook.

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>> freedom's massachusetts democratic senator elizabeth warren says democrats in the senate are working to protect abortion rights. >> if donald trump is elected to the presidency, he and the extremist republicans are coming after abortion, contraception and ivs. >> and later today, vice president kamala harris will travel to maryland and arizona to take part in political campaign rallies focused on reproductive rights, daria reyna. all right, richard, thank you for that. >> 6.21 right now coming up on the kron 4 morning news. why health officials, east bay are looking to help kids with psychiatric emergencies and how this hiker was able to survive in the wilderness in santa cruz for 10 days.

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>> 6.24 right now instacart is partnering with a local food bank to help keep families fed through the summer months. instacart and the san francisco-marin food bank are partnering and offering the summer carts program. that's where you get the groceries online and you can donate. and then a shopper will pick them up and deliver them for free. i'm making it easier for you to donate from your home. so they make the donations easy and then they can feed more people and instacart also offer snap as a payment method for eligible family. so it's easier to sell or donate. that is anti get receive those grocery san francisco in

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services. about 11% of the population faces food insecurity. so this goes a long way. happening today, a psychiatric emergency unit is opening in contra costa county and it specifically to help youth. >> contra costa county health services says the new unit will serve kids ages 6 to 17 experience in a psychiatric emergency. and then off a crisis, intervention services as well as alcohol, drug screening services. the unit is opening at the miller wellness center. that's right near the martinez health center. this is in martinez right near al hombre avenue before the new use unit children experiencing psychiatric emergencies in the county. they were treated alongside adults at the contra costa regional medical center contra costa health services says last year there were over 1000 missions for pediatric psychiatric patients. >> a touching scene in san jose and alameda county firefighter is greeted with

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cheers coming home from the hospital. brandon franco is a 22 year veteran of the alameda fire department and he suffered burns while he was fighting the corral fire near tracy earlier this month. he had to have surgery. wow is looking pretty good, though, actually standing there and waving and saying thank you. he left the hospital, their members, the almeda fire department turned out to wish him well. coming up on the road, the morning news. why a favorite spot at stonestown galleria is shutting down with galleria is shutting down with about that. coming up.

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♪♪ when you're sick, you can't even be bothered to get up, to throw up. which is why you're currently looking at your popcorn bowl, like a toilet bowl. lucky for you, amazon one medical has made it so you can get help, without ever leaving the couch. and if you need a prescription? amazon pharmacy delivers. good news for you. not so much for anyone invited over to watch a movie.

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>> 6.29 right now and we're checking out the weather for you on a monday morning. and it was pretty like foggy or hazy over morning. i think is going to clear out, though, at some point, i don't think a lot of people do take their dogs out it. at me. the grammy doesn't really even get up in the morning hours get outside at some sunshine. if you are taking the dogs out these next few minutes. >> it's nice and bright out there. this is what we got in your view from the east bay hills, nothing but that sunshine overhead. now skies are going to remain clear today. even the coast is on the clear side of things very, very light onshore wind this morning. nothing much but a little bit of that coastal influence sea surface temperatures have been really cold. the down at 47 degrees, nevada 46 inland vacaville. you're at 70 dublin sitting at 60 degrees. so a mild morning for most of us. nice to get outside. enjoy this crisp start before another warm afternoon, although not as hot as we were over the weekend.

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all generally cooler trend of weather. still to come in your forecast, rain, all eyes on things that will track accident. this is along. >> northbound want to want at east 3rd street avenue in san mateo looks like we had a traffic collision, their vehicle, kerry and mcconnell's appears to potentially have been involved in an accident. so things are a little slow. you see the red on the map there are really big problem spot in that area. the other highways, art is busy from a fairly normal morning commute. 18 minute ride traveling into the city. san mateo bridge just short of 15. it was december fell ridge about 12 and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the toll is 19 minutes. >> time now, 6.30, and mcdonald's have apparently has closed its location at the stonestown mall in san francisco have been there for more than 3 decades. rovers. sara stinson got just talk customers who say they're disappointed. >> a sign posted on the door notified customers about the closure. first i thought it was fake. i didn't believe it.

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i'm sad about this location is going to be closing down loyal customers shared stories about eating here over the years. i was a student at some schools, state university just just >> i've been coming here since around maybe 2000. >> 2, 2003, i'm really disappointed to hear more so far. my mom, then for me because as she dearly loves mcnuggets and this is one of the few places close enough for me to bring her the fast food restaurant off of 19th avenue is packed with people in the final hours of operation. >> many saying the mall just won't be the same without it. it's drastically changed over the years that this is one of the more heartbreaking change is that i think they're making it because this is so one of the place so we can hanging out together now we don't know where we can goal. >> yeah. the franchisee owner scott roderick tells kron 4 the decision to close the

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restaurant was a difficult one for his family. roderick says there are 2 main factors that led to the closure. one, he says the landlord was unwilling to negotiate a sensible long-term rent. second broaddrick says the cost of operating a business is accelerating at historic levels. he says it became extra challenging to stay open after the state's $20. minimum wage mandate went into effect on april. 1st for fast food restaurants. roderick says all of his employees have been offered jobs to work at a nearby mcdonald's. there's another location about a mile away as well as other fast food chains at the food court inside the mall. but longtime customers say this closure hurts their routine. and will it one of the >> last places where i could get a hamburger for one 99 2024 economy. so. >> i'm sara stinson reporting in san francisco. kron. 4 news. >> it's 6, 33 and in the south and new construction policy could allow the citysof san jose to withhold

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certifications from big big developers whose contracts with unpaid wage theft judgments in california. the san jose city council approve something called the responsible construction policy where companies found have unpaid wage theft settlements have to address those before. the city can issue a final certificate on a project that policy expands. city searches for violations from just examining violations that are filed with commissioner's office to include civil wage and penalty assessments as well. and bureau of field inforcement citations as well. more than 12,000 santa clara county construction workers have been the victims of wage theft since 2001 to the tune of about 46 million dollars. another raising caines coming to the east bay. the food chain plans to open a restaurant this fall. >> in the heywood retail center right off mission boulevard early this year. the chain announced it would also

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open in san jose in coma now runs a restaurant right at oakland. >> happening now, sonoma county sheriff's deputies are looking for a man accused of sexually assaulting a woman who was out on an evening run thursday. she was running on a trail between avenue and ya know, road and she ended up being approached by a man who forced her to the ground and said he was going to sexually assault her. she was able to get away run and call the police. the man is described as a hispanic man 18 to 21 long black hair was wearing a purple hooded sweatshirt and as last seen on tail e. and he headed westbound towards sebastopol. anybody who knows anything. call the sheriff's office. on the peninsula. police arrested a man accused of driving a stolen car out of san diego. officers were tipped off by an automatic license plate reader. the car was near could impair sarah boulevard and coleman avenue off of 2.80. the driver is

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identified as 34 year-old tiago orlando out of daly city and he was arrested. 6.35. is the time right now. emergency crews in santa cruz county rescued a hiker over the weekend, but not before he had been out in the wilderness for more than 10 days. 34 year-old lucas mcclish his inexperience. backpacker and he went hiking in the big basin so he goes into the state park and then end up getting lost because that rain to change because the weather and everything. so he was lost. he started shouting for help. and then survived 10 days. finally, he was heard and seen and park rangers we're able to get to him and he told his story. he ate berries and he drank water from his boot. he slept on abed of wet leaves and then up spending the night in a hospital where he was treated for minor injuries and released. >> look at what did you see

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point and what color and what did you say to mommy and daddy? >> and if you save the day. >> that's the face of a hero. the 2 year-old boy san francisco credit with saving the day look altered his parents. he learned his peers to a fire in their home, told them to call 9-1-1. the fire started outside the home. this is on the 700 block 35th avenue. thankfully nobody was hurt. probably thanks to little lucas there. and was it to the east livermore? police helped revamp a bedroom for family seeking refuge. they were from peru. well, police partner with the healthy road project to build new deaths, bunk beds and special areas for the kids organization is dedicated to transforming spaces for families in at risk communities volunteer says she fell, especially connected to the family because her own

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family background. >> i come from also hispanic back from my parents came from mexico didn't have much so growing up. we also were poor. i let them know where it came from home. looking now have anything is possible. >> police say families who need the help can contact their community outreach program. >> california has now rolling out its own version of narc can. it's called cal are acts to stop opioid overdoses in reverse them. the state's purchasing twin packs for $24. each eligible organizations can get that nor can for freeze through the the california naloxone distribution project. this is a critical move by the state because the overdose epidemic he's claiming thousands of lives in california every year nor can. and now what it's called is cal rx can be used to quickly reverse effects of a drug overdose. it's 06:30am,

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democrats or republicans in sacramento are coming together for a bill that they hope we'll bring smiles to millions of californians. it's known as the smile at and it calls for low-income residents enrolled in the medi-cal program to be eligible for tooth replacement coverage. medical right now covers procedures to remove a tooth. yeah. but then what? well, this replaces it with plat and this bill would make implants a lot more affordable. >> to be able to smile, to be confident in that job interview are on that date or in a family portrait are to do something as basic has properly chewing food. what is the point of being one of the wealthiest states in the world and not be able to provide basic rights to residents in need of basic dignity. >> as a republican here in sacramento, i can smile. we have this much bipartisanship together. let's all give a big smile. >> totally. and where you can smile when there's no formal opposition to this. everybody

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is in agreement in the capital that it's important. but here's the thing. this dental implants, they are really expensive. so paying for this is going to be a challenge. it's going to cost multi billions well. we've got multibillion dollar deficit in. this is hundreds of millions who knows how much they're going have to pay. but it's worth it. be able to smile. and i holes in are in open over the weekend. folks came together. they were at lake merritt, celebrating community and culture. our kron. 4 photojournalist malcolm jackson takes a look. >> well, lot of people. days ago for actually a safe family. starting right

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everybody coming we came here no matter what we that looks like >> anderson in today. that's how the baby and very light. everybody's good spirit in the a lot of people. so has been really and i'm really, you know, like part of

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>> we're supportive plan does not go anywhere. >> some sights and sounds from over the weekend. 6.41. right now. and we're also going to take you to the ball game because the giants are playing the st. louis. was going to school. it's 6.44. and here

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are 4 things to know. the point fire, which is burning near lake sonoma is now 90% contained. >> and no new fire activity should be it's about 1200 acres and destroyed 2 homes, 3 buildings total. they think of a handle on it soon. police are investigating a shooting. 4 people were injured over the weekend. shooter is on the loose. this have about 02:30am, in the morning on sunday. in the south bay. volunteers have been cleaning up trash along san jose's coyote creek. the mayor says the mess is unacceptable and he is thanking volunteers for helping. and there could be a new way for you do with yourself around the bay and much more of a hurry them being in the traffic soon. there's a company called archer. they do airplanes in air taxis and they're going to set up. they say things will be up and running by next year. and they say like instead of one or 2 hours, the trip will bake the like 10 or 20 minutes in these taxis that

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would fly around. and they say that the cost could be competitive with uber and lyft. all right. jersey and the north bay, crews are going to be installing a new platform for that famous sausalito. see lines, culture. >> january last year it broke loose after a pretty big storm sammy's of back in place, july 3rd today, those crews are going to put in a new concrete platform to hold the 1900 pound sculpture. former mayor told kron 4 that sammy has been the most photographed piece of public art in the city since i was installed back in 1957. and the sales they want a park. ranger waters is going to be opening as kelly van next saturday. the park on south white road is going 23 acres of water attractions. the sacramento bee's company took over the lease for the former raging waters site earlier this year. we're talking about the weather. are a lot of folks enjoy yeah, it is going to cool down those who might not want to go to the lot white.

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yes. yeah. we are looking generally hot forecast ahead of us. those 90's this weekend were scorching. >> so taking a step back from that, your view outside of downtown san francisco, beautiful crystal clear. not all that windy either. nice way to start the morning sea surface. temperatures have been really cold. so you've got a cold morning at the coast. mild elsewhere. this high pressure ridge had resulted in that scorcher of a weekend, but a low dropping in starting tomorrow in really settling in towards the middle of the week is really going to leave its impact. cooling us down quite a lot. as we work our way through the remainder of the forecast, as far as winds go the relatively light, not a huge push from the coastline today. inland areas will still be on the warm side with a few 90's. we do have some very unhealthy air quality out towards the central valley. if you're heading out towards stockton, modesto, fresno, those areas not doing so well. well, here in the bay area, it's good to moderate. so by comparison, we're doing all right. a little bit of wildfire. smoke hugging the sierra foothills

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here in the bay. anything that you're seeing on the horizon is mostly just hayes, not really tapping into wildfire smoke at this point 50's to 60's for your daytime highs in san francisco as well as along the coastline. and then a lot of 70's 80's to 90's elsewhere in the bay, still going to be a hot one. but we are starting to break out of that heat spike that we had over the weekend and definitely noticing some relief, at least the beginnings of it doubling down. 87 conquered. still at 91 oakland, you'll be at 72 while antioch are very hottest spot at 97 degrees today. a look ahead shows tomorrow's temperatures down a little bit further after that will be in the 80's inland and 70's consistently along the bay shore. nothing but sunshine through this forecast right my with that, right? that's a long north. don't want eastern avenue in san mateo looks like a vehicle that was carrying on mcconnell's got into an accident. so >> they had a clear his wife, shep, avocados on the road. that is what hopefully crews

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are able to get this handle within a reasonable amount of time. the bay bridge right now, 90 minute right there. san mateo bridge just short of 19 minutes. here's summer. fill a 13 minute ride. and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls. 20 minutes. well, since we're talking about making me hungry deal like anchovies, sometimes i'm but anchovies and cesar, that night mix for fans of the fish, there's more to love. today's dine and dish. >> vicki liviakis. take a look. >> the little fish that's bait for bigger fish is having a moment. and joey is a lot more than just pizza tossing it is a true delicacy here anchovy bar in san francisco and show these are all the rage. yeah. pretty obsessed. the award-winning husband wife team from the popular state bird provisions and the progress devoted to the humble anchovy silvery fish that's

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local and plentiful there. so fresh you can smell the bay. nicole krasinski says it's pulled fresh from the bay every day. this is a real anchovy bar. favorite stewart rios, a calls on must try. it's the line bathed fresh anchovies on warm butter toast. this is something that is very sustainable, very healthy. >> and incredible to and just so she can order up a seafood tower with hog island, oysters and fresh clams or slurred. this the anchovy bar oyster shooter, one of the few hot dishes this anchovies purgatory is what they call it. there are any number of perfect wines to pair with your fish dish and ready for this. and showed the bar cream sundae. and showbiz candy anchovies, of course, anchovy bar raising the bar on the tiny fish that's both sustainable and sensational.

6:51 am

>> okay. of i know i was going to throw of what i will be she's living her best life out there. let's talk sport, ok, giants struggling around. and manager bob melvin is fed up. sports director jason dumas says that story. >> kron 4 sports. >> the giants have been struggling mightily. they've lost 6 of their last 8 games they looked to avoid the sweep in st. louis logan webb on the bump for orange and black keys. you leave the guy who can right the ship. >> cardinals got to him early. bottom of the first guys already down by a brendan dawn of it. he's been killing the giants all series long and he does it again here. a ground-rule double into left jenner and it's 2 nothing cardinals very next batter. one on for matt carpenter. he hits a flare right center that will fall for a base hit donovan scores that caps off a

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three-run first for the car. got a great day logan. top a giant down 2, for wilmer flores, the corner he hits a screamer into left, will hop over the wall for a ground-rule double. matt chapman scores giants scored chipping away. they would tack on another run on a sac-fly bottom of the frame. cardinals up a run. one on for former giant brandon crawford. he's a for ever giant. but right now he's wearing that cardinals read. run, comes into score on that hit into right. he gets the best of his former team. st. louis had the lead to 2. they going to win 5 to times have now lost 5 in a row. here's bob melvin had to say after going one in 5 on this >> it's not that let me win the game and then first game that we'll win after it's a bad road trip we have a lot going on. but so did these guys. so we we thought had a

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chance to stand. we're doing good early in the game. obviously we continue to do that against plating relievers. it's put pressure early in the game that we're having some trouble with. we do that yesterday. but >> last last. all that's a look at sports. >> 6.52, and coming up on the kron morning news. san francisco is on the top of a new list. and it's good news for college grads will have that story. canopy and join us wednesday night at 6.30, for our pride special hosted by kron 4 morning news. john stable this year. it's beacon of love. hi, i'm sally. i'm from phoenix, arizona. i'm a flight nurse on a helicopter that specializes in trauma.

6:54 am

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it's time to get away it's r and cash in atr me. cache creek casino resort. to rock and to roll. to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars. northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place to do as much... or as little as you want. make your getaway now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.

6:56 am

>> 6.35 right now and it's hot. and when it's hot, do not forget that your dog or other pet can be hot as well. maybe even suffer heat exhaustion. oh, i love it. just going to fountain here are the signs of heat stroke that you need to know in your dog. and that includes rapid panting, a dark red or purple tang. keep your eye out for that. also. >> thick and sticky saliva weakness, diarrhea, and vomiting. if you notice those signs, you've got to go get to a cool place. give your job little drinks of water and get them to the vet as soon as possible. ok? so let's talk about how we eat and covid with cannabis use has been linked to an increased risk of serious illness with people that have covid. that's what new study at washington university found covid patients who use cannabis in the previous year were 80% more likely to be hospitalized. 27% more likely to be admitted to the icu than

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patients who not smoked 6.56. and coming up in the next hour, their statehouse do not seen publicly since the fbi raided her home oakland. >> and the man accused of killing a store clerk in a robbery and expected in court today. we'll see winds facing. plus, governor newsom, state of the state address is going fo different this year.

6:58 am

6:59 am

>> it's disgrace is

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unacceptable. sent out 3 xy and you need to resign. now. >> well, now the problem morning news over residents rally over the weekend calling for mayor sheng thao to step down following fbi raid on her home. chaos and police are now investigating overnight shooting at a sideshow and an apartment fire. and a massive sideshow. europes early sunday morning stopped traffic on the bay bridge will talk more about that. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> turning back to work on this monday morning. and we're glad to started off with you. darya and i'm reyna in for james this morning. and the weekend was nice. this week is going to go into it is and we're filling a little cool down, which is nice. it got hot it was out for everyone. almost felt like. >> it was a toasty one on saturday. most especially yesterday. still warming today. still warm to. but we are rounding the corner and starting to

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.