Iowa City Press-Citizen from Iowa City, Iowa (2024)

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY-24, 1943 i i i.j i unfirrr.f JlNRODS I APARTMENTS it itrra rri imni a rwirrja mi trurM i itomi? irrTTfWiKWTrvns i MisijrAPiriViJo i FOR RENT Modern 8 room furnish TOR RAT.B Practically new Frigid Daily Lk ting Of Your Awctiwii Sale V. When It Cornea to PAINT We've Got Everything You Need I We've got what It takes from bright, durable house paints to magic mixes for walls and floors to makt your horns "llkf House Paint! Varnishes', Floor and Wall Enamels! One-Coat Flat Paints! and 2EOTTOM FLOWS i with FERGUSON HYDRAULIC CONTROL Now Available for Delivery in JOHNSON COUNTY, IOWA COUNTY, and WASHINGTON COUNTY, STILLWELLf 2U East Washington Street Iatar Ca (Ford Garage) Iowa City, Iowa Fsraieirs Reimdleriinig Wirlks AMIMA REMOVED FREE OF CHARGE State License No. 7 PHONE US AT OUR EXPENSE Fred Saxton, Oxford, Iowa Phone 122 or 74 W. J. Schalow, Oxford, Iowa Phone Red 143 BOTH INSIDE AND OUT1 JANMEY BEST-; THERE'S NOTHING BETTER AT ANY PRICE! See Our Excellent Line of Wallpaper Ill South Clinton Street Dial 7417, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING' NOTICE 1 8 1 1 loaned on diamond, watches, luggage, cameras, electric appiiancea, clothing, ate Reliable Loan Company, HO South Linn.

LOST AND FOUND L08T "Pointer, bark, body whits, 078. brown specks Reward, lb. over Dial LOST Whit gold no glasae near vicinity or Memorial union, Dial moo. LOST Wire haired and reddish brown co*cker Spaniel dogs. Phone Sharon 19 on 21.

FOUND-Pearl necklace Dial 1004. PERSONAL SERVICE HAVE Bptncer dealgnad espeelally for you. Mrs. Beat Adama. Registered Spencer Corset lera.

Dial 8463. CHARIS coraetlera, Dial 6612. Clella O. Goudy, PASSENGER SERVICE WANTED 2 pansengera to Houiton, Texas leaving February 23. References Writ F-2S Press-Cltiien.

WHO DOES IT WE'RE OUT In flash with the cuh for your old furniture, run. atovea, aewlng machinea, washing machines, vacuum cleaners. Bails man a. Dial 5318. PLUMBING, heating and repairing.

Dial 6870. Iowa city numbing com' ROOFING and snouting, air condl tlonlng and all types of heating. Schup- pcrt and Koutfcma. Dial 4640. ASHES, rubbish hauling.

Grove. Dial 4564. INCOME TAX SERVICE (20 years of accounting ana Income Tax Clauds M. Bplcer, 811 Iowa Stat Bank. jjiai iixi.

REFRIGERATORS our specialty. All makes cleaned and checked. Do It now before warm weather. Ted Conner, Plal 7660. BLECHA Transfer and Storage.

Local and long distance hauling. Dial 8388. INCOME Tax Service. Notary Public, typing, mimeographing. Mary V.

Burns, 601 Iowa State Bank. Dial 2666. DELIVERY Service, Dial 2914. Light hauling. REPAIRING Washing, sewing machinea.

vacuum cleaners. Open evenings. Dial 4995. INLAID linoleum, Inch linoleum, asphalt tile. Llnowall, window shades and Venetian blinds at Blackman's, 804 North Linn.

INCOME TAX SERVICE. Fred V. Johnson, 125 North Clinton Dial 7592. ASHES, rubbish hauling. Click.

Dial 4349. B. F. CARTER. Lawyer.

Over corner's on Washington Street Sneclal at tention to Income Tax and other kindred subjects. MOVING Dial 9698 and use the complete modern equipment of the Maher Bros. Transfer. THOMPSON Transfer. Dial 2161 for efficient moving service.

J. Whipple, Owner. INSTRUCTION DANCING LESSONS Ballroom, ballet, tap. Special children' work. Dial T248.

MlmlToud Wurin. i imriffflin-ri I NEW CLASSES START MARCH lat POSITIONS AWAIT TOU! mm 1) "Iowa'g Fastest Growing School" 203 Va East Washington Street WANTED WANTED to Buy Teeterbabe. 4446. Dial WANTED Corn ground. Dial 6449.

WANTED to Rent-6 to 10 acres of pasture with barn, In or near Iowa City. Clair E. Hamilton. 1 East Washington 8treet. Dial 8545 or 7510.

WANTED Stroller. nlngs. Dial 2524, eve- WANTED Corn ground west of city. Phone F. W.

Kutchcnwrlter, Sharon. WANTED 3 room furnished apart ment, utilities pam. Dial VIM. WE'RE OUT In flash with the cash for your old furniture, rim ilnvni aewlng machines, washing machines, re- iriBeraion. vacuum cleaners.

Ealtz- man s. uial Mis. WANTED to Buy-Nice 5 or 6 room nousein LongreiJow District Dial 9102, WANTED Room with board. F-22 Press-Cltljen, Write wanted to Rent Alto or tenor Saxophone in good condition. Dial 4937, TO RENT Farm.

Will pay cash rent. March 1st possession. Write F-23, Press-Citizen WANTED Hatching eggs, all varle- dn us at once, chicks twice week now. Hawk East Burlington. Poultry Farms, 19 WANTEEr-piumblng and heating.

Prompt service. Larew Dial 9681. BRING TOUR hide, to Bbulman and Markovlta. 721 South Capital. Dial 6136.

WANTED to Buy-Black Giant, Black Minorca, or Austrop co*ckerels, for tock. Hawk Hatcherlea, Iowa City. YOU 5" 5 aartment. Dial FOR RKNT Large furnished apart. ment.

Adults. Dial 2482. FOR RENT March lat. lovely down. stairs 8 room furatthed apartment Bath, refrigerator.

Adults. Dial 7Uil. FOR RENT Unfurnished or 4 room apartment Dial 9156. FOR RENT 3 room furnished enart ment, stoker heat, electric refrigeration Dial S42. 112 North Gilbert FOR RENT 8 or 4 room unfurnished apartment partly modern.

Dial 8117. FOR RENT Furnished apartment. 421 East Ronald. Dial 7918, after P.M. FOR RENT 2 mom furnished apart ment.

819 East College, FOR RENT First floor furnish" apartment. Close In. Dial (952. TWO ROOM furnished apartment for rent. Dial 846S.

FOR RENT 1 room furnished snarl. ment. All utilities paid. 818. Call at 717 East Jefferson Street, after 7:80 P.

East Apartment FOR RENT Downstair apartments 818 East Burlington. FOR RENT 8 room tinfurnlh4 apartment. Dial 9778. FOR RENT Furnished apartment, Reasonable. Dial 4459.

APARTMENT for rant above Labia. Dial 9386, MOVING Into apartment I Leave the responsibilities of making lone of short haul with your furniture ta our modernly equipped transfer (ervlee. Maher Bros. Transfer, HOUSES FOR RENT Furnished ho use. Close In.

Dial 4839. FOR RENT Modern 4 room borne, close to Longfellow School. Oarag. garden. $22.80.

Whiting and Wiegand. Dial 8728. FOR RENT room boose with gr den (pace. Dial 8192. FOR RENT room house, light.

water, gas atovt furnished. uarai en. Close to bu $15. Writ Preas-Cltlxen. FOR RENT Houses, and rooms.

In Coralvllle. No telephone. Inquire 213 South Madison, evening. FOR RENT Houses with gardens Dial 6275 or 823S, FOR BENT room modern bouse; room partly modern bouse; 2 room house with garden; 6 room onfurnisheol apartment Busby Agency. Dial FOR RENT 4 room house andgar age.

810. On Highland. Peter Kat Ing, Sunnyslde. FOR RENT Modern room bungalow. Dial S337, evenings.

FOR RENT New home, room and bath, newly furnished. Klrkwood Court 865. Dial 6448. vro svmt mm. close to town, university, garage, 840.

Dial 8894 or 6489. FOR BENT Bungalow with 4 acres on pavement mile north of town Phone 211 on 67, Solon. FOR RENT room modern home within walking distance of town. Garage, garden. $23, Dial 8723.

WbiUngT and Wiegand. FOR BENT 6 room partially modern home with large lot In East Iowa City, -820. Dial 3723. Whiting and Wiegand. FOR RENT Clean, comfortable 9 room furnished apartment.

Dial 2844, evenings. FOR BENT room house. Inquire Frank Patterson, 718 South Clinton. FOR RENT 4 unfurnished botuea, $30. 135, 860.

and 865 per month. 1. At Parden. Dial 6818. FOR RENT fl room' house ta Coralvllle.

March 1st possession. Dial 6937. FOR RENT 9 room modem house. Garage and garden. Dial 7442., ROOM modern bungalow for rent.

Garage attached. Immediate posses, slon. 1318 Marcy Street Dial 5238. FOR RENT- 6852. Furnished house.

Dial FOR RENT Houses and apartments all size. Whiting and Wiegand. Dial 8723.. FOR BENT 6 room modem house, stoker. Longfellow School District, Furnished or unfurnished.

D. Toomey. Dial 4812. CHOICE of homes and apartments for rent J. R.

Baschnagel and Bon. Dial 2177. FOR BENT 5. and room houses. Will furnish.

Dial 6977. LET CS transfer your furniture safely with our modern equipment to your new bouse. Maher Bros, Transfer. Dial 9696. FOR RENT 8 room modern house with garage.

Stoker heat Suitable for 2 apartments. Dial 8343 or 6588. REAL ESTATE ENTERING SERVICB-Will sell well rented house to investor. Write F-2S Press-Cltisen. FOR SALE 113 acre near Iowa Paved, road, good buildings.

Priced right. Possession March 1st See A. P. Sweeting or Roy G. Busby at the Busby Agency.

Dial 7550. FOR SALE 3 room modern home. Large lot. Longfellow District Dial 2428. -k FOR SALE 160 acre.

Good land, modem buildings. On rock mad. Electricity. Possession now. See A.

P. Sweeting or Roy G. Busby at th Busby Agency. Dial 7550. FOR SALE Farms.

R. Ranshaw, 130 South Dubuque Street FOB SALE Modern room home near Longfellow School. Garage, atoker. Well worth i the price of 33,750. Dial 3723.

Whiting and Wiegand. FOB SALE by Owner Modem house. Close in. Dial 4839. FOR SALE 8 room modern house WAter heat Garaaa and 2 lots.

Tree. Mrs. Mellle Lingo, Lone FOR SALE 4 apartment income prop erty. Close la. Price 34.000.

1 Dial 2177. Baschnagel and Son. FOR SALE Small acreaare. 8 room house, chicken bouse, fruit, cistern. Dial 5700.

FOR SALE Well Improved 90 acres on the edge of Iowa City. I. R. BASCHNAGEL DIAL 2177 FOR SALE Rut a In knlM -nn home on after the war" Lots are gains bow. Koser Bros.

FOR SALE or Rent Improved aere- sre. 7 miles east ot Iowa City. iDlal 5126, evenings. HELP WANTED WANTED A driver. DeLume Cab.

WANTED Tonne man or -ni-- 1.4- to sell shoes. Experience helpful. Kinney Shoe Store. WANTED Man and wlfa for e.f. mnA gas station work.

Age 30 to 60. John Rath, Alnsworth, Iowa. HELP WANTED FESHLE WANTF.n rn.v,-..v,- Coffee Tyme Cafe. .1 WANTFin 4 housework: Dial 4617" aire, t'i ft, special cold wall model, xwu. Dial zuvu.

TOR HALBii foot Nora refriger ator, bedroom suite, chrome dinette set. 9x12 all wool rue and Dad. radio, gate-leg table, dresser, throw ruga. Dial 827X FOR BALE Practically new Studio davenport with chair to maicn. uu 6338.

FOR RALE Good rang. F. J. Bont' rager, Kalona. HOUSEHOLD Furnishing for Sale Fr da re.

radio. Ding-pong taoie. uin tng room set, etc. 801 Rider Street TOR. BALK Piano, atudlo couch.

stoves davenport, lamps, rugs, other furniture, clothing. Dial 4245 or 8742. FOR SALE Daveno and chair. 6911. Dial FLAT TOP DESK for sale.

Plal 4638. NOTICE! Will buy any used aewlng machinea. washing mach blal 7417. frlgeratora. O.

K. Appliance. FOR SALE Baby's high chair, never osed. 14. 8x10 wool rug, Ma 7538.

ACTION SALE thl week In Salts- man Exchange Easem*nt. Bargains in good used furniture for every pur pose ana room in your oomw. stove. 8L49: gs tov with pilot itgnt. $9.96: coal and wood range, 119 96: bed davenports, newly covered, 819.96; occa sional rockers, 84.96: oak duiicc solid walnut eredensa buffet, n.o riv nie Ivnrv enamel dinette.

89.95 walnut finish desks. 69.96: dresser with mirror. 14 AS- wslnut finish bookcases, S3.95: kitchen cabinet, 89.96. Saltxmao' Furniture. 226 South Dubuque.

FOR SALE Gas stove, 110. Dlal894. FOR SALE Child' Dial 4242. bed and cheat WE'RE OUT In flash with the cash for your old furniture, rugs, atovea, sewing machines, washing machines, refrigerators, vacuum, clean era. Salts-man's.

Dial 6318. FOR 8 ALE Gas range and ABC electric washer. Can be seen at 919 East Washington. 1 FOR SALE Upright piano, hi good condition. Can be seen at Thompson Storsge Company.

USED FURNITURE Tables, Chairs, Bunk Beds, Beds, Springs, Sink, Chests, Rugs, Stoves, Commodes, Buffets, Radios, Washing Machine, Bedroom Set, Kitchen Cabinet, Book Dresser Bases, and many Items too numerous to mention. MORRIS FURNITURE COMPANY 215 South Clinton St Dial 7213 FUEL FOR SALE SO cord slab wood. In quire Leonard. Billman, milea from Hills on sand road. TAKE THEM OUT, OF THE PICTURE! Order Coal Now! DIAL 6464 J'OHNSTON COAL dOMPANY 425 East Washington St Practically AH Kinds and Types of COAL Still Available SHULMAN'S.

COAL i COMES CLEAN Keep the Home Fires Burning DIAL 6136 SHULMAN TO HOLD 'AN EVEN FIRE Buy TOP QUALITY COAL And Buy It mow. Be Protected Coal YODER DIAL 2812 See Below COMING SALES IN THIS VICINITY Be sure your eal date ts known by publishing it In this column. It will be run 16 DATS (minimum 16-Inch ad), 10 DATS (minimum 10-inch ad) abso lutely FREE, when you advertise your ssie in the rreee-citlcen. All sale lut ed her are now being advertised, or will be. In the Press-Citizen.

Watch for them! Almost 90 of all of the families In Johnson County now read the Press-Cltuten. Dally circulation more than 7900. Feb. 25 Mrs. Elmer Barkalow.

Big I Close Out Guernsey Cattle, Corn. Machinery. 11 A.M. 2H 8 Atallssa. Albln Gibson, Auc'ta.

0 Feb. 88 Joseph H. ft Stanley Miller. Close Out. 10:80 A.M.

8 Homestesd, or 16 Iowa City on No. 6, Geo. E. Parlxek, Auc't March 11 Geo. E.

Kile. Close Out. 11 A.M. 8 Hills: 6 West Liberty, mile off Hills-West Liberty gravel road: of No. on Muscatine-Johnson Co.

Line. Gibson, Albln Glaapey, Auc't. ITOn RAT.1R T4.1,f lnna tmv -lav- er and timothy mixed. John MathesN Konret jtoaa. FOR 8ALE Farmall F-20 tractor on new rubber and cultivator.

Celling price. Eugene Wiese, Lone Tree. FOR SALE Small sow. farrows May. Dial 6908.

FOR SALE Feedlna hoax, vaccinal- eo. rnone vsr a. FOR SALE 100 Whits Rock laving hens. Leal Hoffman. Route 4.

Xowa City. FOR boar. Ervin Llnlnger, orth Liberty. FOR SALE Team of work horses. weight 3000.

well broke. 2 row John ueere norse cultivator, witn 4-norse hitch. John Eckrich, Solon. HAWK'S SPECIAL This week's de livery only per hundred on day oia wniie kocks. wnite wysnaottes.

Reds, Barred Rocks. Buffs. Hybrids and Leghorns. Several hundred started chicks priced to sell. Hswk's Hatchery, in tturiington, lows city.

FOR 8ALK nr Rent sm-tlnn farm. Land and buildings good. March lat possession, write F-It Press-Citizen. FOR SALE 8-foot disc. 2 cultivators.

staix cutter, corn chopper, tanning mill. Dial 602a FOR SALE 8 yearling Angus bulls. 10 eleven month old bulls. Team smooth moutb mere, gentle workers. Phon 26F3.

FOR BALE Aberdeen Angus yearling bulls. Farmer' price. J. C. McCabe, Williamsburg.

FOR SALE 2-row 4 horse drawn John Deere cultivator with tongue truck nearly new. Team of black horse, 8 years. Leo Jlndrlch, Swisher, Iowa. FOR SALE 8 old Hampshire sow to farrow April 1, bred to Hampshire boar, long time vaccinated. 58 fall pig, Hampshire and Berkshire cross, vac cinated.

Team of work horses. 1 three year old mare, 1 yearling colt tons oaiea straw, white Larew, 3 mile west or worta Liberty. BEAMS FARM MEEDS Mason Jar Waterera Chick Feeders, 18' Galvanized Pipe 39c Roof Saddle $1.59 Defiance Harness, lVa" Harness Oil, gallon Collar Pads 59c 14" Steel Plow Shares $2.89 14" Soft Center Plow Shares 17" Cut Out Coulter Blades 18" Cut Out Coulter Blades $3.45 Drag Harrow Hook Drag Harrow Teeth Straight Lif Pump Jack with 13 h. p. Motor $48.95 Straight Lift Pump Jack with 12 h.

p. motor $54.95 40'x6" Drive Belt $17.50 SCxB Drive Belt $21.50 60'x6 Drive Belt $2550 95'x6'' Drive Belt $38.95 48'x6 Hammer Mill Belt $27.00 60x6 Hammer Mill Belt $32.95 70'x6 Hammer Mill Belt $38.95 48'x7" Hammer Mill Belt $32.95 60'x7 Hammer Mill Belt $38.95 WANTED HAVE Gsurdlena? Large or Small, in Person at DRUG STORE son er 3464. Dial 064S PAINT va (A lilt Buy Your' CANNING NEEDS Early! Just received a new shipment of assorted sized canning tins. PLAIN CANS No. 2, carton of 100.

No. 3, carton of 100 $4.95 lids No. 2, carton of 100..... I .75 No. 3, carton of 100 XU0 ENAMELED TIN CANS For Red Meated Vegetables and Fruits No.

2, carton of No. carton of 100.... 9.15 ENAMELED COVERS No. 2, carton of 100, .85 No. 3, carton of 100....

ENAMELED TIN CANS For Corn, Succotash, Etc No. 2, carton of 100. Today' want ad page was delivered to more than 7,900 homes hi Johnson county and adjacent counties. If you have something to buy, sell, or rent, tell people about it with an ad on this page. Dial 3181.

The cost 1s (mall. AOTOMOTTVE FOB tires. Street SALE 1937 Chevrolet. Good Inquire 821 South Dubuque FOR. SALE 1931 Chevrolet good driving condition, new ring, battery, uiai iou, aiier

FOR SALE 1939 Hudson Country Club sedan, practically new tires, radio and heater. 3676 cash. Dial 4761, FOR SALE-1935 Ford deluxe coup. Good condition, Lloyd Miller, Kalona. FOB SALE 1930 Model A Ford, first' class condition, good tires.

Dial 4048, WWII ID gB. FOB SALE Model A roadster. 5504. Dial WE WILL PAY CASH For Your Used Car, Truck, or Pick-up Before You Sell MANN AUTO MARKET 211 South Clinton Street (Next to Phillips 68) Dial 5116 or Dial 6470 Open Evenings Until Sundays 6 A M. to 12 Noon ROOMS FOR RENT Modern single or double rooms.

Free garage. Dial 5678. VTX BTWH 1 m.A I floor apartment' Frlgldaire, private FOR RENT Double or single front room. Working girls. 223 North Dubuque.

FOR BENT Room with cooking prlv-lleges. Dial 634 days. FOR BENT Double room, twin bed. Dial 7200. FOR RENT Single room.

Girt 12. Dial 7905. FOR BENT Light housekeeping rooms. Dial 8400. 703 Iowa.

irvT Wo- men, Oose In. Dial 6838. rOR RSNT-lllnrfn. Dial SW4. FOR BENT Sleeping moms, working Close In.

Dial 6534. FOR BENT Ver- mm. Dial 2017. 226 South Johnson. FOR RENT Double room. Vj Janney Best A Janney xvm BiT.IRltnnka. Comnlet set of Dickens, Shakespeare, Bulwerlyton, and 10 volume ot urownea masierpieeea literature. Will sell reasonaoiy. Also many other books at 25o each.

Dial 3660. von RALE McCrav meat display case and unit at sacrifice price. Dial 2002. FOR SALE Junior bicycle, gas stove. 3 singer canaries, 817 Riverside Drive.

BALL TIES Just received, as allot-ment Lenoch Cilek. FOR SALE-1 Whetstone's. galloa glass jug. FOR SALE Lumber, tractor, and compressor, Jack hammer, paving breaker, ropes, electric saw, electric drill. Atott, 18 South Van Buren.

FOR SALE row accord lan. Ilka new, 115. Electric motors, 14, VI h.p. Dial 9193, after 9:00 A.M. FOR SALE Bicycle.

804 East Daven- Port- FLOWERS AND SHRUBS FOR SALE Blooming; violet. 430 Ronalds Street CLOTHING FOR SALE Lady's winter coat, 14. Fur jacket, 85. Sweater, 82. Dial 2837.

LOANS INVESTMENTS 850 TO 82.000 loans on automobiles. furniture, farm tractor and Implements, and dairy cattle. Payment monthly, quarterly or semi-annually to fit your Income. Mo red tape, personalized quick service. Iowa City Realty Company, Suite 14.

Schneider Building. Dial 7933. INVEST Your Money 4 to 6 paid on first mortage on good city and farm property. He Joe uraverman, 2i East Washington. LONO TERM Federal farm loans.

tVtft Interest, J. Baschnagel and 8on. CASH' FOR INCOME TAXES Loans Up to $300 For Taxes, Fuel, Clothing Any Emergency or Necessity FEDERAL DISCOUNT CORPORATION AL FISCHER, Manager 2nd Floor First Capital National Bank Bldg. Phone 7323 L0J1TJS TO PIT IMCOUE TAXES 11 you have been enable to save op enough to pay your tax on March 15, investigate House-bold simple plan. Borrow all or part of your tax Instalment without endorser no credit Sn-quWes of friends.

21 pat "Intuit Tat IRtl Cmdf' jot it. ttnH prmn pmtt JOHNSON COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE 80 Acres Up to 200 Acres Modern houses, good buildings, hard roads, electricity. Some still available for March 1st possession. DIAL 2177 J. R.

BASCHNAGEL AND SON FOR SAJLR i arllta to hrnw anon. jjiai awe. FOR SALE Alfalfa ha v. aJaa elnvar mixed hay. Dial 6077.

FOR 8ALE Well-mated Strawherrr Roan team. 4 and year old, weight 8.000. Case tractor. Medium red clover seed. 60 bales of rd crop alfalfa hay.

Sam G. Hochstedlar. at milea southeast of Frytown, i FOR SALE John Deere mounted two row corn picker. Model 25. WiU fit late model tractor.

Chlnman and Son. Dial 6061. FOR SALE Coming 1 year old and ear old black geldings, well-mated, larold Ressler, Sharon. FOR SALE Good black mare. Dial 118-25F11.

FOR SALE Purebred Poland fhlnn fall boars, ton quality, vaccinated. Clif ford Idle and Son, Lone Tree, Iowa. FOR SALEi-4 draft horaea. Thomas Meade, Oxford, Iowa. FOR SXLE 8000 bales eood clover hay.

Dial 6079. FREE Promot removal of all dead stock. Call Collect 7374. day or night f-armer's Rendering Work. Iowa City.

CUSTOM Hatching Special For eggs set within 10 days, only 2e an egg In thousand lot, slightly more In smaller lota. We can handle any number any Wednesday or Saturday. Hawk Poultry Farm Hatchery, Iowa City. SUPERIOR quality White Rock baby and started chick bred for heavy egg production. Pullorura tested.

Electric brooders, feeders, waterera. "Rose Cottage" Hatchery, Riverside. FOR SALE Poland China fall boar and gilt. Prolific type, Arnold Olsen, West Branch. HAWK'S Started Chicks ready now.

Bargain price on this lot. We can also sav you money on Baby Chick. Hawk Hatchery. 19 East Burlington. FOR SALE Holsteln cows; 1 good yearling Guernsey bull: alfalfa and clover hay.

Ira Kline. West of North Liberty. Telephone 0918. FOR SALE Baled straw. 40c bale at barn, 10 ton orders at less, moved day baled.

R. 8. Cochran, Bouts 8. Phone snaron. HOME FURNISHINGS FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE -Now in Progress 100 All Cotton Mattress, -special 4 Box, Rolled Edge Crib Mattress 18 All Metal Utility Cabinet Double Da-Bed Pads, chintz covered, ruffled Unfinished Breakfast Set, drop-leaf table, 4 chairs Occasional Chairs and Rockers, matched pair Chair Rocker Boudoir Chair, chlnta covered, assorted colors $5.95 Many Other Special tema MORRIS FURNITURE COMPANY.

Dial 7212 215 South Clinton St WB MOVE a bnu fall i a furniture with our modern equipment Maher Bros. Transfer, Dial 8696. FOR SALE Wuhln mhl Dial 5449. FOR SALE West In ffhnnu A stove, conduit wiring, switch' box. Excellent condition.

Reasonable. Dial 7629. FOR RAI.l?S:.a THE HOME MIXED MASH for your laying hens. This laying mash employs the grains you have on your farm balanced with Big Gain 32 Poultry Concentrate. Our customers who have used this mash report quality production, good hatchability and profitable poultry.

Big Gain 32 Poultry Concentrate helps meet vitamin requirements and Is energized with concentrated sources of vitamins. Mix 200 lbs. ground yellow corn 200 lbs. ground oats 100 lbs. Big Gain 32 Poultry Concentrate.

The mash that contains proteins, Is reinforced in minerals and energized with vitamins, all this for no extra cost. P. G. Bayer and Son Bayertown North Liberty Elevator North Liberty Oxford Feed Mill Oxford MEM Dial 7194 Iowa City, Iowa FAMOUS NUTRENA FEED In popular print bags, makes the liveliest bunch of chicks you ever saw. It's Handy to Trade With Us MOBILGAS MOBILOIL r-uui'17 CHICKS VV'JtWn Stock Now! a tlSd Buy Ward's chicks the best for your money.

Ward's 2-Star chicks are from' U. 3l Approved flocks, blood-tested for pullorum, culled, and banded. Every chick hatched in a U. S. Approved Under National Poultry Improvement "Plan.

All chicks are warranted true to name and breed 11 every order Is guaranteed S0 alive In 14 days This year try Per Hundred 2-Star Chicks wards chicks! Choice of Breeds MONTGOMERY WARD FARM STORE Iowa City, Iowa FOR SALE Clover hay and Boone oat. Seth Elmen. Solon. FOR SALE Control seed cais Cook- Sisters, West Branch. FOR SALE Boone aeed oate.

8f germination and Duritv. Also red rlnv. seed. Rudolph Prybll. Slal 8(110 or FARMERS ATTENTION! A real bar gain.

80 acrea 3 milea from Lone Tf Excellent soil, with buildings. Price 10.000. low Land Company, Exclusive Agent. Dial 9634. FOR SALE Team of atmd hnnu Milton Edmonds, Tiffin.

FOR SALE Team sorrel nurea. and 9 Tears old. eentle. ft. Inn rill Company, Kalona, Iowa, Phon 95, I 43 I 8.03 9.66 746 1S87 10.07 16.04 12 54 18.17 14.97 25.38 19.78 31.58 24 6S 37.72 28.33 SOME GROUND YOU WISH TO MM" FOR A 8 jt 73 76 IN IM 7H 7- 17 13 40 i.24 XM J8 87.70 208 2 3JI.W $.1.4.

M.63 mm MJ60 1848 23.05 87.6V 96S0 45.5S 64 56 Payment include charge at Household's rate of 3 per month on that part ofa balance not exceeding $100 and 2 per month en that part of a balance in excess of $100. Thie rate is lea than the maximum prescribed by the Small Loan Law on loans of more than pay nothing more. 2nd FL, 130M East Washington Comer Dubuque St KotsUT, Mgr. Phone: 4727 Ims Af Hmrtr Ttmm Whether Tour Plot Is Dial 3175 or Call HETSTOMI Please Do This at Tour Earliest Possible Convenience ElOBE CLASSIFE1D3 OX PAGE 6 Dial 6S26. or working men.

Dial 7241.

Iowa City Press-Citizen from Iowa City, Iowa (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.